Status: Rated PG-13 for language & some scary elements.

Curse of The Puppet Master

The grandson of the mayor has gone missing. His mother and grandfather call the detective Laverne Dumosh to come and find him. But this is no normal missing person case, there's something much darker behind this.

Dedicated to my friend Danielle for helping me name the town of Wellington.
  1. Introduction
    this chapter doesn't do much except introduce the story.
  2. Welcome To Wellington
    The Detective Laverne Dumosh arrives in Wellington. What awaits her there?
  3. The Spider
    Laverne makes an important discovery in her investigation. What could it be?
  4. The Grave
    Laverne learns about the town's former Puppet Master.
  5. The Key
    What's up with that spider puppet anyway?
  6. The Theatre Grounds
    Laverne goes to the old Puppet Theatre
  7. The Hall
    What Laverne first finds when she enters the theatre.
  8. The Workshop
    Laverne finds to old puppet workshop. What happens there?
  9. In The House
    What Laverne finds when she first enters the house behind the theatre.
  10. The Contents Of The Journal
    This chapter only has what the journal says, but it's all important, so please don't skip over it!
  11. Such A Beautiful Puppet
    Back To Laverne Now.
  12. The Secret Basement
    What's at the bottom of the stairs.
  13. The Cage
    After Laverne wakes up.
  14. The Laboratory
    Saving Wally.
  15. Escape
    Laverne & Wally escape the clutches of the sadistic Gloria & her slave of a father.
  16. Epilogue
    All's Well That Ends Well