Status: somewhat active. Quizilla Rewrite.

The One That Moves Me

Food Fights make us friends.

"Jasey cut that out!" Nick bumped my side. We were sitting in a booth. Me and Nick on one side, Kevin and Joe on the other. Apparently Kevin thought putting me and Joe separate was better. Pfft. Silly guy, I think Nick isn't a fan of me. He hasn’t been decent to me since the moment he met me. That actually wasn’t very long ago, but still. I think it’s fair game to say Nick Jonas does not like Jasey Kale.

"What?" I asked confused. Now he’s just being mean. All I was doing was sitting next to him. Was I really that bad?


"You keep kicking me" He accused making me scowl.

"No that's Joe. My foot is minding its own." I glared back at him.

"Jasey I'm gonna tell mom!" Kevin pointed at me.

"Huh?" Is he referring to my mom or his?

"Oh gosh. Joe she's just like you. Doesn't even seem like we met her just last night." He rubbed his forehead.

"A good thing correct?" I smiled wide.

"Great thing. Means we already like you. The way you guys argue and everything." I couldn’t tell if he were being sarcastic or not.

"Speak for yourself." Nick mumbled.

"Awww." I pinched Nick's cheek. Wow Kevin was right. They weren't my idols anymore; it was like hanging out with old friends. "I like you too."

"Quit it" He slapped my hand away as the waitress came with our food.

"Can I get another Mango whachamacallit smoothie? Please?" I asked. She nodded and took my glass.

"I think you should know what you're talking about" Nick muttered. You'd think I'd get hurt by these constant remarks. After the shock that Nick Jonas really isn’t the quiet little thing I thought him to be, I chose not to let him get to me.

"Mmm ...nah. Wanna let me have a shrimp?" I asked, smiling sweetly.

"Sure" He threw one at my forehead. I blinked before eating it and flicking coleslaw I surely wasn't going to use for anything else, at his neck. Everything about coleslaw was disgusting, why'd she give me that crap? Stupid waitress.

"Gross!" He threw fries at me.

"Please" Kevin whined, "Lets not start." Too late, Bro. I grabbed my whole coleslaw cup and flung it on Nick. The whole freaking thing on him. Some managed to reach his face while the rest landed on his chest.

"Wowy you stinky" I squinched my face up and pointed.

"Oh I wanna play!" Joe squealed throwing his barbecue on me and planting a saucy rib in Kevin's face.

"Joe!" He growled stuffing his taco in his face, which Joe tried his best to gobble up. God, he was a fatty. I was more worried that he’d choke more than get angry.

I was laughing when the cocktail sauce went down my back. Followed by sticky tarter sauce.

"Gahh-rooss" I sqwuaked, wriggling seeing as the stuff was cold and felt disgusting. His smoothie was next to my hand so that went splashing into the face of Nick Jonas. We continued our fight until the waitress with my drink came back.

"Helloowww" Nick waved sweetly, smoothie dripping from his head, "Could I take that please?"

"I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you guys to leave." She grimaced. We scooted out the booth and started walking, food falling off of our bodies. I waved at the people staring at us, asking a few of them if they enjoyed their dinner.

"Umm. I would like this?" I pointed to my smoothie. She stared at me. "Thank yooouuu" I slipped it from her grasp and followed the boys out.

"Meal ruined" Kevin sighed as we walked across the parking lot to his car.

"Hey look at it like this. No bill! We ate for free!" I sipped my smoothie, looking on the bright side. At least one of us had to be optimistic, right? It was pretty obvious Nick wouldn’t be that one of us.

"I don't know about you guys, but I didn't eat anything" Mr. Downer looked at me. Real bright, Nick.

"I had a piece of shrimp thanks to Nick." I winked. He balled his fist, walking ahead of me and muttering to himself.

"Aww! Jasey has her smoothie!" Joe whined, getting right into my face, "Lemme have some!"

"It's mine!" I backed away, quickly, not willing to give up my smoothie. He may have been Joe Jonas but this was an Applebee’s smoothie. Has he no sense of priority?

"Please?" He screeched, resembling a bat.

"Ugh! Here" I let him down some.

"Now look at this!” Kevin began to rant, “You have to sit in my car like this. Jasey and Nick look the worst."

"That was a pretty nice battle Nick." I laughed getting half the smoothie I had before giving Joe some back from him. I gave him a look but he acted as if he saw something amazing in the bushes.

"Whatever. I won" Nick waved his hand at me.

"Whatever floats your boat" I shrugged.

"Okay" Kevin breathed when we reached the car, "Joe you don't have anything on your back right?"

Joe checked his backside. "Just this fine piece of -"

"Good. Jasey since you’re messy all over, you have to sit on his lap."

"Whhaa? He has a plate of nachos there!" The nacho cheese was still dripping making it look like gushy diarrhea from the front. Gushy orange disgusting smelling diarrhea

"But you have tarter all over your butt!"

"Exactly. Nachos and tarter sauce don't mix! C’mon Kevin! Think here!"

"Make it mix. Joe, get in. Jasey, on his lap. Nick, sit on a jacket." He ordered before getting in the car. When he started the car I guessed that meant no arguments. Fine then, Kevin.

"Have a seat ma'am." Joe smirked. I got nervous a little but hid it with a glare.

"Gross." I felt the cheese gush with the tarter as I sat, "Disgusting."

"Ohh it's not that bad." He teased, putting his hands on my hips, making me shiver a little. I hoped he didn’t notice. Instead, I responded with a comeback.

"Yeah, ‘cause I got a smoothie to sip on."

"Tease." He muttered.


"So I had fun." I laughed getting out of the car, "And I have a souvenir to remember the dinner I'm about to wash off." I held up my smoothie glass..

"Haha, yeah." Me and Joe were standing on my doorstep. I could see the lights on so it meant my mom was home. Boy, did I have a story for her.

"Thanks for inviting me. You coulda just given me my phone back, no questions or nothing." I admitted, looking down.

"No. I wanted to spend time with you actually. Glad you accepted.” He said. When I looked up at him, he was smiling. Ahh, talk about butterflies.


"I'll text you later okay?" He smiled. I returned it.

"Yeah. Night" I gave a tiny wave.

"Night, Jasey."

"Mommy I'm home." I called when I got inside the door.

"Kitchen!" She yelled back.

"I walked in, seeing her and Jose dancing to La Bamba. He seemed terrified, but not as scared as he was with me.

"Oh my gosh what happened to you?!" She shrieked, making Jose jump out of her arms and surprisingly landing on his feet.

"Dinner?" I guessed, shrugging.

"Is supposed to go in your mouth!"

I shrugged my shoulders again, " I missed. Now I have to shower. Mom, when I come back down I'm gonna tell you about my night with..."

"Ricky Martin?" She guessed, her eyes wide.

"Oh, ew. He's old now. No mom, the Jonas Brothers." Then I ran. You thought I was a fan? Check my mommy. I was at the top stair when she screamed with delight.

Excitement; It runs in the family.
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RIP. Brittany Murphy.<3