Status: Finished and now collecting dust. xD

See the Sky, See the Stars, All of This Could Be Ours

Chapter 16

The sound of someone moaning from pain and the feeling that someone was running their fingers in my hair woke me up. I slowly fluttered my eyes open to see skin colour. What the hell?

I lifted up my head a little to see Max smiling at me. I looked at him confused then I remember last night and then realised why I woke up like that...I had my head resting on his chest. I felt my cheeks heat up so bad. I looked down to hide my face...

“Morning Tara.” Max mumbled sleepily.
“Morning Max.” I said looking up at him.

Then I head the moaning again. I looked at the half open curtains on the bunk.

“What was that?” I asked.
“Craig has a headache...And he fell over about 10 minutes ago, which probably made it worse.” Max said.
“Oh ok...”
“Didn’t you hear it?” Max asked raising an eyebrow.

I shook my head. Max chuckled a little. I looked back at him and then I heard Craig mumbled something; it wasn’t loud enough for me to hear it well. Maybe I should check on him and the rest of the guys, after what they drank last night I guess they might have bad hangovers...

I sighed and moved a little sitting up. That’s when I noticed that Max had his arm around my waist. I felt my face heat up again...I cleared my throat.

“I’m going to see if they guys are ok.” I said.

I noticed Max pouting a little.

“You are coming back right...?” He said quietly.

He then looked down a little.

“Yeah, I will...” I said quietly.

I climbed over Max and as I did he somehow quickly kissed my cheek. I just blush more. I got out the bunk. Why is Max acting like that all of a sudden, like always closer to me...Loving...

Then I remembered what Monte said last night...He’s not right is he...?

I shook my head and walked to the front of the bus. There sat, well laid both Monte and Robert across the very small couches. I walked to Robert first as he was closer. I crouched down to his level, he looked up at me.

“Hows you?” I asked.
“Yeah...Ok, just a small headache, that’s all. But I’m fine.”

I nod my head and moved over to Monte. He had a pillow over his face. I moved the pillow and peeked a look at him. He opened his eyes and smiled.

“Hey, how you feeling?” I smiled.
“Tired.” He mumbled.

I chuckled.

“Well why don’t you go back to bed?” I asked.
“Dunno.” He shrugged.

I smiled shaking my head.

“Sweet dreams then.” I laughed placing the pillow back on his face.

He laughed muffled by the pillow but said nothing else. I got back up. We’ll their ok better see how Craig is.

I walked back to the bunks and pulled the curtain back on Craig’s bunk. He was lying on his side facing me, eyes shut. I placed my hand on his shoulder. Is he asleep?

“Hey Craig.” I said quietly.

His eyes open slowly. Ok so he wasn’t asleep.

“Hey Tara...” He mumbled quietly.
“I heard you had a fall, how you feeling?” I asked sitting down on the ground since his bunk was almost at ground level.
“Crap...My heads pounding.”

I nod my head and looked down at the ground. Now what did Mum normally do for me when I had a headache...? Like I know that Craig is a big boy and can look after himself, but I like to help my friends. They helped me and let me come on the tour, so I’m going to help them when I can.

“Have you taken anything for the headache?” I asked.
“Well I’m going to get you something to help it, kay?”

I stood up from the ground and he mumbled an ‘ok’. I walked to the kitchen and opened the cupboards for any usual pain killers like aspirin. I found some and grabbed a glass and filled it up with water. I looked over at Rob and Monte, they haven’t moved at all. Yep today will be a lazy-do-nothing-day.

I walked back to the bunks. Max stuck his head out my bunk and smiled at me. I smiled back. I crouched down to Craig’s bunk.

“Here.” I said.

I handed him the tables and water. He took a tablet and drank it down.

“No problem.” I smiled.

He gave me back the water. I placed it down out the way next to his bunk, in case he wanted a drink later.

“Go back to sleep, it may help.” I said.

He nods his head slightly and closed his eyes. I got back up and then someone grabbed my arm. I turned to see Max. He smiled. I smiled back.

“And how are you Max?” I asked.
“I’m ok, tired but yeah fine.” He shrugged. “You coming back? I’m bored and I want someone to talk to...”

I chuckled.

“Yeah, sure.”

He moved out the way so I could get back into my bunk.

“You know if writing lyrics doesn’t work out you could easily be a nurse or something.” He said.

I laughed and he smiled. That was random but I can see why he was thinking that. That reminds me. His hand.

“Hows the hand?” I asked.
“Stings a bit, but not that bad...As long nothing touches it...”

I nod my head. I lay down on the bed properly like Max was. I rolled onto my side so I could face him.

“So what do you want to talk about?” I asked.

Max shrugged. I chuckled. He then smiled brightly like he had an idea.

“What’s Australia where you lived like?” He asked.

I know that Max has only been to the cities. I live, I mean lived out in the country more in a medium sized town.

“Like a normal town I guess, it wasn’t that big or small. It was not that far away from one of the small cities or Perth...Um...”

I couldn’t think of anything else. Like it was hard to explain in some ways. Max nods his head in understanding. He then smiled again.

“Tell me something cool about Australia.” He smirked.
“Like what?” I asked.
“I don’t know...Places, animals...Whatever.”

I chuckled. Oh geez where can I start...?
♠ ♠ ♠
there you go, the next chapter =]
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