Status: Finished and now collecting dust. xD

See the Sky, See the Stars, All of This Could Be Ours

Chapter 21

“How is everybody doing tonight?” Craig yelled.

The crowd went completely nuts and screamed so loud that I have to block my ears with my hands. Tonight show so far has been amazing. No amazing couldn’t describe it.

Max then looked over at me and winked smiling. I poked my tongue back at him before laughing. He laughed and turned back to the crowd. Max had been doing that for most of the concert and even pulling silly random faces at me. Monte was the one who started it when he gave me a silly face at the start of the concert.

“This next song is called Situations!” Craig said.

The crowd went nuts once again. Craig grabbed a water bottle and took a quick swig. Max looked at me again and smiled softly. Then I remembered what Max had told me at the start of the show.

He had said; ‘Me and Craig have a surprise for everyone while playing Situations.’ He then smiled. ‘And I don’t want you to get jealous or upset about it, it’s just for the hell of it and we want to see how the crowd would react to it, and well everyone else.’ He laughed hugging me as I nod my head.

So I wonder what they have planned or what this “surprise” is. Knowing Max and Craig it really could be anything at all. And why would he think I could be jealous or upset about it? Craig turned to the mic and the music started.

“Situations are irrelevant now.
She loves the way that I tease,
I love the way that she breathes.

I touched her ooh!
She touched my ahhh!
It was the craziest thing!

I love the girls who hate to love because they're just like me.
A certain girl, she took my hand, and ran it up her thigh
She licked her lips and pulled my hair; I fall in love for a night.

She can't behave,
And I'm just a slave.
Don't worry- I'll be gone when the morning comes.

Darling, what is going on?
Honestly, that never happened
Lying is your favourite passion.
Leave me- go where you belong,
Higher heels and lipstick napkins,
Dying is your latest fashion.

The frustration, it's a regular thing
I hate the ones who love to hate because they're just like me.
A certain girl, she took her hand, and put in my lap
It's way too full, she said once you have me, you'll always come back.

She can't behave and, I'm just a slave,
Don't worry; I'll be gone when the morning comes.

Darling, what is going on?
Honestly, that never happened
Lying is your favourite passion
Leave me- go where you belong
Higher heels and lipstick napkins,
Dying is your latest fashion.

I know you love to insist, and all it takes is a kiss,”

Right as Craig said ‘Kiss’ Max walked up to him and they quickly pecked each other on the lips. I felt my mouth fall open in complete sock. There were gasps and cheers all through the crowd. Monte and Robert almost stopped playing in shock. Max and Craig continued as if nothing happened. I blinked.

Suddenly I just busted out in fits of laughter. I almost tipped the chair over that I was sitting in. I can’t believe that they did that! I remember them talking about it a few nights ago. Oh. My. Gosh!

I just kept laughing as the song continued.

“And you just
Love to hate me.

You know you love all the lies, so don't act surprised that I just
Love to hate you.

I kissed your lips you pulled my hair it was the craziest thing.
I love the girls who love to hate.

Darling, what is going on?
Honestly that never happened
Lying is your favourite passion
Leave me- go where you belong
Higher heels and lipstick napkins
Dying is your latest fashion

Darling (leave me) what is going on?
Honestly, that never happened
Lying is your favourite passion
Leave me (darling) go where you belong
Higher heels and lipstick napkins,
Dying is your favourite PASSION!”

I managed to stop laughing a little. That had to be just one of the most funniest things I have ever seen! In a way. The guys closed the show and walked off stage. Robert and Monte still looked shocked and confused about it. Max and Craig walked towards me smiling and still acting like nothing happened. Though I could tell by Max’s eyes he was unsure of my reaction, he obviously didn’t see me laughing.

They walked in front of where I was sitting. I looked up at them. I just couldn’t help it. I burst out laughing again. I head Max sigh relieved.

“That...Had...To be one...Of The...Most random and...Funny things I...Have ever...Seen!” I said between laughs.

Max and Craig laughed too. I think Monte and Robert did too but I was to busy laughing and looking at Max to really notice. Max then leaned down and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around his sweaty waste. I took a deep breath to calm down my laughing, but I did keep giggling. Max chuckled.

He held me closer and pulled me out the chair still holding me. He moved his head back just enough to see my face. He smiled and then kissed me. I kissed back before laughing again. I just couldn’t help it. Max pulled away smiling shaking his head. I think he thought I really would be upset with him about it.

“That poor girl is going to die laughing from you two now.” Monte chuckled.
“I’m still thinking if I should laugh or just be completely grossed out.” Robert said.

We laughed then. Max let me go apart from one arm around my waist and we started walking down the hallway towards the back door. The guys didn’t have greet and meet tonight and I think they wanted to get out of here and in the bus before they would be squashed by fans.

We walked out the back door and walked quickly and quietly to the bus. Before the concert the guys did a huge signing and they were flat out doing it. We got to the bus unseen and walked in. Me and Max sat down on one of the couches and the others sat down on the other couch and the table.

Suddenly someone’s phone went off and Situations started playing. I started laughing again so did Craig. Robert pulled out his phone and we stopped laughing a little. I kept giggling.

“You guys gave her the giggles.” Robert laughed.
“She’ll be laughing all night now, if no one can keep her quiet.” Monte added.

I bit my lip to stop giggling but it didn’t work. I have no idea why I keep laughing about it.

“Well I think I can make her stop giggling.” Max smirked.

I looked at him and he crushed his lips on mine. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck kissing back. I felt his tongue run across my bottom lip. We basically started making out right then. Nothing to over the top or to make the others wanting to throw up seeing it though.

After a moment I could hear someone clearing their throat. But I ignored it so did Max. He held me tighter.

“Ok, that’s enough! I like my stomach how it is.” Robert said.

Me and Max pulled away then mostly because we needed air. We both smiled hugely at each other.

“Yeah, it’s very gross seeing my sister’s face being sucked off.” Craig added.
“I reckon.” Monte agreed.

I smiled and quickly pecked Max on the lips before letting him go for the others sakes. Max pouted a little.

“Plus yous know the rule.” Craig said. “No fucking unless we’re at least 100 meters away from the bus.”

Me and Max laughed then. Suddenly Max pulled me onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist and placed his chin on my shoulder. I smiled at him then looked back at the others. Both Craig and Monte stood up.

“I’m having a shower.” They both said at the same time.

The both looked at each other and then bolted to get their clothes while shoving at each other. Me, Max and Robert laughed watching them and even harder when Monte fell face first into the ground.

Just like another “normal” day with my guys.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry, I just had to put that in my story somewhere xD
so there are around, 5 more chapters D:and their all written already
and there is a huge twist coming in the next couple of chapters, can anyone guess?
Comments make me update faster, so comment please?
oh and I changed the layout, like it? D: