
dà dheug.

The sun was just rising when Camaron met Drustan by the excessively large doors of the castle. He wore a plain expression and didn't even say good morning to her as he lead her out to the stables and began to saddle his horse.

When the horse was loaded down he spoke, “I packed food for the trip and weel eat on the way.”

“Why are we leaving so early. I thought Alex said it was only an hours ride from here.”

“Because weel still have ta find her, lass. If she is a witch she will be known in the area for her ways, we will have to ask around about Alastrina the Witch and then convince her to help you.”

“And if she doesn't want to help me?”

“Coin buys a lot of things, Camaron. She will help you if she is able to.”

Camaron nodded and frowned slightly, unable to ignore the nagging voice in the back of her head telling her that the witch wouldn't be able to help.

When Drustan mounted the house Camaron did too, getting behind him and wrapping her arms around his waist. He urged the horse forward and it immediately went into a quick trot.

Camaron was quiet the journey to the little town, she just watched the scenery go by as she kept her head rested against Drustan's back listening to his heartbeat. “Yer awefully quiet back there, lass. Ye usually have nagged my ear off by now. What is botherin' ya?”

“Nothing, just thinking.”

“Aboot what?”

“About the fact that if she can't help me I'll have to get use to horses and garterrobes.” And you, she thought to herself with a sigh.

“'Tis not as bad as ya think. Ye'll learn how to deal with these things if ya have ta stay and I weel teach ya if I have ta.”

“Thanks Drustan but its not just that. I miss my family and my friend. They'll never know what happened to me and probably wont ever stop looking for me and if they do its because they will think I'm dead.” Sighing, “And on the off chance that I can go home how the hell am I supposed to explain where I was. If I tell them the truth I'm definitely gonna get thrown in the loony bin.”

“Donnae worry aboot it until then, lass. For now ya do nay need to worry about such things. Once we speak ta the witch and she has said her piece, then ya can worry.”

She nodded against his back and just continued to look at the scenery until they entered the small town and she lifted her head to look at the people who were bustling about. Drustan stopped the horse and called a man over to him, talking in Gaelic Camaron assumed that he was asking about the witch.

The man shook his head and turned away, “He doesn't wish to speak aboot her.”


“He fears she'll curse him.,” Drustan replied. He dismounted the horse and when Camaron went to do the same thing he stopped her. “Stay with Stomper.”

Camaron watch him as he went from person to person, asking for information about the witch. She notice when one of them gave him useful information he handed them a coin. After only about ten minutes he came back to the horse. “She lives just out side of town to the east. They say the shack she lives in is run down and we will know when we get there.”

He didn't mount the horse though, he took the reins in his hand and began to walk the horse through the town. Camaron sat there looking down at him and frowned, wondering why he didn't just get on and rush them over instead of walking at a snails pace.

When the cottage came into view she couldn't help but smile a bit, knowing that this woman might he her ticket out of this situation.

Drustan stopped the horse and let go of his reins, allowing the horse to much on the grass the surrounded the area. Camaron dismounted and followed Drustan up to the door which was nothing more than a piece of ragged wood that was barely holding onto its frame.

The door slowly opened to reveil a woman, she was an older woman with graying black hair and dull brown eyes. She was dressed in a ragid dress that was covered with a shawl. “What da ye want.”

“We have come seeking help,” Drustan said. “Laird Fraser sent us.”

Looking them over the woman stepped out of the way of the door and allowed them entrance. “I may be able to help ye. “

Camaron followed closely behind Drustan into the little cottage, hoping with everything that was in her that the old woman could help.