Status: Finished and now collecting dust. xD

See the Sky, See the Stars, All of This Could Be Ours

Chapter 17

I sat on the couch staring across at the other side of the bus. All day yesterday and some of last night I spent it talking with Max. We just talked and talked. But it was nice. I’m pretty sure we know almost everything about each other now, if we didn’t before and also all about the places that we live. He told me more about America and I told him heaps about Australia. By the sounds of it he actually wants to go and see my home town over there now.

I smiled lightly remembering some of the things we talked about. Well mainly what I told him about home...You know what I do really miss being in Australia...I’ll have to try and visit home sometime. And of course Tammy. Who could forget about me “twin”? Thinking of Tammy I haven’t talked to her in a while, I hope she’s doing ok at school seeing as it’s her last year...

“Hey Tara.” Monte smiled sitting down on my lap.
“Hey...” I trailed off giving him a confused look as to why he was sitting on me.
“I’m bored.” He stated shrugging. “And I found Robert’s chocolate, want some?”

I laughed.

“Wont he kick your ass for eating it?” I asked. “If it was my chocolate I would.”
“Nah, he won’t. I’ll just buy him some more later.”

He snapped a bit off for me and handed it to me. I took it and started eating it.

“Did Max glue you to him yesterday or something?” Monte mumbled his mouth half full of chocolate.
“What?” I asked confused.
“All day yous were together, the only time yous weren’t was when one got up to eat something or go to the bathroom.” He stated, he then smirked. “Yous aren’t going out are yous?” He smirked more.

I hit his arm though my face got a bit warmer.

“No were not.” I state.
“Damnit, yous would make a good couple.” He said in a girly way blinking his eyes.

I snatched the chocolate from him while looking at him like he had completely lost it.

“No more chocolate for you.”

He laughed evilly. I know he was just doing to freak me out. And it’s working. I tried to push him off me; he didn’t move but kept laughing.

“Max! Someone help me! Monte has finally flipped it!” I yelled.

Monte looked at me confused.

“Finally?” He asked.
“Someone yelled to be saved?” Max asked sleepily dumping himself next to me in the couch.

He just placed his head on my shoulder and closed his eyes. Monte laughed.

“Some savour you are.” I mumbled.

I saw Max smiling. Then all of a sudden Max jumped up grabbing Monte and somehow picking him up dumping him on the other couch across from the one I sat on. I laughed as Monte looked so shocked. He didn’t expect that. Max laughed and jumped away as Monte went to hit him and sat on me.

“Oh not again.” I complained.

Both Max and Monte laughed. I pouted and crossed my arms over my chest.

“Anyways I’m going to get lunch since someone took my chocolate.” Monte said. “Yous want anything?” He said.
“The usual.” Max said.
“Just some chips would do.” I smiled.
“I want chips!” Craig yelled from the back of the bus.
“Me too!” Robert added from back there too.

Monte laughed shaking his head.

“I’ll get some, don’t worry.” He called.

Monte then grabbed his wallet, phone and walked off the bus. I looked back at Max to see him smiling at me. I smiled back. He then leaned forward and kissed my cheek randomly. I blushed a little.

“What was that for?” I asked.

He shrugged.


I chuckled and kissed his cheek too. He smiled brightly.


“Why are we here again?” I asked as we entered the club/pub.

I didn’t really want to go but the guys wanted to go and have some drinks so they dragged me with them. Then again this would be the only real thing we have done all day. We slept in, had lunch and then watched movies as we travailed. It really boring basic day.

“For a bit to fun!” Max smiled taking my hand in his for the second time tonight.

I smiled at him and followed him and the guys. Apparently we weren’t staying here for long. Just long enough for them to have about 2 drinks each. If that actually happens or not that’s a different story. We walked up to a table that was kinda hidden and we all sat down apart from Robert and Monte.

“We’ll get the drinks, who wants one?” Robert asked.
“Pick me.” Craig laughed.
“I’ll have one.” Max said.
“Coke?” I asked.

Monte nods his head and they walk off. I then noticed Max taking my hand again under the table. I smiled at him and he smiled back. Suddenly Max’s phone went off. He took it out his pocket and checked it. He then glared at Craig.

“Fuck off.” Max hissed.

Craig laughed out loud. I looked at them confused. What was that about?

“What was that about?” I asked Max.
“Oh, nothing.” Max said.
“Ouch!” Craig exclaimed.

I looked at them even more confused.

“It’s nothing.” Craig said.
“Ok then...” I mumbled.

Then suddenly Monte sat a drink in front of me. I looked up at him as he sat down and Robert handed Max and Craig their drinks.

“They didn’t have coke so I got you Pepsi.” Monte chuckled.
“Thanks ok.” I smiled. “Really what is the difference?” I asked myself mainly.

Monte shrugged. I picked up the drink and had a sip. It was ice cold. I saw out the side of my eye that Max chugged down like half of his drink. What’s his hurry?

“Yeah?” I asked looking at him.
“Do you...Want to dance?” He asked.
“Yeah sure.” I smiled.

He smiled back and we got out our seats. I noticed Monte smirking. Is he ever going to give up? Yes I like Max, but it doesn’t mean that I would tell him.

Wait; I just admitted I like him...

Max pulled me to the little half empty dance floor and stopped. He turned to me and placed his hands on my hips. I blushed and placed my hands on his shoulders. We started dancing to the music.
♠ ♠ ♠
There you go an update.
Don't forget comments makes me update more and brightens up my day! :D
Hope you liked this chapter ^^