Status: Finished and now collecting dust. xD

See the Sky, See the Stars, All of This Could Be Ours

Chapter 18

~* Max’s POV *~

I stood at the front of the bus waiting for everyone to go to this club that we planned to go to. Craig said he’s been there before and it was a good place, I just want to get out the bus.

“So are you going to get off your ass and tell her?” Craig asked smirking.

I rolled my eyes. Ever since I first became best friends with Tara, I’ve liked her. So that would be 2 years now...? Something like that and Craig made me tell him one night about a year ago and when we finally met up with Tara again he has been annoying me non stop. All the guys have. I want to tell her...But how?

“I told you I was going to tell her tonight, so fuck up.” I mumbled.

Craig chuckled.

“You better, ‘cause when she’s not around all you do is mop around.” He stated.

Ok that might be true...I looked away from him. Finally Monte and Robert came to the front of the bus and Tara quickly ran up to us. She had on black skinnies with a purple belt and a dark blue hooded jacket. Fuck she’s hot. I shook my head, I can’t think about stuff like that now.

“Let’s go!” Craig exclaimed.

We all got off the bus and followed him down the street. I hope he knows where he is going because I have no idea. Taryn walked next to me looking down at the path. I reached over and took her hand. She looked up at me and smiled.

“Here it is.” Craig smiled.

We got in the long line and I had to let go of Tara’s hand. After a few minutes we walked in. It looked like a cool enough place.

“Why are we here again?” Tara asked looking around.
“For a bit of fun!” I smiled taking her hand again.

All of us walked randomly over to one of the tables over it the far corner; it was kinda hidden so that was good. I pulled up a chair and sat down next to Tara and across from Craig. Monte and Robert didn’t sit down. I looked up at them.

“We’ll get the drinks, who wants one?” Robert asked.
“Pick me.” Craig laughed.
“I’ll have one.” I said.
“Coke?” Tara asked.

Monte nods his head and with that both walk off. I reach under to the table to Tara and take her hand again. As weird as it sounds it feels like sparks go up my arm when I hold her hand. She looked at me and smiled. I smiled back at her.

Suddenly my phone went off. I reached in my pocket and pulled it out. I had a text message. I opened it.

‘From: Craig.
Kissy Kissy <3’

I looked away from my phone and glared at Craig.

“Fuck off.” I hiss.

He laughed out loud and I continued to glare at him. Idiot. Then I noticed that Tara looking confused from the corner of my eye.

“What was that about?” She asked me.
“Oh, nothing.” I said.

I kicked Craig under the table.

“Ouch!” He exclaimed.

Taryn looked at us more confused. I tried not to laugh at Craig.

“It’s nothing.” Craig said looking at me.
“Ok then...” Tara mumbled.

Then Monte and Robert came back with drinks. He handed Tara hers and Robert gave me mine. Tara started talking with Monte. I didn’t listen and looked at Craig. He titled his head to the side and glanced over to the side. I looked to where he was looking. He was looking at the dance floor. I sighed looking back at him and nod my head. He smiled brightly. If this goes wrong he is in deep shit...And so will I...

I picked up my drink and chugged down like half of it. It kinda hurt because of how cold it was but I don’t really care. I place it back down on the table. I looked at Taryn so I didn’t have to look at the guys.

“Yeah?” She asked looking at me.
“Do you...Wanna dance?” I asked.

I almost chickened out. Shit.

“Yeah sure.” She smiled.

I smiled back and we got out our seats. I took a quick glance at the guys. Monte and Craig smirked at me and Robert held up a thumb up while he drank his drink. I looked away and I could feel myself blushing a little. I hope Monte was right about that she likes me too...

I pulled her gently to the half empty dance floor and stopped in a place that the others couldn’t see us well. I turned around and placed my hands on her hips and she placed her hands on my shoulders blushing. She looks so cute when she blushed. We both started dancing to the music.

Now think Max, thank. How are you going to tell her, without scaring her off...? Though what I really want to do is just lean forward and kiss her...I could do that but that most likely scare her. I don’t want to ruin our friendship. Not at all. And I have to do something tonight, the others would annoy the crap out of me and probably lock us together in a room until I told her or something...We did that to Monte once, he didn’t talk to us for a week...

While I thought me and Tara kept dancing. They were playing simple stuff at the moment. I took her hand and spin her slowly around. She laughed spinning around. This in a way was really random for me, but it’s fun. Tara spined back to me and I wrapped my arms around her lightly. She smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck. We kept dancing.

I took a deep breath. I have to tell her. It’s now or never...

“Hey Taryn.” I started.

It wasn’t that often when I used her full name. She looked up at me in the eyes.

“There is something I want to tell you...But I’m afraid you would run away from me...” I mumbled.
“I’m sure I wont Max.” She smiled.

I smiled back. Her smile was contagious and her Australian accent was cute as hell.

“Anyway you know that you can tell me anything.” She stated.

Yeah that was true. I sighed and looked into her eyes. Why could I just say the fucking words? Really why am I so scared to say them? I normally never have a problem telling someone how I feel when I want to...

I looked deeper into her eyes and the next thing I know was that I just leaned forward and kissed her. I quickly realised what I did and pulled back. Oh fucking great one Max! Tara looked back at me completely shocked. I’ve stuffed it now. I moved away from her.

“I’m sorry.” I said.

I turned and walked away towards the door of the club as fast as I could. I passed the table that the guys were sitting at only to see Monte there. I don’t think he saw me. I walked out the door and onto the street. I begin walking to the bus.

Great one Max, you probably just fuck up your friendship with Tara...

~* Tara’s POV *~

I just stared in shock as I was Max walked away. Him kissing me was the last thing I thought would happen and he left so fast that I couldn’t stop him to say anything...Or even kiss him back. Though it was only a very short kiss, my lips were still tingling.

I shook my head to get out the shock. I have to talk to him. I walked off the dance floor and looked around. I couldn’t see Max anywhere, but I spotted Craig and Robert by the pool tables. I walked quickly to them. I poked Craig on the shoulder and he jumped yelping, spinning around to look at me.

“Mind giving me a heart attack?” He asked taking a deep breath.

I chuckled a little.

“You’ll be fine and sorry.” I said. “Do you know where Max went?” I asked.

Craig looked at me confused and then his face dropped like he knew something I didn’t.

“No I thought he was with you...” Craig trailed off.
“That was the last time we saw him.” Robert said.

I nod my head and walked over to the table quickly leaving them there. Monte looked up from his drink and jumped to his feet walked to me.

“Did you see where Max went?” I asked.
“Yeah, he walked out the club, what happened?” He asked.
“He uh...He kissed me, said sorry and walked off. I was too shocked to do anything.” I said. “Even kiss back.” I added quietly.

Monte then started pushing me to the door of the club.

“Chase him down and do that then. He has been wanting to tell you that he likes you for about 2 years now.” Monte said.

I stopped moving and looked at Monte shocked. 2 years? Wow...Ok now I understand why Monte was playing matchmaker a bit. 2 years!

“So do you like him?” Monte asked.
“Yes.” I nodded.
“Well you better catch him and tell him.” He smiled.
“I will thanks.” I smiled kissing his cheek.

I then turned and walked out the club quickly. Monte is just like an older brother to me. My American brother. I chuckled at that but kept walking. I kinda knew where the bus was parked so I walked that way. I have no idea where I am. Basically the only city I know in America was where I used to live, and that’s it.

I walked down the street and around the corner. I saw the bus and Max standing beside it with his back to me. I ran towards the bus.

“Max!” I called.

He turned around and looked at me. I came to a stop in front of him.

“Why didn’t you tell me that you liked me?” I asked a little breathless from running.

He shrugged and looked away from me and to the bus.

“Well I though you didn’t like me like that...And I guess I was to chicken to...” He mumbled.
“Well you through wrong.” I said quietly.

But he heard and looked at me. I took a step forward and kissed him. I could tell he was shocked. I went to pull away but he moved forward keeping his lips on mine and wrapping his arms around my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck. I can’t believe that I’m kissing Max. If felt so nice...So right...

I smiled into the kiss and so did he. After a moment he pulled away smiling brightly. I’m sure I had a goofy smiled on my face too.

“Tara, I like you a lot.” He chuckled hugging me.
“I like you too Max.” I smiled.

I then pulled away from him still smiling.

“Have you got a key for the bus? It’s cold out here.” I said.

It was freezing outside and the jacket I was waring was only thin too. Max nods his head and pulled out a key smiling. He opened the bus door and walked in taking my head. I followed him in and closed the door behind me. He walked over to the couch and sat down. I went to sit next to him but he pulled me to his lap. I smiled.

“So what do you want to do until the others get back?” He asked resting his head on my shoulder. “Movie?”
“Yeah.” I nodded.

Max picked up the file of DVDs and we started going though them looking for something good to watch.
♠ ♠ ♠
So...did you like it? D:

I have the rest of the story written so if you want me to update fast then comment and I will.
Sound fair? I think it does :3
There is a bit to happen yet in the story ;D