Status: still writing

Soda Skye

Alcoholics Anonymous

"Hi my name is Soda Skye, I'm thirteen and a recovering alcoholic."

"Hi Soda Skye" the group of thirty and forty somethings said.

I knew what they were thinking."She's just a kid,she don't know nothing 'bout all the pain I'd

been through."

But what took these "anonymous" strangers years to do I'd done in a single semester. 'Cuz

see while most kids were sluggin a soda I was poppin brewskies and bangin body shots.

To think last year when I was twelve I had straight A's and was daddy's little girl.But almost

to the minute I turned thirteen I well filled out and trust me did the guys notice.Especially

Hayden the captain of the football team and my dream guy.But when I started to hook-up

with him my life went in a downward spiral.

Straight A's turned to F's and I went from daddy's little girl to daddy's little disowned


So.... "Hi my name is Soda Ske and this is my story."