Status: Active. Comments make me love you. :D

What's It Like to Die Alone?

What's It Like To Die Alone? Chapter 17.

I woke up because the alarm was ringing loudly. Was there a fire, what the hell was happening? And why at… five in the morning?
I sighed, jumped out of bed and put on my coat and converse, tucking my hand warmer into my pocket.
Shit, Heroin!
I walked over to his side and pushed him gently. “Babe, wake up, we gotta get out of here.”
“W-what’s happening?”
“Alarm, fire or some shit. Who knows, but let’s get to safety first.”
He nodded and got out of bed too, throwing on a hoodie and some vans. I held his hand and we left the room, everyone else was running around with panic(A/N not ‘at the disco’.) It’s probably only a practice, chill out people.
We headed outside to the main gardens, where we were meant to queue up when this kinda thing happened. We stood in one of the lines and he wrapped his arms around me, shivering from the cold.
“Hey, I’ve got the coat here, so I’m probably warmer. Let me hug you.”
I un-did my coat and let him slide his arms around my waist, my coat kind of covering the both of us. Exchanging our own body heat helped, also.
“OKAY, CAN EVERYONE BE SILENT!” came through the megaphone.
“A fire has burnt down a part of the west wing, and is being put out as we speak. We have reason to believe it was not accidental, someone was smoking, and dropped the lit cigarette in an attempt to burn down the building and possibly escape. Where is William Beckett, it was his room?”
“I-I’m here.” he said, putting up his hand.
Nurse Kim stormed over to us, with anger in her eyes.
“Did you want to kill all of us?” she shouted in front of all of us.
“I h-haven’t been i-in m-my room for a f-few weeks.”
“Who else was it, then? The fairies?”
There were a few snickers.
“I d-don’t k-know, I’ve been a-asleep in Freya’s r-room.”
“Speak properly, damn it! What is wrong with you?”
“Hey.” I said, interfering. “This is what he gets like when he has a panic attack, don’t treat him like an infant. He didn’t do it, he’s been in my room since 9pm last night and I know, because I was there.”
“You two are the most disrespectful patients we have ever had! No one can cure you, no one!” she said, throwing up her hands and storming away.
Hundreds of pairs of eyes were on us.
William buried his head into my neck, crying silently. I hugged him tightly.
“What?” I shouted angrily. “Stop fucking staring, we haven’t done anything.”
“I’m s-sorry.” he whispered.
“There’s nothing to apologize for.”
“N-no one can c-c-cure me, y-you heard her. I-I’m fucked for l-life.”
“Ignore her, B. She’s a bitch and she’s all wrong. You’re pretty much cured anyway, and you are not fucked for life. I love you.”
“I l-love you, t-too.”
I kissed his cheek and rubbed his back.
A tall, very muscular, and down right scary looking guy came up to us. He looked like an ex-rocker/body-guard/murderer.
“You fucking burnt down my room.”
“I-It wasn’t m-me, I-”
The guy spat in Will’s face. “Listen to the fat chick, speak properly.”
Will slowly wiped away what was on his face with his sleeve.
“I’m s-sorry, b-but I didn’t d-do it, I-I d-don’t know who d-did it, but-”
He took a swipe to his face and Will fell to the floor.
“Get up and fight you pansy!” he laughed.
Heroin stayed on the floor, clutching his face and trying to hold back the tears.
He kicked him. “I said fight back!”
People around him laughed bitterly.
I kissed Will’s head once.
“Just quit it, yeah? He didn’t do it, he’s been set up, by some jerk like you. Now leave him the fuck alone.”
“Oh, the little girly is trying to defend the pansy, how cute.”
“I suggest you back away.” I said through gritted teeth.
“Or what? He’s not exactly going to punch me, is he? And you’re just a little girl. A fat, pathetic, waste of-”
I punched him across the face, sending him staggering back.
“You bastard!” he shouted.
“I asked you politely.”
“You fucki-”
Someone else punched the jerk over and over again until he was on the floor, begging for the person to stop.
It was Heroin.
“L-look, you c-can accuse m-me, and m-mock me, but y-you DON’T bitch a-about my g-girlfriend. S-So shut the h-hell up and d-don’t dish out w-what you can’t t-take.”
Heroin got up and licked his lips, then bowled me over in a hug. He cried into my shirt even more.
“I-I’ve got no h-hope when you l-leave.” he sobbed.
“You’ll cope.” I whispered.
I don’t think I’ve ever felt so guilty, he was so weak and sensitive, and I was leaving him. Just like that. I’d be free to do whatever I want, and he’d be stuck in here.
“I love you. You’ll be fine, and maybe we can get out of here together… that’d be nice, huh?”
“Mmm.” he mumbled and kissed me on the lips once.
People had returned to talking amongst themselves, so no one else was watching us. I kissed him again on the lips, more lovingly, our lips moving in sync. I put a hand on the back of his neck and the other around his waist. I licked his bottom lip, but he smiled and broke away.
“As m-much as I l-love affection, and b-being c-close to you, n-not here.”
I smiled and tilted my head to the side, pouting.
“D-Don’t give me t-that.”
I pouted more and he sighed. “Please, I d-don’t w-want to d-”
I kissed his cheek and he flushed with color. “Don’t worry about it, B. I was only teasing you.”
“O-okay.” he beamed and nuzzled his nose against mine, making me laugh.
“You’re so cute.”
“W-what about my st-stutter?”
“I don’t care, it’ll go soon, and it doesn’t really bother me.”
“For r-real?”
“I love you, a little stutter isn’t going to change that.”
He smiled in response and hugged me tightly. We swayed from side to side gently, his hands situated on the small of my back, sending me chills as his fingers were freezing. He slowly slid them into the top of my pajama pants. Sensing me tense up, he stopped.
“Don’t worry.” I whispered.
He slid them further down so they were placed firmly on my butt. “Y-you’re warm.”
I laughed. “You did that to warm your hands? I do have a hand warmer, y’know.”
“Yeah, but th-this way is m-more fun.”
“You might as well have cupped my breasts and said that that was to warm your hands, too.”
He smirked and kissed my lips, just the once, again.
People were making smarmy remarks, all about how he was only trying to get into my pants. How he was a pathetic little git, should go to hell, waste of space… all original insults like that.
We were the youngest ones there, and somehow, the most mature. All of the insults were high school, no, more like elementary status. They were all pathetic.
I rested my head on his shoulder and he kissed it. “Th-thank goodness y-you’re here.”
“You don’t need me, B.”
“Oh, b-but I do. I need y-you more than y-you could e-ever i-imagine.”
“I’m sure you don’t.” I blushed.
“I-I need you, I l-love you and p-please don’t l-leave me.”
“What’s brought this on?” I asked, stroking his cheek.
“I j-just… I just l-love you a l-lot, is a-all.”
I beamed and squeezed him. “You’re so amazing and wonderful and… and so Heroin. I need you, too.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Four comments, please?
