Status: putting story to the side for a while. sorry ^^'

Just Good Friends

In Troble Already, Again?

Out teacher called for attendance.

Adam Lamberg (Gordo from Lizzy McGuire) said raising his hand.

As the teacher went down the list, Omer was bored out of his mind playing with his pencil and I was asleep on the table.
Wanna guess what class we're in?
If you guessed Science, You Are Correct!.

the teacher called out.

I was too knocked out to answer.

She called again, still no answer.

"Kiara Grieco?!"
She shouted startling me to wake up.

If this last name seems familiar, yes I am Richard Grieco's daughter.

"Bubbles did it!"
I shouted with my hands on the back of my head.

The class started to laugh but the Miss Ronald wasn't so amused.
"Well, Missy. I believe you know where the principles office is."

I sighed while grabbing my stuff and walked out of the classroom.


"And If you are sent to this office one more time, I'll suspended you!
Principle Walder shouted.

I saluted

He chuckled a bite till he said his last words for the day.
"Now, Go back to your classed"
He then whispered.
"And Tell your dad I said Hi."

"Will do Chris."
I whispered back as I started walking to my locker.

As I got to my locker Omer was already their with it opened for me.
It's always good to have your friend sharing the same locker as you.

"So, how much trouble did you get into this time?"
Omer asked with a chuckle.

"Not much—ish."
I said putting my books in my locker.

"Oh man, How much?"
He wined

"My dad has to come for a meeting on Friday, that's all."
I said not looking up at him.

"I swear, if we can't go see 'Austin Powers' I'm going to be very mad at you."
He said as I closed the locker.

"So, you can go by your self."
I started walking to music class

As I was trying to walk as fast as I could, He suddenly came out of nowhere in front of me and blocked me.
"You know what people say about people who go to the movies by themselves?"

"No, what?"
I asked

"They have no friends, and I have a rep to keep."
he said putting his hands on my shoulders.

"Then go with one of your other friends."
I said mimicking him to get on his nerves.

I think it was working cause he gave me his little glare and he wanted the last word.
"But, their no fun. You are."
he wind

"Fine, I'll try to do the best I can to go, and get out of trouble."
I mumbled.

He hugged me from the side.
"Remember, if you need to, Cry your way out."
he said walking the other way to Gym.

"I will."
I said standing in one place.
I shouted threw the halls.

he stopped

"We both have the same schedule."
i said simply

He said walking back with me as I giggled.


Omer and I waited for our ride to get here, the hottest guy in out school walked passed us.
Mark Salling(Noha from Glee).
I don't know what the girls see in him really.
Yes he's good looking, nut looks could only take you so far.
Omer never really liked him for some reason, but if was funny to watch him get mad.
When our ride got here, We went in the back of the limo and Michael was their waiting for us.
He gave me a hug and a small kiss on the cheek and did the same to Omer.
It was always like this when school ended and I loved it.
Heck, how wouldn't like knowing the Michael Jackson.

When we got home — Oh, I didn't mention that Omer and I live with Michael while our parents aren't here — we had to go straight to our rooms to do our homework, stupid rules.



I was talking to Omer in front of my room when Michael saw us when we were supposed be in bed by nine.
Michael coughed and got out attention.

I said to Omer.

he said back.

we both looked at Michael and had the same idea.
"Good Night Michael."

he said before walking over to Omer and escorting him back to his room.
♠ ♠ ♠
What Kiara wore:
School uniform
Adam Lamberg, Miss Ronald,Principle Walder, Mark Salling
Science Lab, Pronciples office waiting room, Kiara's room