
dà dhà

Phoenix, Arizona
May 2009

“You told that psycho psychic that about me, didn't you?!” Camaron accused as as stormed around her apartment. Ever since she had left the Physic shot she'd been yelling, freaked out by what the woman had told her.. By what the woman knew about her.

“I swear I didn't!” Diana told her, her voice pleading. “I never even spoke of you to her.”

“Then how did she know!?” Camaron yelled. “You're the only one I ever told about those feelings.. My mother doesn't even know.”

“I told you she was a real psychic but you didn't believe me.” She scolded, “I would look up this Drustan whoever and find out who the hell he was.”

“Where the hell would I even start? I know his name and that he was a Scottish warrior. Ooo, I bet there have been thousands of Scottish warriors!”

Diana thought for a moment, “Let me use your computer.”

“You want to check your email at a time like this?!” Camaron yelled, ready to lunge at her friend and hit her a few times over the head.

She shook her head, “Google. We can totally Google him. Google knows all.”

Both woman rushed to the computer and once it was booted up and the internet loaded Diana typed in a mixture of words and nothing important came up. Just a bunch of people's social networking profiles and news articles.

“Try typing something about murder and lover and stuff. Maybe that will work.”

Diana did as Cam suggested and different links popped up, “Oh my god! I think that's it!” D exclaimed as she clicked on a link and it brought her to a website which had a very small paragraph which said, “Drustan MacLean was a fierce warrior for the MacLean clan who warred with many of the surrounding clans. In 1407, it was written that his lover was murdered at the hands of the MacGregor in an attempt to kill Drustan MacLean.

Under the short paragraph it said in bold letters, “'Legends of the MacLean' complete copy not sold in stores. Click here to by now for $49.99.

“That's it? You've got to be fucking kidding me,” Camaron groaned as she let her head fall against the desk..

“Hey, I got you into this mess so how about I buy you the book and have it rushed overnight? I mean, its the least I could do since I made you come with me to that past regression.”

Camaron looked at her friend before she nodded, “You know how I am, DeeDee. I get really spazzed when I can't figure something out and I want to know how that woman knew what she knew and how this man is associated with me. I mean, she could have read the legend and decided that she would trick some innocent person to freak them out.” She looked down ashamed before her eyes looked back up into Diana's, “It's really working though. I'm really scared to find out something.”

“Don't worry. We'll figure this all out. Click that damned button so I can buy it and you can figure out your past life.”

Except Camaron didn't know how much this book would change her life.

x – x – x – x – x

The phone was ringing.

Camaron pulled her head off her pillow and groaned, it was just past three in the morning and she couldn't figure out why anyone in their right mind would be calling her.

She picked up the phone and tried to muster the most “I was awake” voice she could, “Hello?”

“Is this Ms. Camaron Gatewood?” An accented man's voice asked from the other line.

“Yeah, this is she.”

“You recently ordered a copy of 'Legends of the MacLean'?”


The man made an “Mm-hmm” noise before asking, “I would like to inform you that the version we are sending you is old. Our newer copies are being printed and I see that it shows you need this book over-nighted.”

“Yes,” Camaron sat up and shoved her hair out of her face. “It's really important that I get the book as soon as I can.”

“I see. Well, as I said the copy we are sending you is quite old.”

“I don't care, it has the ledge about Drustan MacLean right?”

She could hear the man typing before saying, “Yes.”

“Oh thank god,” she sighed and fell back. “Well then as long as it has that then everything is okay, honestly its the only reason I spent that much money on a stupid book. So I should have it by tomorrow then?”

“We are already packaging it and sending it off with the courier to be given to the mail service.”

“Coolio. Okay, well. I will let you go and thank you for calling me,” she told the man pleasantly even though she wasn't all that pleased. Who called to tell a person they just spend almost $70 on a book that was probably missing pages and falling apart.

The man didn't say anything and just hung up, and Camaron set aside the phone and rolled over. Soon she would be able to know what the psycho psychic was talking about.

And as she fell to sleep she dreamed of a tall and strong man, one who had inky black hair and piercing blue eyes that spoke to her about love, marriage, and children.

x – x – x – x – x

The book arrived by special courier at just before six o'clock the next evening, Camaron expected UPS to deliver it but when the bicyclist standing in front of her door held out a package she took it reluctantly and thanked him before closing the door.

She quickly tore the plain brown wrapper to show a book that was indeed very old. The book was leather bound and had an odd smell to it, the leather was faded and frayed and coming apart in some places. Camaron carefully set the book on her table and opened it, the spine was stiff showing that the book had obviously not been opened for some time.

“Jesus, the guy hadn't lied when he said it was old.” The pages in good condition but the writing was faded in some places. She flipped a few pages to see there was no Table of Contents and sighed, she could have to read the entire book to find the one itty bitty section she wanted and with her luck it would say nothing else besides what it had told her on the website.

Camaron sat down at the table and began to read, getting caught up in the tales of wars and love, of spiteful Kings and righteous Queens. It was sometime after eleven when she finally found the first mention of Drustan and began to read.

“First born son of Lachlan Iomhar Maclean, 7th Clan Chief of the MacLeans, Drustan was born on the Winter Solstice in the year of our Lord 1379. It was 1403, when his father passed leaving him Clan Chief. Drustan took hold of the title and lead the MacLeans' fiercely, leading them into battle and returning as the victors.

"It was in just after Beltaine in year 1406 when he met a fair maiden by the name of Anise Camaron. It was told that her hair was like silken fire, her eyes were as green as the summers grass, and her skin fair and soft. It wasn't long until Drustan and the fair maiden became lovers, and it was known throughout the Clan that the maiden held more than just his scent on her skin. She held his heart in her hand and it was said that he held hers. Only when Drustan and the maiden became lovers was it that Drustan became a fiercer warrior, able to defeat half a clan entirely on his own.

"Word spread of his maiden and rival clans began to believe that as long as the maiden held his heart he was immortal, that no sword would be able to kill him. Anise's death came early in April when the MacDonald's were able to breech Castle Duart and enter her bed chamber. Drustan returned three days later, distraught over the news of his lovers death,he saw that with his dying breath he would avenge his love and not let her death go unpunished.”

“That's it?” Camaron growled. The only thing the book had told her was the she shared the same features as Anise and that her first name was the same as her last. “No death date? No marriage announcement? God this book sucks!”

She re-read the page, before going onto the next one to see a small hand written note in the margin and frowned as to why someone would write in such an old book. She turned the book so she could read the words the right way before saying aloud, “Death and rebirth have separated us, through time we are divided, but forever our love will last, and now it will bring us together."

“Great,” she muttered. “Now people are writing sonnets in crappy $50 history books.” Just as those words left her lips the lights in her apartment began to flicker and the room began to shake. “Oh my god. Earthquake.” She grabbed the book and the room began to spin, wind picking up lose papers and spinning them around them room.

“Oh my god! I've been cursed!” she screamed as her apartment became a big black void and she felt like she was falling.