

Camaron woke in the morning to someone's voice in her ear. The voice was soft and gentle and every time they exhaled the warmth of their breath gave her chills, “Come on, lass. Time ta get up.”

“Five more minutes,” she groaned, rolling away from him and pulling the plaid tighter against her.

He chuckled, “That's what ya said five minutes ago, lass. We have got to get goin' if ya want to get to Castle Fraser.”

Rolling over she looked up at him, glaring, “You're an evil bastard. It's barely light outside and you want me to get up.”

“Tis the best way to travel. Ye can rest when we get ta town.”

Groaning she got up slowly, “Fine, but when this whole witch hunt thing is over I want to at least sleep in a bed one night before we get back to Duart Castle. Sleeping on the ground is ridiculous. I'm all for camping but not roughing it without sleeping bags.”

Drustan just watch, a look of amusement on his face as she grumbled. She tossed the tartan at him and he caught it before it hit his face. “You're so lucky that I'm not a violent person or I would have kicked you in the face for waking me up.”

“I woulda loved ta see ya try, lass.” He chuckled as he quickly folded the plaid and replaced it in the pack before pulling out the dress she had worn yesterday and tossing it at her. “Put on yer dress.”

“God! Would you shut up already? I know we have to go but can't you give someone at least two minutes to wake up before you start barking orders?” She snapped at him before looking around, “Where can I go to the bathroom at?” He shrugged. “Fine, I'll hold it. And why do I have to wear this dress again?” She asked as she stood up and stretched, turning her back to him at the same time.

“Tis because people are already gonnae think yer deranged by the way ye talk. If yer at least wearing a dress it willnae be so bad, but wearing mens breeches and a léine they'll think yer a hoyden.”

She would have glared at him if her back wasn't to him but decided that she didn't need his help dressing. She pulled the laced as tight as she could before turning back to him.

“Yer dress is gonnae fall right off of ya.”

“I don't care.”

“Ya will care if it falls off I and I see.” He gave her a smirk. “Ya can keep it like that if ya want.”

Growling she turned her back to him again, “Fix it then, you pervert.”

He chuckled and pulled the laces tighter and tying them before turning to his horse and mounting it.

“How much longer until we get to Fraser?”

Drustan looked thoughtful for a moment before saying, “Three or four hours if you donnae dally.”

“Alright,” she gave a nod approaching the horse and looking up at Drustan. “Mind giving me a hand?” She asked her hand extended to him.

He grabbed it and pulled her up with ease before saying, “If ya need to stop lass just tell me.”

“Just get moving, MacLean.”

x – x – x – x – x

“Finally!” Camaron exclaimed when she saw a large castle coming into view. “When we get there get us into a room so I can use the bathroom. I'm going to explode if you don't.” She ordered.

“Donnae order me around, lass. Ya have been barking demands at me since we left camp and I willnae have it anymore. Yer uncomfortable but there is no need ta treat me like yer whipping dog.” He growled at her, obviously becoming annoyed with her demands. “Alexander Fraser is a friend o' mine and I donnae wish for ya to be disrespectful ta me in fron' of him. Understand, lass?”

“Fine, I'll be good but I need a bathroom right now or I'll die. Please hurry up.” She pleased.

Drustan hurried the horse along to a faster trot as he explained, “We are to go to Fraser Castle. I will speak to Alexander and ya can use the garderobe.”

“Okay, that's great. Fantastic. Now get this thing moving faster.”

Kicking the horse a kick in the side it took off faster that Camaron would have thought and she clutched onto Drustan's waist. Holding onto him so tightly that her breasts were pressed against his back and her face buried in his neck. “YOU'RE GONNA KILL US!” She screamed.

“Nay, lass. Ye wanted me to go faster. I am just obeying yer demand.” He laughed as he urged the horse on faster until they reached the walls of the castle and slowed down so they were in the middle of the open court yard. “Faster enough for ye?”

Camaron let out an outraged screech and punched him in the side, “You asshole!”

“Watch yer language, lass.” He told her as he dismounted the house and lead it over to a trough full of water and horse feed. He didn't bother securing it as maid came scurrying out of the main doors.

“Drustan MacLean,” the maid said with a laugh and a shake of her head. “Tis been a long time since ya showed yer face here.”

“Aye. I must speak with Alexander. Is he in?”

The maid nodded, “In his library,” the maid looked over at Camaron. “Are ya not even ta say good morn to me, Anise?”

Before Camaron could reply that she wasn't Anise, Drustan signaled her to not say anything. “Anise died a year ago, Millie.”

Millie's expression turned sad as she touched Drustan's arm, “My condolences.”

Drustan just gave a nod of thanks before saying, “This is Anise's cousin, Camaron.”

“Camaron Camaron?” The woman asked with a smile, “Such an odd name.”

“Nay, tis Camaron Gatewood. Tis Anise's cousin through her mother.” Drustan explained easily. Camaron noted he probably had a lot of experience lying. “Millie would you show Camaron to a garderobe. She has been naggin' me since the wee hours of this morn for one.”

The maid giggled, “I will take her to freshen up then. Ye know where the library is Drustan, Alexander will be overjoyed ta see ya.”

The maid led Camaron in the opposite direction of Drustan once they were inside the castle. They went up the stairs while Drustan stayed on the main floor.

“I am sorra for callin ya Anise back there. Ya just favor her so much ya could be her twin.”

Camaron just nodded, “Everyone has mistaken me for her.” She tried to refine her language. “Drustan dam-- I mean, I gave Drustan a fright then he first saw me. He thought I was Anise and tried to cart me off before I had a chance to explain myself.”

Millie laughed, “Aye, sounds like Drustan. The garderobe is this door. I will wait and take ya ta Drustan and Laird Fraser.”

She nodded and rushed into the garderobe, she made quick work of using the bathroom and exited a few moments later. Millie was still waiting for her and while they walked back she struck up conversation, “Were are ya from? Ya don't sound like a Scot lass.”

“I'm from a small town in England.” Camaron told her, remember what Drustan had told other people.

“This is the Library,” Millie said. “It was nice meetin' ya, lass.”

Camaron smiled at her as she walked away and sighed, looking at the door. Raising her hand she knocked and was called in.