Status: Lots of updates, when I get awesome comments!

Half Vampire, Half Rockstar

The Past

I sighed happily, as I felt all the power of my body. Going faster than sound always got my mind cleared. Well, at least the part that I can’t control, like hearing the soft thump of a heart, I stopped in a crouch, my lips pulling over my teeth in a smile, as I was absorbed into the half that I was always struggling to control.

It felt so good, and so right

I let the rumble in my chest build as the animal that was lapping from the creek jerked his head up and growled, going into a crouch. I always liked a battle, even though the fully grown mountain lion had no chance of surviving. I growled, very assertively, that always gets the dumb beast mad.

It sprang, I, being much faster, stepped to the side, into a crutch in less then a second, by this point it was furious. I felt the burning peak, as I smelt more coming. I growled, tired of this game and the next second I had my foot on its neck, a satisfying crack sounded.

I smirked, and brushed the dirt of my sleeve, filthy animal, I leaned down. Tasting the venom and opening my mouth, I sucked, the burning dying a little, it was so good. It still managed to shock me at how much I enjoyed this part of me. I stood, not being satisfied. I sighed and shook my head.

I let my hearing venture, it’s pack had heard us, not my plan. I may be a monster at times, but I still liked it to be as painless as possible. Just as a knew smell, something that was nothing that I had ever came arcos before, in all my years.

I can smell it.

I know, it’s revolting.

Lets just get this over with, and get back to the tribe.

The thoughts continued, but I was in shock, how did three humans know I was here, curious as I am I wanted to go see, the part that I always embrace. The other part wanted to go to kill, to quench the never-ending thirst.

Chief, I think I hear a heart beating…the smell isn’t quite right.

I know…odd

It’s just over the meadow.

I sighed, and let myself envelop into a run, and then waiting oh-so-patiently for the…. well whatever they are. My eyes widened as I saw three oversized dogs running towards me. Their thoughts upon my death, and wondering where I was keeping the human, and why I smelt so different, I rolled my eyes, my voice soothing.

“There’s, no human. Just a dead mountain lion, and me…and whatever you are….Yes, I can hear your thoughts….No, I’m only half…yes, I’m not lying, my heart beats, my blood flows, and my skin is hot…No, I don’t mean any harm to your tribe or the people living in this town.

“Me and my family, no not coven family have come here, and I was just looking around…. no, we don’t hunt humans, that in my vision is like devouring my own kind, well half anyway. No, we eat animals…my name is Nicholas, Nicholas Jonas.”

I had a small smile as I nodded at each of their names: the biggest, and shaggy black was the Chief of the Indian tribe, the Cheglets, Takouta. The second on his right flank was a mousy brown, Samuel, the last a deep brown, Joule.

“My family is following my scent, they are quite worried, smelling your scent and hearing the loud heartbeats…. of, werewolves and they are asking many questions, my parents are both real vampires, but they are very old with experience, my father has never killed a human life…my mother had a few incidents, but we forgive.”

There was a loud growl, and many—to put it nicely—rude thoughts. “She’s very protective of us, my three brothers, she has carried one of us, my half brother, and almost died. Newborns are a sometimes unstable…ah, they are now in hearing distance.”

I was silent after that staring at the wolves, Samuel was having troubles with my family and me, Takouta was trying to hold his thoughts, but he was still very unsure. Joule was…well, a little more unconcerned with anything that wasn’t—in his mind—worth his trouble.

I heard my family coming out of the woods and at a more human pace, their thoughts surprised, and worried. They crossed the river, and approached even slower to where I was. My father was the first to break the tense silence, putting a hand on my shoulder; I didn’t event take notice to the coldness, or hardness of it. I could feel my brothers, getting ready to strike, Kevin putting up a barrier, Joseph ready to capture their minds, and Franklin’s gift went unneeded, but still kept himself ready to fight.

“Son, you had us very worried…would you introduce us to our new… friends.” There was a big growl from Samuel, resulting in Joe and Franklin leaning forward, with growls building. “Peace, brothers: This a pack of, werewolves the biggest is Chief of the Indian tribe, the Cheglets, Takouta. On his right flank, Samuel, on the left, Joule.

“This is my father, Paul Kevin Senior, my oldest brother, Paul Kevin the second, Joseph Adam, my younger brother Franklin Nathaniel, and our mother, Denise Marie.” I heard a ‘hello’ from my mother, and Kevin gave a twitch of his lips, and Joseph and Franklin didn’t move.

“I wish I could say it nice to meet you, but I cannot. I am worried of the safety of our land. Your son has assured me that we have nothing to fear, but I am still cautious.” I acted as a translator, my mind was enveloped into the packs mind, knowing everything that was going on, knowing that their minds were always connected in this form, that they could hear everything.

My father smiled in understandment. “Yes, I figured as much. We promise to keep off your lands, and you shall do the same to us—” I had to interrupt with a deep growl. “ Your lands, you blood suckers, have no authority here.” My father smiled grimly and waved off the hiss from my brothers.

“Actually, I have inherited a old house and miles of land from relatives that are tied deep within our family. So, we have lands. And as long as we don’t venture onto your reservation, you won’t come onto our land. The town, of course, is neutral.”

There were many growls, and mine was also there, speaking as the pack. “I will have to consult with our fellow tribe leaders…but for now, that will do. I think this may be the beginning of a treaty. But, if I find out you bite a human or, killed or any of the such in this region, you will pay.”

My father nodded. “I will return at sundown tomorrow with the news.” My father nodded, and the wolves backed up with their eyes on us, I could see myself from their own eyes, and the tense figures of my family.

When they were almost over the hill, they turned and ran. I didn’t exit their minds, looking for anything else, and had to pull out as they got about two miles east. I shook my head and let out a low whistle. “What?”

It turned and smiled. “Their minds are connected together, they hear everything. It’s something like Aro, except they can only hear each other when they change shape, only when they are wolves.

“They aren’t real children of the moon , mom, they are more like shape shifters. Kevin, it’s noon, and the full moon was a week ago. I’d have to get deeper in than I did, but they have been like that for ages…it’s all very intriguing.”

Joseph snorted and was at casual stand. “Over grown dogs that reek, have bad tempers, and can read one another’s mind: just spell binding.” I rolled my eyes, and smiled. “Well, now that my appetite is ruined: I’m tried.” My brothers nodded at Frankie’s statement.

With that, we ran to our newly acquired home.
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First chapter!
I hope you guys loved it. This will have a few elements from Twilight and it will be around common myths and things I make up.