Status: Finished and now collecting dust. xD

See the Sky, See the Stars, All of This Could Be Ours

Chapter 3

There’s a place that I’ve found,
As far as I can see,
This place lies within,
The depths of my dreams.

Music of one of my fave songs filled my ears. But I had on idea where it was coming from. I rolled over in my bed and opened my eyes just to be blinded by sun light.


I threw my arm over my eyes to hide from the sun light. Why the hell did I take the curtains off yesterday, when I still had 4 days left in the apartment?

I walk with shadows,
(you have to find a better way)
I walk with shadows,
(the questions I will never say)
Hiding from the gallows,
(they keep me safe and sound)
So I walk with shadows,
(the ways of burning down this house)

I forced my eyes open again to see where the music is coming from. It was in my room, I know that. I sat up in bed and looked around while squinting my eyes to see. Why did it have to be summer here and winter back home?

End transmission.
The satellites are down.
I need an earthquake,
To shake this pity,

A soft glow caught me eyes from across the room. Shit! My phone is ringing!

I jumped out of my bed only to fall to the ground at the end of my bed, almost hitting my head on the desk. I grumbled to myself as I reached up and grabbed my American mobile, which was the one ringing. I pressed the talk button, without looking at the caller ID, just in time.

“Hello?” I mumbled.

Who ever this person is really owns me for waking me up now.

“Taryn!” About 3 voices said at the same time with another laughing in the background.

Who the hell is this?!

“Uh...Yeah?” I said letting my head droop onto the ground and onto the blanket which was now all over the ground and tangled all around me.
“You have no ideas who this is, do you?” Someone said.

His voice was familiar but I couldn’t think who it was, I am still somewhat half asleep and the fact that I hate walking up early didn’t help me think.

“No fucking idea.” I stated grumpily.

The people laughed on the other end of the line.

“Well do you want a clue?” Another person spoke.

I simply mumbled as a reply. I heard more laughing.

“Maybe we should have called later, she definitely still hates mornings.” Yet another said.
“She would have done the same to us.”
“Is she always like this?”
“Only when she’s really tired.”

They kept talking amongst them selves. I just listened boredly not really having what ever they were saying sink into my head. But I guess that there are about 4 people talking.

“Taryn? Are you still there?” One asked after a while.

They still haven’t given me a clue yet.

“Well if you want to know who we are, which you should know anyway, you need to come down to the front of the apartment block.” He said. Who ever he was.

I rolled my eyes. There is no way I am walking down all of those stairs at the moment. I’ve had enough of stairs and my legs hurt from all the packing I’ve been doing. Who ever it is has to come here because I’m not moving.

“Why don’t you come up to the apartment?” I asked. “Because I’m not moving from where I am.” I said simply.

No, morning wasn’t my fave time of the day.

“Well we would have done that but we don’t know where exactly you live...” Yet another said.

I was getting confusing on who exactly I was talking to. One of them or all of them?

“I live in the 12th floor, 12B.” I said. “You have to take the stairs, the elevator is still broken.”
“Oh, that’s great...” One mumbles.
“Well we’ll ring you again when we get there. Ok?” Another asks.
“Yeah sure.”

Then the line went dead. I dropped the phone on the ground, it landed on the blanket. I sighed and closed my eyes. I really can’t be bothered moving from where I am. As odd as it sounds, it actually felt comfy here.

I was now more awake and I’m sure even if I wanted to I can’t go back to sleep, apart from the fact that I was apparently having visitors. About the second lot of visitors that I would have ever come here and I move out in 4 days. A bit sad isn’t it?

I sighed again and opened my eyes to look at the ceiling. Now really who could that have been? The only people that know the number of my American phone was Escape the Fate, Tammy, and Ronnie I guess and that’s about it. And Max, Monte and Robert still haven’t called me...

Wait! That couldn’t have been them could it?!

I sat up from where I was on the ground and hit my head on the desk.


I touched the top on my head. Luckily for me I didn’t hit it that hard. Bloody annoying desk...

I shook my head and picked up my phone and blanket. I untangled it and wrapped it around me again. Though it was very sunny outside it was still cold inside and I didn’t have any heaters going last night to that made the place even colder.

I pulled the blanket around me tighter and walked out of my room and down the passage way slowly. Just as I walked into the lounge room my phone went off again. I quickly answered it.

“Hey...” Some one said breathlessly.

I laughed lightly, poor buggers for walking up all those stairs.

“How many more fucking stairs?!” Someone yelled in the background of the phone.

They yelled so loud I could here it echoing down the stair well on the phone line.

“Look there it is!” Another yelled.

I laughed. Sometimes I get like that walking those stairs, it’s not so much walking down them but walking up them that is a pain.

“Ok we’re on the 12th floor.”
“Well my apartment is right across from the stair well.” I said.

Then I could hear knocking on the door. I smiled. I wonder if this is who I really think it is. I press the off button my phone and placed it on the kitchen bench as I walked passed it to the front door.

I kept the blanket around me and unlocked the locks. I opened the door just to be squashed into a hug my three people as another stood out of the way laughing.
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hope you liked.
tell me what you thought of it please?