
aon dheug.

Entering the room she saw Drustan and Laird Fraser standing face to face near a window. Laird Fraser was about Drustan's age, he was shorter by about two inches but just as muscular and fierce looking. With short red hair, hazel eyes, and an air of complete power surrounding him, Camaron knew he was a man many people would regret messing with.

“Och, I am glad ya warned me of her Drustan,” Fraser said, studying Camaron's features just as she had done to him. “She is the spittin' image of Anise.”

“Aye, tis frightenin'.”

“Its nice to make your acquaintance, Laird Fraser.” She stuck her hand out to shake his on reflex.

He smiled at her and took her hand, when he kissed her knuckles she almost yanked her hand away. “Alexander to ya, m'lady. Drustan told me briefly of yer problem and I wish ta help. No need ta maintain the charade in front of me.”

Camaron looked over to Drustan, “He knows everything?”

“Aye, lass. Alex isnae one ta scare easily.” Drustan told her. “He is gonna tell us where some witches may be.”

“They come to me for asylum against villagers who would otherwise kill them. Most are just gypsies but some dabble in things best left alone.” Alexander told her. “I generally donnae believe in witchcraft but I dinnae believe his original story. The one where yer Anise's cousin.”

“But everyone else believed it.”

“I know all of Anise's cousin for I am one of them.” When Camaron's jaw dropped Alexander smirked. “Aye, why else would a young girl be unattended on other lands?”

“But I thought you saved her from a wild horse?” she asked, turning her attention to Drustan.

He nodded, “Twas before I found out she was my ward. I told ya lass that Alexander and I have been friends for a long time. He thought it twas best I keep her as my ward for a year while he went oversees. I had paid no attention to her until she fell from the horse because I felt no need to.”

“Why didn't you tell me to begin with?” Camaron snapped at him. “Then we wouldn't have to find this all out now. What other skeletons are in your closet? Got a twin around here somewhere? Or a crazy aunt that might come at me with a pitchfork because they think I'm the dead walking?”

“Nay, none of those. Though ya did nay ask about Anise.”

Alexander cleared his throat, “Are the two of ya quite done with yer lovers' spat? There are more important things that need tendin' to.” When he had both of their attention he said. “Her name is Alastrina. She is the only I know of who may be able to help you. She lives about an hours ride from here.”

“We will venture there on the morn.”

“Then yer to stay here. I will have Millie ready rooms for the both of ya. While that is bein' takin' care of we will have our midday meal.”

x – x – x – x – x

“You know what I hate?” Camaron asked as she and Drustan walked up the stairs after supper.

“What, lass?”

“Men of this century. Everyone single one of them was looking at me like I was a piece of property or the completely acted like I wasn't in the room.”

Drustan shrugged, “Tis the way things are, lass.”

“The sad part about it is, it doesn't change for about 550 years and even in my time some men think that women are property. Something to be obtained, used, and then discarded with the morning trash. Its stupid and repulsive and I'm glad I'm going to get to go home.”

“Might, lass.” Drustan corrected. “Donnae get yer hopes up because then ye'll nag me when ya find out that ya cannae.”

“Do you view woman as property Drustan?” She asked, completely ignoring his statement. When he just shrugged Camaron grabbed his arm to stop him and forced him around to look at her. “Seriously, are woman just something to be thrown away to you?”

“I donnae know, lass.”

“How can you not know?”

“What would you like to hear, lass? That woman are my belongings and that I donnae care what happens to them after they leave me? That I revere them?” He asked, hissing the words angrily. “I cannae lie to ya and I willnae have ya angry at me for my answer. This isnae yer time and things are different. I willnae partake in this conversation anymore. Good night, lass.”

He pulled his arm way from her and stormed down the hall. She stood there until she heard a door slam and she sighed before continuing onto her room.