Status: Finished and now collecting dust. xD

See the Sky, See the Stars, All of This Could Be Ours

Chapter 2

The computer screen glowed brightly in front of my eyes as I sat looking at it bored like. Today has been such a boring day and now I was just spending my time on myspace and reading the latest Australian news. I had to know what was going on at home somehow.

And I wasn’t only on for that, but to talk to Tammy on msn. She wasn’t on yet and I hope that she does come on tonight; I do really miss talking to her. And it has been two days since she called. I had thought about her idea on joining Escape the Fate on tour and I tried to call Monte and Max but they must have new numbers because the calls never went through.

I sighed and closed down the website I was looking at the Aussie news on. It was just as bad as the news you get here. I went back to my myspace page and looked at my friends list. I only had a small amount of friends on there. Mainly just Tammy, Escape the Fate’s page, Max, Monte, Craig -even though I haven’t met him yet- , Ronnie, and well that’s about it...Oh and some of the bands that I had worked with but I never talk to them. They don’t talk to me anymore so I don’t talk to them, simple.

I sighed again and decided to do something new on my profile for something to do, while I waited for Tammy. So I changed the about me box and some others, then uploaded some new photos of me knowing that Tammy wanted to see some new ones; she always asks for new ones.

Then suddenly a little msn noise went off. A little box came up in the corner off the screen but it wasn’t the one I wanted to see. I wanted to see that Tammy had signed in, not that I had an email from myspace. I sighed and clicked the home page on myspace without looking at the email. The page loaded and I had a new message. I wonder who that is from...

I opened the message lists and looked at the screen confused.

‘1 new message; from Craig Mabbitt’

Craig Mabbitt? Why would he send me a message for?

Still confused I opened the message. It took just a few seconds to load.

‘Hello Taryn...Um, I know that we haven’t met yet but Max has been nagging me to message you, he says that your a best friend of the band or something...And so yeah I’m messaging you to get him off my, hi?


I burst out laughing. That would be so Max. Poor Craig for putting up with him just to message me. I laughed again and shook my head. I pressed the reply button and started typing.

‘Hey Craig,

That’s ok. Oh and I give you permission to hit Max over the head for annoying you xD. He can be such a pain like that. So I guess we could say we have finally met now, so nice to meet you. Can you say hello to the others for me, thanks.

I sent the message and sat back in my chair, I wonder if he would write back any time soon...

Suddenly my stomach growled. Bugger.

I dragged myself out of my chair and walked to the kitchen. I had most of my stuff pack in boxes now. I would have to move out in a week and I still have no where to go and it was starting to worry me. I guess it’s a good thing I don’t have that many things.

I walked into the kitchen and pulled out a packet of chips out of the pantry. I opened them and then grabbed a can of cool drink out of the fridge. I walked around the boxes again and back to my room to the computer.

I sat down in the chair and put the drink on the table. Then msn went off again. Another email from myspace. If that’s from Craig, that was fast. I went back into the messages on myspace while I ate on my chips. It was another message from Craig. I opened it.

Well I hit Max over the head, I don’t think he liked it, ha! Thanks for the permission. ;) It’s nice to meet you too, everyone always talks about you. And they all said hello back, and Monte said hello my blue chick or something like that.


I burst out laughing again that would have been so funny to see Max get hit over the head and I can’t believe that Monte remembers that! He always called me that since I normally wear blue as it is my fave colour and I had blue steaks in my hair for a while. And when I say blue steaks I mean bright blue steaks in my hair. I smiled remembering that.

I pressed reply on the screen.

Next time you hit Max can you tape if for me! That would be so funny to see! And can you tell Monte that I’m his purple and blue chick now, I have mostly purple streaks now, and he’ll know what I’m talking about. Oh and can you get Max, Monte or Robert to call me please.


I sent it and started eating my chips again. I finished them quickly and opened the can of coke. Then the little thing from msn came up again for another email from myspace. That was one thing that I liked about msn and emails, it saves me refreshing that page on myspace all the time.

I opened the new message. This time it was from Max *The Ripper* Green.

‘MY HEAD FUCKING HURTS! Why did you tell him to hit me for? I though you loved me...=(‘

I laughed and shook my head. The same old Maxi.

‘Because you were annoying him. You’re not aloud to annoy him! And I do love you silly. *hugs*’

I smiled as I sent that. I’ve missed talking and joking around with Max so much. We had so many inside jokes that no one would ever understand. He was my best, best friend in the world, other then Tammy.

Once again the thing went off from msn. I opened yet another message, from Max again. Geez, people love me today.

‘Fuck yeah! Someone loves me!!! *hugs you too* so purple and blue hair chick now aye?

I smiled writing back.

‘Yup, but I’m thinking about getting blue and purple in my hair, what do you think? Oh, hey can you call me please?’

I sent the message and sat back in my chair. I hope he still has my number...

I lifted up the can of coke and took a few mouthfuls. I few minutes went passed and no more emails came from myspace and my phone, both phones, sat silent on the desk. Did they go?

I reached forward to click on the screen but then the little box once again popped up for another email saying I had a message from myspace. Finally.

I quickly opened it and it was from Craig again.

‘Well, I have no idea what you and Monte are going about but he seems to get it. I asked the guys for you but none have credit at the moment and we have to go. Monte said he’ll try and call soon. So talk later I guess, bye.


I frowned. And I was having fun talking to them too. I sighed and wrote back any way. So that would explain why Max didn’t write back again.

‘Oh, okey dokey. But can you make sure he calls me, I really need to talk to him. Cya~!’

Minutes when by and no more messages or email from myspace and Tammy still didn’t sign in. I sighed. Well I hope either Max or Monte calls me. I really need to ask them about seeing them and about Tammy’s idea. I really need to find some place to go; I really don’t want to be stuck on the streets...
♠ ♠ ♠

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