You Puzzle Like a Jigsaw

i. Jigsaw Piece.

He was cold in his damp tweed jacket and jeans, his white shirt already soaked through and chilling him to the bone. He just knew the minute he arrived home he would be receiving a series of questions for his state of disarray, and so he avoided the direction that would lead him home and instead allowed his feet to have a mind of their own, however sore that mind might be.
The pretty blue porch was still the same as his childhood memories recalled it to be, and the young woman still sat as she had during every rain storm, just as he remembered her to do. The rocking chair squeaked quietly under the pouring rain, her fingers tangled into the knitted blanket that clothed her legs from the harsh winds.
His fingers began to twitch uncomfortably, his feet pausing for rest as they decided this was far enough. He nearly screamed at himself for standing before her porch, staring like an idiot that just got kissed for the very first time and dribbling rain into the puddles below.

“Hi Brendon” She whispered as he stood under the rain watching her. “You coming inside?”
Sucking his plump bottom lip in between his teeth Brendon Urie walked forward one more time, ducking his head under the wooden roof and letting the nervous feeling envelope the pit of his stomach, twisting each of his intestines with each step. His mouth had long since dried out, leaving a cotton feeling behind that swelled his tongue and made it impossible to answer.
She brushed the dry golden hair off her young pink cheeks, un-tucking herself from the blankets secure warmth and leading him towards her front door.

“How long have you been out in this weather?” She asked him curiously, reaching into a hallway closet for a white fluffy towel.
Brendon bit his lip once more, and attempted to stutter out his reply through chattering teeth, “A-a-w-h-hile. Aw-h—“
She smiled once more and handed the towel to him, “Awhile, got it. So drop the drawers and let’s get you warm”
He flushed quickly in embarrassment and stepped away from the towel, proceeding to drip onto her floor. “I’m no-n-n-not a c-ch-ch-child anym-o-o-re”
Slowly her arm dropped to her side and her sea-green eyes moved away from his form, biting her own lip as her eyes turned glassy. “I know...”

Yet Brendon felt she didn’t know, nor had she ever really recognized his maturing mind and body. Angelina Bradford was twenty-eight, six years older to his twenty two and still the most gorgeous woman he had ever laid eyes on. He could still remember her babysitting him on weekends before heading out to some local party, ruffling his hair and telling him what a cute kid he was.
She had been there when he was going through his awkward stage, telling him what a handsome man he would become. He only wished she could see him as that man now, instead of the child she helped rub calamine lotion on when he was suffering from chicken pox.

“You’re going to get a cold, Brendon” Angelina tried again, chewing on her lip when biting it failed to resolve her of guilt.
“I do-d-d-don’t care!” He shouted, throwing his hands up in frustration and turning back towards her closed front door. He scratched at the stubble around his slick jaw, grinding his teeth together to force out the frustration. Angelia stared at his back for a few moments, her oval shaped head tilting to the side as her curls bounced out of the bobby pins holding them back.
“Brendon?” She spoke with a much softer tone, approaching him slowly until her steps were halted by his fierce expression.
“What if I told you I loved you?”
She cracked a smile at this. “Oh Brendon...”
Advancing Brendon clenched his fists again before releasing the pressure in his knuckles, “What if I kissed you?”
Her lips parted just slightly, preparing to scold him before the feel of his hands on her cheeks took the breath from them. Angelina had never seen Brendon look so serious before, so mature.
He was always goofing off, doing things his mother detested and father loathed. He was the boy who loved his parents, but gave them the ultimatum just to reach his own goals.

“Don’t be so –“
No, she couldn’t call him childish, for he wasn’t. Brendon Urie was strong willed; he had proven that the day he told his parents he was abandoning his faith and their expectations to pursue a life of his own. He was also smitten, a fact she had over looked for so many years it came back to slap her in the face.
He dipped his face suddenly to capture her lips, his thumbs rubbing gently against her quickly flushing face. When he pulled away slowly his cold lips nearly cried for the warmth once more, every cell in his body begging for him to just seek out that pleasure he craved.
“What if I was older?”
Angelina’s eyes softened considerably and her head bowed in his heads. “But you’re not”
“I am!” He shouted again, now bringing her face back up to level with his and smothering her lips back into a searing kiss. He was quickly becoming hot against her, his skin heating up and clothes transferring their liquids into her own once dry clothes.

Her fingers gripped his shoulders and for once he was sure she wasn’t trying to push him away, instead roughly forcing the tweed jacket down his long arms and to the floor. The two moved blindly into Angelina’s living room stumbling over objects like tables, lamps and couches.
Her back hit the couches cushions, the weight of Brendon falling over her quickly as his mouth brought itself down to her jaw and followed along down her throat.
“What if you were my jigsaw piece?”
Angelina suddenly burst into laughter, her hands winding their way into his brown locks and tangling themselves against his skull. “You always were the romantic”
Brendon flushed with pride as she held his face close to hers. “Well, you always said you were looking for that guy to complete your puzzle... come on, Angie, let me be that guy”

Her lips pulled into a grin and she leaned forward to capture his mouth with her own, tonguing his lips until they pulled open and the heat and salvia began mixing with her own. Hands roamed wildly against each other’s clothing, struggling awkwardly with socks that stuck to his feet and jeans that tightened around her hips from the angle they lay.
She pulled back a moment later, thumb running underneath his right eye to wipe away a drop of left over rain. She looked so young and innocent to him, just as he did to her. Brendon could never believe he’d be so lucky to loom over her like he was, so close.
Somehow amongst everything he had managed to sneak past that ‘six year’ difference and capture what he always wanted, that little piece in her heart that drummed only for him. Proud and exhilarated Brendon pushed their mouths back together and fought to remove the rest of her clothing.
At least when he returned home no one would ask him about his state of disarray, for his roommates were sure to be long gone by the time he came back. After all, he wasn’t planning on leaving her anytime soon.
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Finished last night. I hope you enjoy it Steph, and happy belated birthday ((again)). :D
I do love spoiling you ever so much, tehe, it always get my imagination going.