Status: Finished and now collecting dust. xD

See the Sky, See the Stars, All of This Could Be Ours

Chapter 12

The sound of Craig and Monte talking filled the bus the most of us got ready for the show. Craig and Monte were getting change I think in the back of the van, Robert was doing something in the kitchen area and Max was in the bathroom the last time I saw him. I just sat on the couch. I am all ready to go to the concert. I got ready before the others so I wouldn’t be in their way.

Paul, the driver who also helped out with the merch table has gone to do that tonight. So here I sat alone, bored. I sighed.

“Fuck!” Max yelled suddenly.

I looked up from my knees and towards the bathroom. Robert looked at the bathroom and then to me confused. I look at him the same. I stood up and walked over to Robert. He has his hands full with stuff. I walked to the bathroom and knocked on the door.

“Yeah?” Max asked.
“You ok in there?” I asked.

Then the small door opened. Max stood there holding a towel over his hand. I walked into the small-ish bathroom.

“What did you do?” I asked.
“That fucking thing burnt me!” He said looking at the hair straighter.

I tried not to laugh. He made it sound like it had a life of it’s own. I looked back at Max.

“Here, let me look.” I said.

He held his hand out and I took the small wet towel off his hand. The side of his hand was bright red. How the hell did he manage to burn himself like that? I took a closer look at it. I wasn’t that bad, but it will hurt for a while.

“How the hell did you manage to do that?” I asked.
“It slipped and hit my hand.” He sighed annoyed.

I nod my head. Yep, I’ve done that before, but I didn’t burn myself that bad. I placed the wet towel back on his hand. I looked up at him and noticed that only a very small part at the front of his hair was straight and the rest was wavy. He held the towel tight on his hand.

“Would you like me to do the rest of your hair?” I asked.

I might as well I have nothing to do right now and well he can’t really do the rest of his hair now. He shrugged. I could tell that he was annoyed by the fact he got burnt. I would be too if it was right before a show.

I smiled kindly at him.

“Ok, sit down; I’ll do it for you. As long as it doesn’t bit me too.”

Max chuckled a little at that. I smiled. Max turned around and sat on the counter by the sink. I grabbed his hair brush. The last time I did some ones hair was when I used to do Tammy’s all the time, almost every weekend back then. I smiled lightly remembering that. I started brushing some of Max’s hair as he looked at me.

“What are you smiling about?” He asked sounding curious.
“I was remembering doing Tammy’s hair for her all the time.” I smiled again. “It was like a thing we did every weekend.”

I picked up the straighter. I took a small bit of his hair and started doing it carefully so I wouldn’t burn either of us.

“Don’t you ever miss home?” He asked. “You haven’t been back to Australia for while.” He sounded really curious.
“Yeah I do at times.” I shrugged. “I still get home sick. Not being able to eat 2 minute noodles and vegemite sucks.” I chuckled.

Max smiled. I finished that bit of his hair and moved onto the next.

“Yeah, I think I remember you on tour last time, for a week you wouldn’t talk and you cried like very night.” He said.
“Yeah...” I nod my head slowly, that was a bad week. “I was really home sick then and Tammy being sick in hospital at the time didn’t help much.”
“You and your twin.” Max chuckled.

I smiled brightly. Yep me and my twin.

“And you haven’t lost your accent either.” He stated.
“Really? I though it was everyone else that had one.”

Max laughed. I smiled again. At least he wasn’t in a bad mood anymore. I picked up the hairbrush and brush more of his hair before using the straighter.

“Well anyways, I like your accent.” He said.

I looked away from his hair and saw him smiling. I smiled back, blushing a little.

“Thanks...I guess.”

He smiled more. Then I heard footsteps outside of the bathroom.

“What were you yelling about before?” Craig asked Max.

I didn’t turn to look at him; I was busy with doing Max’s hair. Max rolled his eyes and shrugged a little.

“I burnt my hand with the fucking hair straighter.” He said.
“Oh.” Craig said. “You’re still good to play tonight right?” He asked.
“Yeah, I’m good.”

Then I heard Craig walk away. I finished that side of Max’s hair and I moved over to the other side. Max kept his eyes on me.

“I can’t wait to see you guys live again!” I said.
“Yeah, you get to hear our song on the new CD too.” Max smiled.

I smiled brightly and continued with his hair. After about 10 minutes or more random talking I finished his hair for him. Max smiled brightly and got off the counter and placed the towel in the sink.

“Thanks.” He said kissing my cheek.

I felt my cheeks heat up. He smiled and with his good hand he took mine. He pulled me out the bathroom. The others were at the front of the bus all ready to go. They all turned and looked at us smiling.

“Who ready to rock the fucking place?” Craig smirked.
“Pick me!” I exclaimed.

The guys laughed and we all walked out the bus.
♠ ♠ ♠
so how was it?
good? bad? a bunch of rubish?
tell me what you think please, i would really like to know! :D
i love comments ^^