Status: Finished and now collecting dust. xD

See the Sky, See the Stars, All of This Could Be Ours

Chapter 19

The sound of people taking and walking in the bus woke me up from my sleep. I moaned annoyed and cuddled up to the closest thing to me to block out the noise...Which I guess must be Max because I felt him move and wrap his arm around my waist. Also I was lying on the couch with him when watching the movie. I must have fallen asleep when it finished.

“Would yous shut up?” Max asked sleepily.
“See I told yous to be quiet because you would wake up the lovebirds.” Robert said.

Monte and Craig laughed.

“About fucking time their together.” Craig half slurred.

I knew that they would have more than a couple of drinks at the club. I moved closer to Max. All I want to do is sleep, why can’t they shut up?

They just kept talking about us. I grumbled annoyed. Can’t a person sleep around here at night? I opened my eyes and turned my head around to look at the guys. They were looking at me and Max on the couch.

“Shut and go to bed. I want to sleep!” I hissed.

I moved my head back so I was facing Max. He had his eyes half open looking tired and very annoyed. I closed my eyes.

“Sorry. Were going now.” Robert said.
“Sorry.” Craig mumbled. “Night.”

Then I could hear them waking off but I could hear someone walking to the couch. Then I felt someone kissing my cheek. Max tightens his arm around me. I peaked my eye open to see Monte. His breath stinks badly.

“What? Aren’t I’m aloud to give my little sister a good night kiss?” Monte asked.
“Little sister?” Max asked.
“Yep, she’s my little Australian sister.” Monte beamed. “Right Tara?”
“Yup, my big American brother.” I mumbled.

Max laughed shaking his head.

“Hey if she’s your Australian sister, then she’s my sister too.” Craig said from the back of the bus.
“And mine!” Robert added.

I laughed sleepily.

“Yes yous are, now goodnight.” I called.
“Night!” They said at the same time including Monte.

Monte turned and walked off to the bunks. I placed my head back down and closed my eyes.

“Bloody annoying brothers.” I mumbled.

Max laughed. I smiled and started drifting back off to sleep. I was almost back to sleep when Max said my name.

“Yeah?” I breathed.

Then I could feel his breath hitting my face.

“Before you go back to sleep, I have to ask you something.” He whispered. “Be my girlfriend?”

I nod my head sleepily and kinda hugged him. He chuckled.

“Let’s get you to bed.” He said.

Then I could feel that he picked me up. I sleepily held onto him and then I felt the bed under me. Max let go of me and I rolled over placing my head on the pillow. I felt Max get in behind me and pull the blankets over us. I think he said goodnight and wrapped his arms around me but I’m not sure because that’s when I drifted off back to sleep.


I opened my eyes and the first thing I noticed was that I was lying in the bunk alone. I looked around and noticed it wasn’t my bunk. I could tell because there were some pictures hanging up. I had only 2 pictures hanging I mine. One of me and Tammy and one with me and the guys. In here there were all over the place. Must be Max’s bunk.

I pushed the blankets off me and got out the bunk. I heard voices at the front of the bus. I headed there rubbing my eye. I got to the front to see the guys sitting on the couches. All of them had food apart from Monte so I sat on him, since there nowhere else to sit.

“Morning bro.” I smiled at him.
“Good morning sis!”

I chuckled and yawned.

“Moring peoples.” I said to everyone else.
“Good morning.” Max smiled.

Craig and Robert both mumbled a good morning while eating. I looked up at Monte.

“You know it’s about time you got out of bed, it’s midday.” He stated.
“Already?” I asked surprised.

I looked away from him. Geez I must have been tired...But then again it was 11 when the movie finished and then the guys woke me up again after that.

“Your lunch is here.” Max said holding up a bag.

I got out of Monte lap to get it. Max put the bag down and pulled me to his lap. He quickly pecked my lips and handed me the bag. I smiled.

“Yay I get brunch.” I chuckled.

Max laughed before taking a bite of whatever he is eating. I opened the box that was in the bag and started eating.

“And after we finish eating we have to get ready for tonight.” Craig said.
“Ok.” I nodded.

Tonight’s show should be good. Actually now that I think of it they have shows for the next 4 nights...Busy, busy again. But it should be fun. I can’t wait.
♠ ♠ ♠
There you go i updated :3
There is still another twist in the story, can anyone guess it?
I have the rest of this story finished so comment and i'll post quicker :] Sound good?