Status: Finished and now collecting dust. xD

See the Sky, See the Stars, All of This Could Be Ours

Chapter 1

Rain pored gently from the midnight coloured sky, soaking everything it touched on the ground below. The street was full of many puddles that shinned in all different colours from the street lights and drops of water fell from the tree leaves like tears.

Drops of water fell down my soaking wet hair and onto my face and the step I am sitting on as I watching the rain fall. For me today hasn’t been such a great day. Crap really. Just like the last two weeks ever since I lost my job.

Yes, you heard right. I lost my job.

So I lost my job, I should be able to just get another one right? Wrong. I can’t, well nothing that I am good at. You see I used to be a lyric writer for mostly small time bands that was just braking into the music scene, and I used to help them out with creating music too...Well until I lost the job that I loved. The small time record company just didn’t want me anymore. So here I am jobless.

I sighed at the memory and looked down at my wet clothes. I had just spent the last two hours walking around in the rain. It had been to long since I walked in the rain last and to tell the truth I’ve missed doing it. It was always fun to walk in the rain and it always helped my clear my head from realty.

I looked back up again at the street and watched as some type of fancy car drove passed, it hit one of the large puddles by the curb and water went flying up and hit me like a large wave. I jumped to my feet and looked down at myself.

Oh this is great I’m completely soaked now. I looked down the street towards where the car went. It sped around the corner at the end of the block with tires screeching.

“Well, this is just great.” I mumbled to myself.

Rolling my eyes I turned around and stood up the step I had been sitting on before and pushed my apartment block doors open. I walked passed the once again broken elevator and towards the door for the stairs. I pushed the old door open and started my way up the stairs as my shoes clicked and squeaked as I walked.

My small apartment was on the twelfth floor; 12B. So lucky for me I had a bit of walking to do, but this wasn’t anything I haven’t done before. That stupid elevator has broken down that many times, it’s stupid. I feel sorry for the people that live on the twentieth floor...

It took me about a good fifteen minutes or more to finally get to my floor. Breathing heavy I pushed the door with the huge number 12 on it open and walked out into the hallway. My apartment was just across from the stairs. I stumbled about four steps and leant against my door to catch my breath. I’m sure I’ll have to cut down in my take-away meals...

I plucked the keys, which were slightly wet, from my pocket and opened the door. It was lucky that I decided to not take my phones with me. They would have been buggered by now and I would have to buy new ones with my imaginary money...

Finding the light switch I turned on the light for kitchen/lounge room and revealed the mess that I currently live in. Usually I am a somewhat tidy-ish person but lately I’ve slacked off on most of the house cleaning, apart from the dishes and washing.

I walked slowly passed the kitchen, then the lounge room and into the short passage way to my bedroom. I pushed myself decorated bedroom door open and turned on the light.

My bedroom, like most of the apartment was painted in a light boring cream colour. But unlike the rest of the apartment in my room you could barely see most of the walls as posters and pictures of the band Escape the Fate covered everything and the other odd poster of bands that I like.

I bet if some random was to walk into my room they would think two things about me; either I was stalking Escape the Fate or I was an obsessed fan. But both are wrong. I’m just a great fan if theirs and a close best friend of the band...But then again you could call be obsessed with their music, I love their songs, all of them.

I turned around and closed the door just to see a huge life sized poster of Max Green. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

Max had given me that when we were betting on who would get pissed first out of Robert and Monte one night and Max said ‘If you win, you get a life sized poster of me.’ I though he was joking but then I won and well here is the poster stuck on the back of my bedroom door.

The old days were so much fun.

I turned away from my door and sat down on my double sized bed. From all that walking up the stairs my clothes were just damp now, luckily.

Then suddenly out of know where the song 10 miles wide blasted out into my room. Someone was calling me on my Australian mobile (cell phone) when I first moved out here I found out that my phone worked in some places, which was good because it save me heaps on international calls back home.

I jumped to my feet from my bed and ran to my messy desk. I found one of my phones but it wasn’t the one ringing. I put that one down and quickly found the other one that I was looking for.

I quickly pressed the talk button, without looking at the caller ID.

“Hiya Taryn!” Tammy’s voice sang down the phone line.

Tammy was one of my best friends and also my cousin. We are that close we call each other sisters often.

“Tammy!” I exclaimed. “Hows you?”
“I’m good and you, sweetie?” She asked.
“I’m doing fine.” I smiled though she couldn’t see it.
“How come you haven’t been on msn lately? I missed talking to you.” She said sadly.
“I’ve missed talking to you too. Sorry, bit I have been busy...” I trailed off.
“Oh...Finding a new job?” She asked.

I sat down on my bed and nod my head through she can’t see that either. From how close we are we always told each other almost everything.

“Yeah, and a new place to live.” I sighed.

The phone line went quiet for a moment.

“What? A new place to live?!” She exclaimed.

Oh shit, I guess I forgot to tell her that...

“Uh, yeah...” I said laughing nervously. “The owner of the apartment wants to sell it for a price way over what it’s worth and I’m starting to run out of money even to just pay rent.”
“Why don’t you come home?” She suggested. “I’m sure auntie will give your old room back and I’m sure you could find a job here. Maybe not as a lyric composer but some type of job.”

I smiled sadly down at the ground. I would love to go back home, but I can’t.

“I want to go home, but I can’t. I can’t afford to go back home at the moment.” I sighed.

I heard Tammy sigh on the other end on the line. I haven’t been home for so long...She stayed quiet for a long while.

“Tammy are you still there?” I asked.
“Shhh...! I’m daydreaming something.” She said.
“Oh on, this could be dangerous.” I laughed.

I bet she would have rolled her eyes right then.

“I have a great idea!” She randomly cheered after a moment.
“So do I really want to know...?”
“Yes! How about you ask Fate to go on tour with them again. You loved it last time.”

I looked at the wall shocked.

“Sister, you’re a genius! That’s a good idea.”
“See I told you that I was smart.” She said smugly.

I laughed.

“I’ll have to think about it and try and contact them. I haven’t talked to Max, Monte or Robert for ages. And I still haven’t met Craig yet.”
“Well I say ask them when you talk to them next.” She said.

Then I could hear her Mum, my auntie in the background.

“Sorry Tara I have to go...”
“Ok, I’ll try and be online more often. Love you.”
“Love you sis, cya.”

Then the phone line went dead. I sighed and dropped my hand from my ear.

Tammy’s idea was really good. I’ve missed the guys and touring with them just like old times...

I turned and looked at the large poster on the wall of the guys. Maybe I should see them...
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey, hope you like it.

Please tell me what you thought of it so far. Comments are much loved =D