

He motioned her to follow him when he left the room once again, she trudged after him, her bare feet cold on the stone floor as he lead her down the hall and to another plainly marked door.

This room was his study, which was plain to see when she saw the shelves of unmarked books and desk sitting at opposite ends of the room, the desks facing the books. Several sets of windows sat behind the desk, letting in the morning light. Her attention went to the book on the desk, she could see it fit in with the rest of the books that surrounded the room.

She rushed over to it and hurriedly flipped it open, flipping through what she had already read in the book and to the page that was dedicated to Drustan. “See,” she told him, turning the book to him and pointing to the text.

He glared at the page a moment before scoffing, “I cannae read English, lassie. I may speak it well enough but I can nay read it.”

“Is there anyone who can? Its all about you and it talks about Anise.” She told him, “I'd read it to you but I want you to actually believe what I'm saying and not just pulling it out of thin air.”

He thought for a moment before heading towards the door, “Stay there, Lass. I will find my Uncle.” He exited the study, leaving the door wide open..

Camaron sighed and collapsed in the chair, setting her head against the pages of the book, she still felt she could use some sleep but knew that she couldn't until she figured out what the hell was going on. She needed to get uncursed and go back home before someone realized she was missing and thought she'd been kidnapped, killed, and thrown in a ditch.

She sat up quickly when she heard voices coming down the hall, she looked towards it to see Drustan walk in with an older man. He was no older than fifty with dirty blond hair that was graying near his temples. He had friendly blue eyes and a bushy mustache. He wore black tights, a tunic that was covered by a dark red jacket that had puffy shoulders.

“Lass, this is William Rawnsley, my uncle.” Drustan motioned towards the man, “Uncle this is Camaron Gatewood.”

William examined her, “But she looks identical to Anise. It has to be her.”

“I'm not Anise!” Camaron snapped, tired of being compared to the woman she had never met. She found it insulting, everyone and their mother was going to stare at her and call her Anise.

“She is nay Anise, Uncle.” Drustan repeated, “She has proof but I cannae read the English text she has.”

William looked over, “May I?” he asked, approaching the desk cautiously, looking over the page. “Would you like me to read it to you, Nephew?”


William read the page aloud and when he finished Drustan asked, “What type of book is it?”

“A history book, a crappy one because it doesn't even say when you died or anything. It's like your part is only half finished.” She stated, “But it proves that I'm not Anise besides the fact that she's dead. How could I have a history book that has people in it from the 16th century. Hell it's only the beginning of the 15th.”

“I believed you before Lass.” He turned to his uncle who was examining the book intently. “Thank you, Uncle. Please give us sometime alone.”

He nodded and began to walk about, the book in his hand as his eyes scanned the page.

“HEY! Thats my book! You don't have permission to read it.” She yelled at him, thinking of the fact that he could use some of that information in the future to change history.

“I will bring it back, my lady but for now I am intrigued by it and wish to keep reading. When you finish talking with Drustan you are more than welcome to find me and take back your book.” He explained before completely leaving the room and closing the door.

She turned back to Drustan and glared, “Whats so important that we have to talk alone?” She snapped at him.

“Tell me about how you came to be here. I wish to know.”

“Its nothing special. A crazy old lady told me that I was some girl who had been murdered very young because of my young, Scottish warrior lover. I didn't believe her because really, the odds of me having the soul of some poor girl like that are unlikely but she said somethings that scared me and I looked into it.”

“What did she tell you?”

“She told me my deepest, darkest feelings that I hadn't told anyone but my best friend. It scared me.” Camaron admitted, adverting her gaze. “Anyways, I found that book online and bought it. It came, I read it, and then POOF here I am in the 15th century with a tall and brooding man calling me his lover.”

“You cannae blame me for that, lass.”

“The hell I can't! I was brought here because some old lady cursed me because of you and your souls eternal struggle with the death of Anise. I mean, hello why else would she have said that you hadn't died. She obviously was talking about your soul. And then you, being the medieval brute you are, felt it was your right to physically assault and molest me. Then you decide to be even more brutish and --”

Camaron's rant was cut off when Drustan grabbed her and pressed his lips to hers, this time not letting her have the chance to turn away. He kissed her commandingly, with as much passion as he could. Camaron felt her breath leave as she stiffened, he responded to her stiffness by pulling her against his body and kissing her deeper.

Her body welt like it had been hit by a lightening bolt in that moment, her body sizzled and heated all over. It heated more when his hands slid to her backside and pulled her so she could feel the evidence of his arousal against her belly. She lost all stiffness at the feel of him against her as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back.

She felt Drustan smile against her mouth as he continued the kiss, plundering it more thoroughly. His breathing became heavier as he fisted the skirts of her dress and began lifting them until they surrounded her waist and his hands moved to grip her back end, this time his skin coming in contact with her soft skin.

He moved his hips against her in a gentle rocking motion right before lifting her so that she had no choice but to wrap her legs around his waist so that his erection was nestled in the juncture of her thighs.

Camaron gasped into his mouth as he rocked against her and she knew in the moment she would give up the nun-like life she was living and let him take her.

A person cleared their throat came from the doorway had Camaron out of her lusty daze in moments and jerking away from Drustan. She unwrapped her legs from his waist and pulled away so quickly she bumped into the desk and hit her elbow.

She looked to see one of his men standing in the doorway with a rather amused look on his face, “What is it Murray?” Drustan asked, his tone flat. It was obvious he was annoyed.

“I was ta ask if ye wanted to spar with me but I can see the wee lassie is nay done with ye yet.” There was a playful twinkle in his eyes as he spoke, he was amused by Drustan's annoyance.

“Ye already interrupted. Leave and I will join ye below.”

Murray nodded to Drustan's words and looked back at Camaron, “Good day, Lassie.”

When Drustan turned his attention back on Camaron she was fuming. Her arms were crossed at her chest and her right foot tapped at the ground, “What are ye mad at now?” He asked, exasperated.

“You took advantage of me you brute,” she growled, glaring at him more.

“Nay. I only kissed ya lass. Yer the one who responded which told me to keep goin'. If ya dinnae like it then why did ya kiss back?”

Camaron's glared with as much malice as she could, “Shut up you medieval brute. You wouldn't recognize a woman kissing you back even if she was kissing something besides your lips!”

He rolled his eyes, “Aye, lass. I would nay recognize that ya lust for me even now.”

She let her jaw drop at his jab of an insult. “You... you... UGH!” She stomped towards the door and slammed it on her way out.

Drustan shook his head and ran a hand through his hair.