Status: This story was posted on quizilla by me, if you have ever seen it.

The Ties That Bind

Why does she keep on?

"Well luckily all tests came up negative." The doctor started and I sighed in relief "But there are two tests that aren't fully complete yet. You took the pill but I still want you to check with a doctor again in a few weeks to make sure all is well and well....the HIV test should be done by then."

I sat up on the edge of the table and slid off, walking into the bathroom to change from the hospital gown and into a pair of sweat pants and t-shirt. I looked into the mirror and saw that a bruise had formed above my left cheek and another was starting to form around my eye as well. This added on to the many other bruises around my stomach, legs , and wrists.

At least my worst fears didn't come to bite me in the ass. That's the luck I need right now.

I walked out of the room and into the hallway where Bryan was.

"What did he have to say?" He came closer and whispered "Is everything going to be ok?"

"Yeah" I smiled "Not pregnant thank god. And I need to go back for another HIV test just in case."

His face dropped.

"They tested him Bryan. He came out clean. I don't think I have anything to worry about. It's just a precaution."

"Ok." He said softly wrapping an arm around my shoulders and pulling me close to him.

"Where are we going?" We walked down the narrow hallway to the elevator "Home?"


" Paul going to be there?"

"Yeah...listen you've stayed in the hospital for a few weeks. You need to build up from this kid."

"I'm sorry Bryan I freaked out ok. It won't happen again."

"I'm not telling you to be sorry. I'm just saying that you pulling another stunt like that....scared me."

"It was an accident Bryan I swear!" I started to cry in the middle of the lobby and he pulled me closer dragging me out the door.

"I know it was and I believe you. You didn't know what type of reaction you'd have to the medication. It's ok."

Bryan unlocked the car and we sped off towards home.

I saw Paul's bike parked out in the drive way and nearly jumped out of the car before Bryan had the chance to stop.

"Woah!" He screamed and quickly slammed on the break "Lesley be fucking careful."

I grunted and proceeded to get out of the car again and ran through the door. Paul had dozed off on the love seat. He had a classic case of helmet hair, his face was scruffy, he looked like he didn't sleep for a while. I tiptoed quietly remembering my Mother was probably in the kitchen.

I sat down next to him, leaned in and kissed his lips softly. I hear him groan softly and his eyes began to flutter open.

"Les." He whispered "How'd it go?"

I gave him a cheeky smile and he let out a sigh of relief.

I repositioned myself so that I was sitting on his lap and he pressed me closer so that my head was laying on his chest.

"Ahem." I heard someone cough to get our attention. Mother never fails to amaze me with her skills.

"Just calm down" He whispered softly in my ear "And hear what she has to tell you."

"Lesley I have some news..."

"Unless it's about a broken engagement or something I don't think I'm all ears." I barked.

I knew lover boy had to be in the kitchen or something. Paul sighed and rubbed my back slowly.

"You'll be seeing a therapist weekly."

"I'm not going. I'm going on tour with the guys." I held on tightly to the collar of Paul's shirt and he started to slowly rock me in his arms.

"I registered you for next semesters classes as well. Your program is on your desk."

"I'm NOT going."

"You start tomorrow. I have your bag packed for you already."

"Well I guess I will have to go upstairs and pack another one that I'm actually going to use."

"Lesley you aren't going with the boys this time. I need you here."

"Why so I can give in to your fantasy world? The last place I want to be is here with you."

I stormed up to my room and shut the door, going straight to the backpack and dumping the contents on the floor.

Paul opened the door and came in and shut the door behind him. He got onto my bed and looked up at me frowning.

"Bryan has his hands tied Les...."

"No don't tell me that Paul." I started to sniffled. He patted the space next to him and I slid onto the bed snuggling close to him.

"Bryan said that it may be the best idea right now. It's only ten days and then we'll be here for until late summer."

"I want to go with you."

"Don't worry this will all work out."