Status: Finished and now collecting dust. xD

See the Sky, See the Stars, All of This Could Be Ours

Chapter 10

The house stood empty as I sat on the couch in the lounge room. Craig, Max, Monte and Robert all had to go to some type of interview for the day and I was home alone. I have been here for 3 days now already. And I have to admit it has been a fun 3 days. I’ve missed being with the guys.

I let a long sigh escape my lips. I have no idea what I’m going to do for the rest of the day. I don’t feel like watching TV at all or going for a walk anyway. Though if I do go for a walk I might get lost, it’s true I used to live here but I don’t know the area well.

Then I had an idea. My laptop. Maybe I could surf the net or something or even go on msn...I wonder if Tammy is on. I haven’t talked to her for ages!

I jumped up from the couch and walked quickly up to mine and Max’s room. I opened the door. The room was a mess, well his side of the room. Basically we just split the huge room in half, he had the left side I had the right. Simple and easy. We both had our own beds, wardrobes, but we have to share the desk that was covered in his crap. The mess didn’t bother me though; my stuff would probably look like that soon enough.

I walked over to my bed and pulled out my laptop from under my bed. I sat down on my bed with my back against the bed head. I pulled my laptop from the bag and the internet stick. I set it all up and the screen came to life. I waited for everything to load.

When it was all loaded I signed into msn, it was slow at signing in as the internet just connected. There was one person online. It was Tammy. Yes! I smiled brightly and quickly opened a new window to talk to her. Suddenly she went on be right back. Bugger.

I then noticed my onscreen name. Just simple and boring: Tayrn. That was the only thing written there. Maybe I could change it while I waited for Tammy for the hell of it. Now what can I change it to? I got an idea and changed it smiling to ‘Fate’s girl Tara’.

Not really anything fancy, but it was different then just my name there. Then Tammy came back online. I quickly wrote to her.

Fate’s girl Tara said: TAMMY!

I smiled and then I noticed she changed her screen name as well. She changed it to ‘Tara’s girl Tammy’. I laughed.

Tara’s girl Tammy said: TARYN!
Fate’s girl Tara said: I’ve missed you! How are you?
Tara’s girl Tammy said: I’ve missed you too! Sorry I haven’t called or been online school is being a pain in the ass. Anyway how are you?
Fate’s girl Tara said: I’m good! =D yep last year of school was the worst.
Tara’s girl Tammy said: yeah it is. So did you find a new place to stay? Did you find a job?
Fate’s girl Tara said: job no. Place yes! I’m staying with the band. They offered me to stay with them and go on tour with them again soon.
Tara’s girl Tammy said: that’s awesome! See my idea’s do work in one way or another *smirk*
Fate’s girl Tara said: yep they do xD
Tara’s girl Tammy said: =D so anyways what have you been up to other then moving place?
Fate’s girl Tara said: just being with the guys. Their at an interview today so I decided to use my laptop and I wanted to see if you were online.

Then suddenly Tammy put us in a call. I accepted it and then my webcam came on. After a moment I could see Tammy on her webcam as she could see me. I smiled brightly and waved at her. She waved back smiling also. She has hardly changed a bit since I last saw her. We started talking again.


Me and Tammy sat there talking to each other for ages. We talked about everything and anything. It was so good to talk to her again. I’ve missed her so much!

Tara’s girl Tammy said: I’m sorry Tara. I have to go. It’s realllyyy late...
Fate’s girl Tara said: it’s ok. Talk later yeah? Love you. <3
Tara’s girl Tammy said: yep talk sometime! Love you too <3 take care.
Fate’s girl Tara said: you too. Cya.
Tara’s girl Tammy said: oh and tell the others I said hello! Byes~!
Fate’s girl Tara said: I will bye~! <3

She waved to me on the webcam and I waved back. Then our webcams went off and she was offline. I sighed. I miss her already. She was always more than a cousin; she was my best friend and my “twin sister”. I signed out of msn and turned the laptop off. There was no point being on my laptop if she wasn’t online anymore.

I placed my laptop on the bedside table. I lied down on the bed. Now what am I going to do? I looked at the clock. It’s only lunch time. Why did there have to be such a huge time difference from here to Australia? Can’t they move one of the countries closer to the other one; it would hurt them doing it...

Suddenly I could hear the bedroom door creak open. I looked at the door just as I saw Max run at my bed and jump on it making me bounce into the air. We both laughed.

“Was that Tammy you were talking to?” Max asked.

How did he know that? Was he watching us? If he was; how long has he been home from the interview?

“Yeah...” I said.
“Thought so.” He smiled.
“Were you watching us?” I asked.

He smiled brightly.

“Max.” I said in a strong voice.

He sighed and rolled his eyes. I smiled.

“I’ve been watching you for the last 20 minutes or something like that, ok.” He said.
“You could of told me you were home.” I stated.
“Where is the fun in that? Then I couldn’t spy on you and your twin.”

I laughed as he said twin. He gave me a confused look.

“What’s so funny?” He asked tilting his head to the side.
“You actually called us twins.” I chuckled. “No one but us has called us that.”

Max smiled almost proud like.

“Well you too are very much fucking alike as far as I can tell. Anyway you better get ready.” He said getting off my bed.
“Ready for what?” I asked confused.

He smiled brightly.

“Well you see we met up with our tour manager today. Remember how were meant to start the tour in two days?” He asked.
“Yeah.” I said nodding.
“Well change of plans, were leaving tonight.”

I gasped a little surprised. Tonight?! Geez their manager gave them a really good warning aye?

“Tonight?” I asked to make sure he wasn’t joking.
“Yep tonight. The others are packing now.”

Max walked over to his bed. He grabbed out a suit case from under his bed and started dumping things on his bed to pack.

“Why tonight?” I asked getting off my bed.
“One of our shows got cancelled.” He said still dumping things on his bed. “It got changed to tomorrow night, so to get there on time we have to leave tonight.”

I nod my head. Yep awesome warning; note the sarcasm.

I walked over to where I had my bags on the ground. I placed them on my bed and I just had finished unpacking most things yesterday. Well at lease being on the road is fun and I get to see Fate play again.
♠ ♠ ♠
yeay, next chapter
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