Status: Active. Comments make me love you. :D

What's It Like to Die Alone?

What's It Like To Die Alone? Chapter 8.

It was 3pm and nearly all of ‘Enlightenment Towers’ was empty. They were going on a field trip, but I always refused to attend these things because I didn’t want to be seen as one of ‘those crazy people’ outside of rehab. I wanted to be the people looking at ‘those crazy people’, tutting as they would.
I was in the outdoor swimming pool, with my arms on the side, my head resting on my hands. I was kicking slowly in the water to create a calming, rippling noise. Everywhere echoed silence. I would’ve fallen asleep had I not taken a tablet.
Jamie, a fellow anorexic, walked down to where I was and sat on the ground with his legs crossed. He edged closer to me and smiled.
“Hi Freya. What’s up?”
“Nothing much, taking advantage of the pool whilst it’s quiet. You?”
“Just walking, just walking. Taking everything in one last time. I’m leaving in 3 days, and I have a strange feeling I’ll miss this place.”
“I know what you mean.” I nodded. “I hate what it represents, but not everything inside it is terrible. So, show us your stomach.” I smiled.
He chuckled and lifted up his top to reveal a flat stomach. Flat, as in healthy flat. I couldn’t see one single rib.
“You look amazing.” I credited. “Nice one, Jamie.”
“Thanks.” he smiled and let go of his shirt, so it fell down. “I haven’t talked to you in a while, it’s a shame.”
“Been pretty busy lately.”
“That Heroin kid, right? Yeah, everyone has heard about him. There were rumors he was a sex addict and was in here because he raped a girl. You always see him wondering around at night, he’s pretty damn freaky.”
“He’s not a sex addict. Heroin and slashing, but not sex.”
“How do you know?”
“I just… do.”
“Oh my… did you sleep with him?”
I paused and bit my lip. “We were cold…”
He laughed. “That’s the lamest excuse ever.”
“We were! It was freezing in my room, he said he wanted to get warmed up, so we mutually agreed to have sex along as we warmed up. Which we did, so it was a success.”
Heroin started walking down the hill, towards the pool. He smiled when he saw me, but his expression changed when he saw Jamie.
“Speak of the devil.” I laughed.
Jamie turned around, then looked back at me. “He scares me.” he whispered.
“Man up.”
He rolled his eyes and Heroin was now only a few meters away. He took off his top and pants to reveal swim shorts, and put his clothes on the side. He took a run up and jumped in the pool, splashing me. I blinked a few times and squealed when he lifted me up, so I was on his shoulders.
“Hey, you.” I smiled.
“Hey!” he beamed. “Hi… Jamie, is it?”
“Yeah. You are?”
“Well, people call me B. But the little person on my shoulders calls me Heroin. Take your pick.” he smiled.
“B is good. But I gotta get packing, I’ll see you around.” nodded Jamie, who quickly scarpered.
“He was scared of me.”
“You’re a scary man.” I pouted and prodded his cheek.
“Am I really?”
“No, of course not! You’re like a big teddy bear.” I smiled and squeezed him lovingly.
“Are you sure?”
“Positive. You’re not scary at all. I think you’re lovely.”
“Aww, you’re sweet.” he smiled and tilted his head to the side. A smirk suddenly appeared across his face.
“Oh, nothing…”
“Oh I’m curious now.” I smiled.
“I was just thinking, it’s been about 2 weeks since my head was between your legs.”
My jaw dropped. “Heroin!” I scolded.
“You love it don’t deny it.”
He suddenly dropped into the water, pulling me underneath too. I swam away and pushed myself through the surface, pushing my hair out of the way. Heroin was on the other side of the pool, his eyes wide.
“What now?”
“You came out of the pool in slow motion… it was all Baywatch-y. And so damn hot.”
I smiled and slowly pushed myself on to the edge, crawling along slowly with my arms pressed together to give me a bigger cleavage.
“Oh don’t…” he groaned.
I licked my lips once and it was enough to send him over the edge, pushing me on to the grass, straddling me.
“Don’t act sexy if you don’t want anything to come from it.” he smirked, licking his lips also.
“Perhaps I’m just an awful tease.”
“Oh, you are.”
He pressed his lips softly to mine and kissed me lovingly. He swept in his tongue. I put my left hand on his face and ran my right hand through his hair, gently digging in my nails. He moaned into the kiss and I could feel him hardening through his thin, wet swim shorts.
I pulled away and looked at him in his chocolaty eyes.
“You’re beautiful, you know that.” he whispered. “A rose pales in comparison to your beauty.”
I wasn’t sure how to respond to that.
“You will visit me, right?”
“Of course, you know I will. Whenever you want. And I’ll slip you in a cell phone so we can still talk.”
“But I won’t see you, I’ll just hear you.”
“It’s not all about aesthetics, you know.”
He smiled. “I know, I know. You wouldn’t let me kiss you if it was all about aesthetics.”
“You’re gorgeous, B. I can lose myself in your eyes, and I’m a sucker for brown eyes.”
He closed his eyes. “Now, I’m repulsive.”
“Your lips are amazingly plump and you’re slightly toned body is perfect. No matter what you cover, you’re still gorgeous.”
“Thanks.” he smiled and kissed me once. “Do you hate attachments?”
“No, why do you ask?”
“Well, I was going to ask if you wanted to be my attachment…?” he blushed furiously.
“Are you asking me to be your girlfriend? So we would date? And act coupley?”
“No, not at all.” he said, shaking his head. “Oh, wait. I mean yes!”
I laughed. “You mean yes?”
“I mean yes.”
“Then I suppose so, B. I will be your girlfriend.”
“Oh, okay, I understand.” he nodded, de-mounted me and started walking away.
“I said yes!” I shouted.
He turned around. “You did?”
“Oh my God!” he shouted, beaming from ear to ear. “Thank you so much Freya! This is all working out so well, oh my God…”
I stood up and hugged him. “Hey boyfriend.”
“Shout it, please.”
He smiled even wider. “Do you know how good that makes me feel when you say it?”
“Pretty damn good.”
“I’m absolutely elated.” he smiled. “This is wonderful, and you’re a stunning woman, and oh my God you’re mine.”
We hugged even tighter. “This is amazing, fabulous and everything good about the World.”
“A little positive?” I smiled.
“Majorly so.”
“Aww you’re so adorable, B.” I laughed. “But you’re my adorable B.”
♠ ♠ ♠
This is sickly, I know, and for that I apologize.

But it's needed.

And just to let you know, this thing is twenty chapters long; 23,962 words. And then there'll be a sequel.

Comments are awesome, thank you very much! :D