Status: somewhat active. Quizilla Rewrite.

The One That Moves Me

Bringing sexy back

'Sexyback' buzzed from my phone, signaling a new text from a certain Joe.


All week we've been texting each other. At work yesterday I accidently dropped a fish tank full of ugly little fishes when my pocket buzzed and scared me shitless. My boss, LJ, was pretty mad seeing as Perez Hilton wanted them. Good, I couldn’t stand that guy anyway.

I’d been at the gym all today today and just got out of the shower. As soon as I got in, my mom asked me to give the dog’s bath. Apparently, her and her boyfriend Francisco were going out and she wanted me to wash Jose, too. That wasn’t going to go over well. I love my babies, but her dog hated me. She also asked me to clean the pool so I just considered today my clean up day.

About to wash myy doggies

I ran up the stairs for my iPod and came back to plug it up to the sound system that controls the speakers in the backyard. I guess you could say my house is pretty nice sized. But the backyard is my favorite. We have enough room for our pool and still have lots of free space. On the far corner there's a little Patio Tent and a cobble stone path that leads it to the Barbecue island thingy.

Ohhhh, can I help?

He texted me back and it surprised me. Didn't a superstar like him have better things to do than help me wash dogs. Of all things to do on a Sunday. It made me smile to myself.


Heck yes. so can i?

Sure. Tell me when your close.

5 minutes away; see yah

He musthave been on his way already. I ran back to my room so I could get my bathing suit on. It would be stupid to try and wash Jaide and Gypsy clothed. I’d only end up soaked and freezing cold. Just as I was adjusting my top, the doorbell rang. I came down the stairs, pulling my curly hair into a ponytail.

"Hey." I opened the door to reveal Joe in a pair of skinny jeans and a green button up with the sleeves rolled up. I watched as he rubbed his hands together.

"Ummm. I feel overdressed." He smiled nervously. I saw the quick scan he gave me, feeling the blush come to my cheeks.

I laughed, "Just an eensy bit" I measured with my thumb and index finger, making us both laugh. " I have some extra trunks if you want."


"Yeah. My brother moved out to go to college, but he used to buy a lot of crap he never wore" I told him as he followed me up the stairs in my house.

"Nice house." He admired the game room where all the Guitar Hero and such lay.


We reached Jake’s old room, and I felt embarrassed. When he left for college, he left his room the way it was. That meant huge pictures of girls all over the walls like Tila Tequila. It could’ve been less embarrassing if the jack ass at least took the full naked ones off.

“Deepest apologies. Just so you know, me and Jake are not the same people. He got that perv gene from his own dirty mind” I told him so he wouldn’t think my family were perverts or something. The picture incident was luckily prevented, because that would’ve been two strikes against me. Not cool.

“It’s fine. My friend’s room is something like this” He laughed. It made it easier to bear that he was laughing. So he doesn’t thing I’m a pedophile after all. I grabbed the swimming trunks and left the room.

"Still play with teddy bears I see." He smirked, petting my one of my Valentine Bears once we got to my room.

“What can I say? I'm a kid at heart." I shrugged. I threw a pair of white and navy blue trunks at him. "Go Ahead and leave your stuff on top of the drawer. Or put them in the bathroom. I'll be in the backyard." I smiled and headed down.

Gathering all the shampoo and things for washing, I turned my iPod on and went out with Jaide and Gypsy.

"Ready to be clean you dirty girls?" I kissed their heads and set down the supplies.

"Do we have to wash that little thing in the cage?" I heard Joe ask from behind me. I turned around and did not look directly at his amazing body. Not very long, at least.

"Unfortunately. Either that or I can ask Kelsey to. She asked to have him today because she's watching baby cousins." I explained, looking at the bucket I was filling with water. I had to stare at something to keep me away from oggling his abs. Especially when I thought about how he acted when he saw me staring at the movies. Talk about irony; 'Sexyback' began to play on my iPod. I tried not to laugh.

"Sure. I just don't want him to potty on me." He smiled reallycute, "You can't bring sexy back with dog pee."

"Oh, shut up" I rolled my eyes while internally screaming. He laughed.

"So how do we do this?"

"I'm gonna warn you, they like to make it a challenge." I said with a smile as I tried to look him in the face instead of his unfaily hot mid-section. Agony I tell you.

And like I said, as soon as Joe turned the hose on, Jaide and Gypsy darted in different directions. I grabbed the bucket I filled up.

"Hold this " I told him before running into the house for the pack of hotdogs. The key to their hearts! I came back out with one hotdog in hand to give Joe and one for me to wave around. The rest of the pack was put in my other hand, behind my back.

"Here Gyps!" I called waving the piece of meat around and jumping all over the place, signaling for Joe to do the same. In an instant the dogs re-routed straight for us.
"Don't run." I told Joe seeing him get antsy. He didn't though. Nope, he threw the hotdog behind him so he wouldn't get ran over.

"Oh you are such a sissy." I laughed once the two were occupied with the hotdog pack I dumped in front of them. He grabbed the bucket and I hurried to grab the hose once they were on the last one.

"Now!" We soaked Jaide and Gyps before they knew it.

"Might as well let us wash you up, Hun" I got Gyps by her collar so she wouldn't run. Joe did the same to Jaide.

"Let’s try and keep this easy, Girls.”

I can say that was the most fun time I've ever had giving my dogs a bath. Me and Joe were running and splashing each other, dancing to the music blasting from the speakers, and chasing the dogs with water.

"Your clean! And beautiful!" I kissed Jaide. I was now soaked from head to toe and even had spots of shampoo on my shoulder and various places. Joe's hair was pressed to his face from the water as he lay in the sun in the grass. Hmmmmm; I got an idea. I grabbed the bucket filled with icy water from the hose. Quietly, I told myself as I stood over Joe, being sure that my shadow didn't block the sun. And splash! We have an icy cold (but still hot as ever) Joe Jonas, shivering in his skivvies.

"O-o-ohh-hh" He stuttered. "I'mmm g-g-g-onnna g-g-e-et y-you, J-j-ja-jasey." I quickly ran as he hopped up to chase me into the front yard. I made it to the end of the driveway, before his cold hand grabbed my arm. I screamed out of surprise.

"Sorry!" I squealed. But too late, he wrapped his arms around me and squeezed his cold body against mine. "Ahhh! Joe your freezing. Let me goooo!"

"Warm me up. It’s your fault" He smirked. I tried to squirm away but it was no use. He let go when I began to I myself began to shiver.

"Y-y-you j-j-ja-jerkk." I stuck out my tongue, walking away from him into my house, acting like I didn’t hear him calling after me while I smirked.