Status: Finished and now collecting dust. xD

See the Sky, See the Stars, All of This Could Be Ours

Chapter 20

A whole week went passed since me and Max got together and everyday was busy as. Everyday there was a show and more travailing. When they guys weren’t sleeping they were playing or getting ready to play. And I have become their house cleaner in the bus; you could say. I cooked and cleaned. I didn’t mind doing that for them, but I did mind when they tried to get me to ware this stupid maid outfit the other night...Ugh.

I rolled my eyes at the thought of that night while I waited for my toast to cook. It was 9:30am and the others were sleeping. Today was a day off from the concerts but it was a full day of travel. How Paul our driver can drive so much in one day has me beat. I started at the toaster.

I jumped and yelped as someone’s arms wrapped around my waist.

“Moring Tara.” Max laughed.

I sighed and relaxed in his arms leaning against his chest.

“You almost gave me a heart attack.” I sighed.

He laughed and held me tighter. I smiled and placed my hand over his. I turned my head to see his face.

“Sorry babe.”

He then leaned forward and kissed me. I smiled and kissed him back...Wait did he just call me babe? Max turned me around in his arms and I wrapped my arms around his neck. After a moment we had to pulled away for air and because my toast finally popped from the toaster.

“Finally!” I exclaimed walking out of Max’s arms.

I quickly took the pieces of toast out as Max laughed and put them on a plate before putting butter and jam on them. I picked up the plate and sat down at the little table. Max followed and sat next to me. I picked up one of the pieces and started eating.

“Morning guys...” Craig yawned walking passed us and sat on the couch.
“Morning Craig.” I smiled.
“Morning.” Max said.

Max then picked up the other piece of toast and started eating it. I gasped.

“Hey!” I complained.

Max just smirked and took a big bite. I sighed shaking my head smiling.

“You Know you could have just asked.” I state.
“Oh ok...Can I have this piece? Thanks!” Max said.

I laughed and shook my head again. Guys.

“Since he got some, where’s mine?” Monte asked suddenly popping up out of nowhere.

I jumped and screamed. All the guys started laughing at me. I hit Monte on the arm but he kept laughing.

“What with yous and scaring me today?” I asked. “First Max, now Monte!” I complained.
“You scared her?” Monte asked Max.
“Yeah.” Max laughed.

I pouted and looked away from them eating my toast again. They all laughed again. I finished my toast and got up to put the plate in the sink.


I jumped and span around to see Robert as I heard Monte yelp. Robert started laughing. I glared at him.

“You bloody guys and your bloody sudden appearances.” I mumbled.
“Hey I didn’t scare you.” Craig pointed out quickly.

I turned and smiled at him. I walked over to where he was on the couch and he moved a little so I could sit on his lap. I saw the others looking at me in all different ways; Max looked the most confused. I poked my tongue at them.

“He’s me nice mate, ya’s try to bloody scare me.” I said in a full Australian accent.

They all looked at me surprised with mouths open. I laughed.

“Geez it’s like yous never see an Australian talk before.” I continue in a think accent.

I was good at my accent now; being in America for a while I’ve somehow learned to tone it down a little. So I could talk in my full accent when ever I wanted; like now which is surprising all the guys. I laughed at the look on their faces. They just kinda just stared at me. I don’t think they know what to say. I chuckled and got out of Craig’s lap.

“Bloody American’s.” I chuckled jokingly.

I walked over to the sink to get a drink. I grabbed a cup and filled it up with water from the jug in the fridge.

“And since when could you talk like that...?” Monte asked.
“Always could mate.” I said.

I took a drink and tried not to laugh. The guys chuckled and Monte shook his head smiling. I finished my small drink and sat the cup down in the sink. I turned around and sat on the bench swinging my legs back and forth. Max walked over to me smiling. He took my hand in his.

“And why didn’t you talk like that before?” Craig asked looking curious.
“Don’t know.” I shrugged talking normal again. “I guess I’ve been away from home to long.” I chuckled before looking down.

It has been a long time since I’ve been home...Well my first home. I count America as my second home.

“There is something I don’t know about you Tara.” Craig started randomly.

I looked at him and tilted my head to the side confused. All these guys know all about me like they know the back of their hands almost. Well I guess apart from Craig, but he still knows a lot about me.

“How did you meet these guys in the first place? No one really told me about that.” He said.
“Oh...” I said.

I thought he knew...I thought the others told him.

“I thought yous told him.” I looked at Monte, Max and Robert.
“Uh...I guess we forgot.” Monte laughed.

I smiled shaking my head.

“Well I met these guys when they came to Australia. There did a very small tour one year before they were really known. I was working as a magazine writer, though I really hated the job cause of that bitch of a boss I had. So I was sent there to do a write up about them. I got lucky and got to do a interview with the guys.” I smiled.
“Yeah that was funny.” Max laughed. “We ended up ditching your questions and making new ones.”
“Yeah.” I chuckled remembering it. “We all somehow ended up talking about all random stuff and we became friends in a way. They found out that I wrote lyrics and stuff. And they asked if I would go with them to America to show their record label.” I smiled brightly remembering it. “So after my Mum talked me into going even though she’s was hospital-I went. So I showed the record label, they liked me. So I stayed over here. Then I went on tour with the guys for a while.”

Craig nods his head.

“But you left them after a while right?” He asked.
“Yeah I got hired by a different record label so I got that apartment I lived in when I met you. And you know what happened with that record label sacking me and then me having to move out the flat.”
“Yeah.” He nods his head. “Wait did you say your Mum was in hospital?”
“Yea, she was getting over cancer again.” I sighed. “She’s had cancer on and off for about 10 years. She told me on the phone the other night that she had to see the doctors again for check ups. She see’s a lot of doctors, but she’s been fine as off the last 2 or 3 years.” I smiled.

Max gripped my hand a little. He knows about my Mum and how my Dad died when I was little in a car crash. I looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back.

Me and Mum always keep in close contact. I’m always able to contact her more easer than Tammy, which I actually managed to call the other night. She doing great in her exams, her next ones is this week. I have to call her again to see how she is going...

“So how everyone know the whole story.” Monte smirked. “Who wants to watch a movie?” He asked out of nowhere.
“Me!” Almost all of us said.

We laughed and Monte, Robert and Craig started setting up to watch the movie. Max turned to me and stood in front of me. He smirked.

“Well I don’t know about the other guys...” He leaned forward so his face was right in front of me. “But that full Australian accent of yours was sexy.”

I laughed and he smiled.

“Oh really mate?” I asked in full accent again.

He leaned forward and kissed me softly. I smiled as he did.

“Ok love birds the movie is on.” Robert said.
“Yeah come and watch it. I don’t want to see my little sisters face being sucked off.” Monte added.

Me and Max laughed. I got off the bench and we walked over to the couch. Max sat down and pulled me to his lap. I smiled and looked up at the TV screen.
♠ ♠ ♠
So you know all about Taryn now.
Comment and make me smile?
It might make me update the next chapter very soon ;D