Status: Finished and now collecting dust. xD

See the Sky, See the Stars, All of This Could Be Ours

Chapter 23

“Standing on the rooftops, everybody scream your heart OUT!” Max and Craig yelled just as we got to the bus.

I winced at their loud voices which didn’t help that they both right next to me. I had my arms wrapped around them and they had their arms around me so they don’t fall over. They weren’t pissed face but they were a bit wobbly on their feet. I have to admit it was rather funny. Monte and Robert had been laughing at them from behind us the whole way back to the bus.

“Yeah, yeah, scream you hearts out in the bus. I’m sure people wont want to hear yous out here.” I chuckled as I watched Robert mess around with the bus door keys.
“But I’m a fucking awesome singer!” Craig exclaimed.
“Not when your drunk, your not.” I laughed as did Max.
“I’m not drunk!” He exclaimed. “I’m pissed.” He stated simply.

We all burst out laughing then. These guys are just so funny tonight. Robert finally managed to get the door open and walked into the bus with Monte following him. Craig let go of me and somehow got in the bus without falling over. I held Max a little tighter and we walked on the bus before I shut the door behinds us. I started walking again but Max stopped me.

“Wait.” He mumbled.
“Yeah Max?” I asked looking at him.

He pulled me close to him and a smiled spread across his face. He then kissed me. I smiled and kissed back holding my breath. His breath is really bad. I pulled away after a moment to breathe again. Note to self: if going to kiss Max while he is drinking, hold my breath. I chuckled at that.

Max smiled widely and wrapped his arms around my waist tighter. I placed my hands on his shoulders. I smiled as I remember that this was how we danced to one of the songs tonight as Craig and Monte danced with each other terribly. But they were so funny though, me and Max almost fell over 3 times laughing. Robert was actually sitting in the floor laughing. Tonight was an awesome night with the guys.

I smiled at Max and pecked his lips. He smiled widely. I pulled away but took his hand walking to where the others were in the kitchen.

“Tara sing with me!” Craig exclaimed.
“Ok what?” I asked.

I don’t mind singing for and with the guys. I used to sing them the songs I wrote though I haven’t written any in ages...About since I moved out the flat I used to live in. Maybe I should start writing songs again.

Craig smirked and glanced over at Max who was looking away. Oh I think I know which song he wants to sing. I let go of Max’s hand making him look at me. I walked over to Craig smirking.

“She wants to touch me, whoa. She wants to love me, whoa. She’ll never leave me, whoa, whoa, oh, oh!” Me and Craig sang dancing around.

Both Max and Robert held their hands over their ears. They hate that song by 3Oh!3. Me and Craig bust out laughing at them so did Monte. Unlike Max I loved that song.

“My ears bleed!’ Robert yelled sitting down on the couch.

We laughed more, after a while we calmed down.

“Well I’m going to bed, seeing as we have that acoustic show tomorrow.” Monte said. “Night all.” He smiled.
“Night.” We all said.

He walked over to me and hugged me, kissed my cheek before walking off waving to the others.

“Yeah I might go to bed too, my back hurts now.” Robert said standing up.
“Ok night Rob.” Craig said.

Both me and Max said good night and he walked off to the back waving at us. I heard Max yawn. I walked over to him and he opened his arms for me. I walked into them and wrapped my arms around his waist. I looked at his face; we were pretty much the same height. He looked tired.

“You better to go bed to.” I smiled.

He nods his head. I looked at Craig, he smiled at us.

“You better go too.” I said.
“Yeah Mum.” He said.

I laughed shaking my head.

“But only if I get a hug first.” Craig stated.

Max let me go chuckling and I walked up to Craig and hugged him. He hugged back then pulled away kissing my cheek. He looked over at Max.

“Wanna a hug too?” Craig asked in a kiddie’s voice.
“Yes, pwese.” Max said in a baby voice.

I laughed and they hugged each other lightly. Craig laughed and walked off to the bunks waving at us. Max yawned again which made me yawn. He chuckled and took my hand. He pulled me off to the bunks and up to mine. I raised an eyebrow. He just smiled and climbed in. I shrugged and climbed in after him. He pulled the blanket over us.

“Night Maxi.” I smiled.
“Night babe.” He smiled back with his eyes already almost closed on him.

I smiled and snuggled up to him as he wrapped his arms around me. I placed my head under his chin and closed my eyes smiling.


‘There’s a place that I’ve found,
As far as I can see,
This place lies within,
The depths of my dreams...’

Some type of music woke me from my sleep, it was quiet but it sounded like it was right next to my head. Max groaned in his sleep and rolled over facing the other way. I sat up a little. Where is it coming from? Everyone must be asleep as the bus is still dark. Then I noticed a small glowing light coming from under my pillow. I lifted it up and noticed my phone glowed as it ringed. Shit.

I quickly grabbed it and looked at the caller I.D. It was Mum. I smiled, not the best time to call but at least I get to talk to her. I pressed the talk button as I climbed out the bunk.

“Hi Mum.” I whispered.
Hello Sweetie.” She said softly. “Um...How are you?
“I’m good.” I whispered.

I walked quickly and quietly to the front of the bus. I didn’t want to wake anyone one up so I went all the way to the door. I sat down on the steps so I was facing the door. I was just about to ask Mum how she was but she bet me asking something else.

I’m not calling at a bad time am I? Did I wake you up?
“No it’s fine and yeah you did wake me up.”
Oh I’m sorry; I can call later if you want...
“No, it’s fine.” I smiled though she couldn’t see it.

I was about to ask how she was again but she cut me off again.

I’d though you would be glad to know that Tammy finished all her half year exams today.” Mum said.
“That’s great! I hope she did good, when does she get the results back?” I asked.
I’m not sure, in a month tops I think.
“Ok.” I nodded though she can’t see. “Hey what’s the time over there?” I asked.
Almost 4pm.
“Ok, so it’s about 4am here then.” I said mainly to myself.
That early? Sorry I didn’t kn-
“It’s ok.” I cut her off. “Talking to my Mum is more important then sleeping at the moment.”

I heard her chuckled lightly. I smiled. I miss her heaps.

“So what’s been happening over there apart from Tammy doing her exams?” I asked.
Oh...I few things.” She said before sighing.

I didn’t like her tone of voice, something was wrong. I could tell.

“Mum, what’s wrong?” I asked.

She let out a long sigh and was quiet for a moment.

Well I have something important to tell you, that why I really called. Yesterday I got the results back from my last tests and scans.”

I felt my heart sink a little. Please don’t tell me it’s bad news...She took a deep breath.

They found cancer again.

My heart fully sunk as I started empty at the door almost dropping the phone. Not again. Oh not again!

It’s breast cancer again, same side. They said that they have caught it early, even earlier than last time.
“That’s good...” I whispered.
Yeah, I have to have some more tests done but they said it shouldn’t have spread and they would need to operate soon...

I nod my head, but then remembered that she couldn’t see it. I just wish I was there to hold her right now. Why did she have to get it again? It’s not fair...

“Did...They say when they were going to operate?” I asked quietly.
No, not yet.” She sighed.

I could tell she was trying not to cry as was I. I hear her sob a little. I bit my lip annoyed that I could do anything like hold her, she would be all alone over there apart from Tammy. Tammy’s mum, Auntie Brittney was what I would call a workaholic and is hardly ever around when you needed her half of the time.

“I wish I was there with you.” I said honestly.
I wish you were here too sweetie.” She said quietly.

Then suddenly I felt split. Part of me wanted to be with her and the other wanted to stay here with Max and my “brothers”. I felt a tear fall down my cheek. What am I going to do? I want to be there for her and she needs me, she can’t go though this all alone...

I’m sorry sweetie, I have to go for now. I have a doctor’s appointment soon...
“Ok, I’ll try and call you later on. Ok?”
Okay. Miss you hun. I love you.” Her voice broke as she said love.
“I love you too.”
See you.

Then she hanged up. I pressed the end button and let the phone fall from my hand and onto my lap. I started blankly at the door as tears fell down my face. This is her second time having breast cancer...

I continued to stare at the door. I couldn’t think properly.

How could everything in the world turn upside down in just a matter of minutes?
♠ ♠ ♠
Shit just hit the fan D:
You didn't expect that did you ;D
What do you think will happen now?
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