Status: Active. Comments make me love you. :D

What's It Like to Die Alone?

What's It Like To Die Alone? Chapter 14.

I was having a collection of health checks to make sure everything was working. Luckily, everything was. Unluckily, that meant my periods had re-started. And no girl in the world likes periods, other than menopausal women, I suppose.
“You’re free to go.” nodded Nurse Ellen.
“Can I have a hot water bottle?”
“Oh, got the cramps?”
“Unfortunately.” I nodded, gripping my painful stomach.
She searched through her drawers and gave me a hot water bottle, alongside some painkillers. I thanked her, turned on the kettle and waited patiently until the water boiled. I carefully poured it into the bottle, squeezed out all the remaining air and screwed on the cap and placed it on my stomach.
“I’ll see you same time tomorrow?” she asked.
“Okay.” I nodded and traipsed back to my room, hiding myself under the covers.
Oh, the pains of being a woman. :(
“Babe?” I heard a voice from behind the door.
“Come in, if you dare.”
The door slowly opened and in walked Leon.
“What the hell are you doing here?”
“Look, I just wanted to apologize for the way I acted before. It was wrong and I’m sorry.”
I raised an eyebrow, not believing a word that left his mouth. “Sure…?”
He sat on the edge of the bed and scooted closer to me.
“Who is that druggie kid?”
“Oh, B?” I smiled. “He’s my boyfriend.”
“You could do so much better.” he tutted.
“No, I really couldn’t. He’s almost perfect.”
“Almost, but not quite perfect. Maybe you should continue looking…”
“I’m perfectly happy, thank you.” I frowned and backed away. He lunged at me, kissing me fiercely. I tried to push him away but he wouldn’t physically let me, forcing his tongue into my mouth. He tasted foul. His hands ran all over my chest, pressing me down onto the bed. I attempted to move him again but he wouldn’t budge. I panicked and tears fell down my cheeks. He smirked and slid down my skirt, his hands fumbling around in my underwear. Please, I mumbled into the kiss, but probably sounded like a sexual moan to him. He unzipped his jeans and I felt his erection against me, only making me panic more. I didn’t have a choice, I was stuck in his grasp.

Leon was ripped to the floor by a crying Heroin. He straddled Leon and punched him repeatedly until every atom of his face and been beaten. He would’ve continued had I not stopped him.
“B, it’s okay he’s-”
“Don’t you touch me.” he spat. “You’re just as bad. He told me you were sleeping with him, but I laughed it off… he was right.” he sobbed.
“What, no! That’s all wrong! He… he nearly raped me babe! You have to believe me!”
“But how do I know?”
“You don’t, but you have to trust me! I’m not going to lie about something as serious as rape! You’re my one and only, honestly.”
“Honest to God?”
I put my hand on my heart. “Honest to God.”
I was an Atheist, but that was besides the point. God obviously meant something to him, so I can swear to Him knowing I’m telling the truth.
“I’m sorry.” he sobbed. “I’m so sorry he had to put you in this position and didn’t arrive in time…”
“You did arrive in time, he didn’t…”
“He didn’t penetrate you.” he finished, whispering.
“No.” I shook my head.
He climbed off of Leon, who clutched his head and ran out. He was bound to report William, but we would report him too.
I doubled over in pain. “Fucking hell…” I moaned.
“A-are you okay?” he asked, rubbing my back.
“Can you get the hot water bottle?”
“Sure babe, sure.”
He stood up, grabbed the bottle and passed it to me. I thanked him and clutched it to my stomach. “Ow.” I cried, letting more tears fall. I’d forgotten how much this hurt.
“Can I get you anything, are you ill?”
“No Heroin, I’ve got period pains, there’s nothing you can do to stop them.”
“Right, yeah.” he blushed and sat next to me. “If I could help, then I would, you know that right?”
I smiled at him. “Yeah, I do. And thanks for doing what you did earlier.”
“Hey, no one treats my girlfriend like shit and gets away with it.” he nodded then kissed my cheeks where the tears fell. “It’ll be over soon.” he soothed.
“I sure as hell hope so. Fuck, why couldn’t I have been a guy…” I groaned, doubling over again.
“Because that would make me gay. Well, more bisexual, but whatever.” he shrugged.
“You’re bi?”
He nodded.
“I did not know that.”
He picked me up into his arms and sat on the bed, placing me between his legs. Will kissed my cheek and wrapped his arms around my waist, also holding the bottle to my stomach.
“Just out of interest… what does it feel like?”
“Imagine someone putting your intestines in a blender and your stomach in a mangle. That’s pretty much it.”
“Shit… really?”
“You think I’d be crying if it didn’t?”
“Sorry.” be blushed.
“It’s not your fault.” I smiled and kissed his cheek. “You’re being really sympathetic and I appreciate that. I feel so disgusting and icky and… in a lot of pain.” I pouted.
“You don’t look disgusting or icky. You look beautiful as always, and it’s a beautiful thing, you can produce a child, so think about that. All this pain, but in the end of it, a wonderful bundle of joy.”
I looked up at him in awe.
“What? Is there something on my face?”
“No… you’re just so amazing.” I smiled and kissed his lips. “You’re so understanding and lovely. Only you could be positive about periods.”
He shrugged as if it was nothing, which to him, it probably was nothing. It was natural to him.
“I love you.” I beamed and hugged him tightly.
“I love you too, Freya. I’m sorry for jumping to conclusions earlier, I’ll make it up to you.”
“You already have, don’t sweat it.”
“I have?” he raised an eyebrow. “How?”
“By being you.”
He squeezed me lovingly. “You’re so cute.” he laughed.
“You’re cuter.”
“Oh no, we are not getting into one of those conversations. ‘Oh my God, you are so the most cuterist!’”
I giggled. “Totally.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Four comments please? :D
Yes, I know, filler.
Chapter 20 will be the last one before the sequel, btw.