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What's It Like to Die Alone?

What's It Like To Die Alone? Chapter 13.

William was sat up in my bed, wearing his pajama pants. I was laying down with my head in his lap. He was twirling my hair around his finger gently; with his other hand he was holding mine, running his thumb up and down my palm.
“I’m stuffed. I shouldn’t have eaten so much.” he groaned.
“Silly man.” I smiled and kissed his hand.
“It’s… 19 days until you leave now. You excited to be a real citizen of America again?”
I laughed. “Yeah it’ll be good. Hopefully they haven’t taken away my apartment. I gave them a years worth of rent, but if they check up to see if I’m there they might sell it to someone else.”
“Where do you live? And like, what’s your job?”
“I live in southern Cali, not too far from here really, pretty near the beach. And I’m a journalist. You?”
“I live around the same areas too, and my job… well it’s pretty damn awesome. I have a room mate, so he’ll keep up the rent. But my job means that I’m home for several months at a time, so being in rehab isn’t that much of a hindrance.”
“And you won’t tell me what it is?”
“Will you hate me for not telling you?”
“No. You told me your true name and I really appreciate that.”
He gulped nervously. “Thank you Freya.” he smiled and kissed my forehead. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Will.”
“Can you, um, still call me Heroin or B? Because that’s what you call me, and just you, so it’s special to me, if that makes any sense.”
“Sure… if that’s what you want, I don’t see why not. But why B? That doesn’t relate to ‘William’.”
“It’s uh…” he blushed and his eyes widened. “It’s… Bill! People call me Bill! So that’s where B is from.”
I nodded but I suspected something was a little suspicious. I decided to drop it to stop the situation becoming uncomfortable.
“So… I love you, Heroin. If that’s better.”
“Yes, thank you.” he beamed.
He switched off the light and slid into the bed with me, hugging me tightly. I nuzzled my face into his bare chest.
“I don’t want to lose you.” he whispered.
“What? I’m not going anywhere, B.”
“But you are, and there’ll be the so many other people who want you. And what can you say? Oh sorry, I can’t date you because I have a boyfriend already. He’s a heroin addict in rehab.”
“You really think the fact you’re in rehab turns me away from you? Hell, B, I’m in rehab too. And you’re an ex-heroin addict, that’s completely different. I love you and that’s all that matters, I’ll wait for you to come out and I wouldn’t even think of dating someone else, ‘kay?”
“Okay.” he smiled against my neck and kissed it. He trailed his plump lips down my neck, sending me chills. I tilted my head back slightly and he kissed it with a lot more force, biting and sucking. He would most definitely leave a mark.
He moved so he was straddling me at the hips, his hands resting either side of my head. He sucked underneath my ear, causing me to moan slightly and arch my neck further back to give him easier access. His lips moved down to my chest, then back up to my lips where I caught them in a kiss. I smiled into it and he thrust his tongue into my mouth, exploring every square inch. He tasted like toothpaste which, call me odd, I loved the taste of.
He unbuttoned my pajama shirt and threw it down. I unbuttoned his pajama pants which he slid off. He was wearing boxer briefs underneath and I could feel the growing bulge in them against my leg. I had my underwear on underneath, too. He whipped off my pajama shorts and flipped us over so I was on top, my legs either side of his hips. I broke away from the messy kiss and sat up slightly, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.
“Are you okay?” I whispered, stroking his cheek gently.
“Yeah.” he smiled. “I am.”
He held his hands out, so I held them and he kissed each finger once. “Let’s wait a bit before we have sex, yeah?”
“Okay B.” I nodded.
“I just want it to be special with you. I know this won’t exactly be the first time we’ve done this… but yeah. It’ll be the first time together and it’s a big thing for me, for us.”
“I get what you mean, and wow, you really amaze me sometimes.”
“I do? How so?” he smiled wider.
“You’re just so… thoughtful. You’re affectionate without being too touchy and in general, plain nice. I don’t get what it is, and I’m normally so picky with people, but I’m finding it practically impossible to fault you.”
“Really?” If his smile got any wider, his face would break.
“Really.” I laughed.
“You’re the first person to tell me that, no one ever says anything good about me.”
I kissed his lips once. “Then they’re ignorant bastards.”
Will pulled me into a tight hug and kissed my hair. “I love you so much.”
“I know, you’ve told me plenty of times.” I smiled and kissed him back. “I love you just as much back.”
We lay back down on the bed, stretching to grab our pajamas, then slipped them back on. He pulled the covers over us and snuggled up to me.
“Good night, honey.”
“Good night B.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Four comments please? :D
Anyone else see Alice? I didn't like it that much. I'm indifferent. But Johnny Depp was fantastic, as was Matt Lucas and Alan Rickman.