Status: Lots of updates, when I get awesome comments!

Half Vampire, Half Rockstar

A new mind

82 years later

I sighed looking at the big high school. Alright, I’m sacred out of my mind, like you weren’t scared of your first day of real high school, half way through a school year. My dad is a general in the navy, and I was home schooled up till now, and thanks to the monster.

Of, course I haven’t, I’m you.

Note to self: stop talking to myself, its slightly crazy


Oh, shut up

I jumped out of the car, keeping up my wall of solitude from my dad. I know I was being ridiculous, but did I deserve this? No! I Movin’ Out Came on by Billy Joel, and I sighed at the irony. I walked through the doors of George Washington High School.

Yea, irony must be your only friend

What did I tell you…ugh, I am so messed up

Already people were pointing at me and whispering; with wide eyes I just sighed and let my black hair fall into my sandy eyes. I continued walking, and received many whispers, and pointing and staring. Great the demon has already worked her magic.

Guess New Jersey peeps really don’t have much shame…it would explain some things

For the freaking last time…

Got it, captain hormonal

I rolled my eyes as I walked into the principal’s office. “Hi, I’m Adara Anath Ameail, I’m here to pick up my schedule.”

I hate my name, I really do: I’m 100% Greek, including the light accent because my grandmother always makes me speak it, she shuns on speaking English…don’t ask

Her eyes went slightly wide. I also hate when people analyze me: I have a nice tan complexion, a long body that I often trip over, long black wavy hair, and weird eyes, and I talk funny: I stick out like a swore thumb.

“Here you are, good luck.” I laugh at that one, me, good luck: right. I looked over my schedule, ever so slightly happy: did I mention that I’m a smart nerd?

First hour honors English, honors geometry, advanced placement French [even though I was practically fluent, still had to have a langue] biology, first lunch, advanced placement pottery, health, and physical education.

For those of you who are slow: Nerds + Sports= Not Good.

Especially you

I sighed and left the office, muttering thanks, as more people came to gape at me. I already knew I’d be the only freshmen in the most of these classes…. I hoped they would put me in the ‘special’ gym class.

I walked to the second floor of the east wing—more staring and whispers—I got to my locker and remembered I have no books.

I thought nerds were smart

I sighed and practically the whole hallway was staring at me. I tried to smile, but after falling, I saw a girl that was the only person yet to notice me, I slammed the locker, and walked through the see of people, instantly parting like Moses and the Red Sea.

I got to her and smiled, she continued reading a book blasting an Ipod. “Hi…uh, could, you, umm…. tell me where to go for books.” She didn’t look at me, but nodded.

“Tried the library, they might have some books lying around. At least, that’s what I hear.” I smiled, instantly liking her:

1. She didn’t gape at me
2. She wasn’t prep, but more emoish/rocker
3. Sarcastic

Bet you heard of love at first sight, well here’s a new one for you: Best friend at first sight

Honey, I wouldn’t quit your day job with jokes like that.

I have to figure out how to get ride of you.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just got back from Floida.
Comments would make me get a really big smile on my face!