Status: Finished and now collecting dust. xD

See the Sky, See the Stars, All of This Could Be Ours

Chapter 5

The sound of people talking in murmurs filled our ears as we walked into the cafe. The place was only half full which was a little amazing. Every time I’ve been here it was on the edge of being full with people during anytime of the day. This cafe was pretty popular.

I walked through the cafe first and up to the counter. There was only one person behind the counter and she was quickly making drinks at the coffee machine. She turned and looked at me quickly.

“I’ll be there as soon as I can, sorry.” She said quickly.
“It’s ok, I’m not in a rush.” I smiled.

She smiled slightly and went back to what she was doing. I turned and looked at the guys as they slowly walked over to me from the door. Craig put on some sunnies, Robert looked down at the ground to hide his face, Monte did kinda the same and Max walked as quickly as he could to me without creating attention for himself. I guess that they wanted to be invisible today. I tried not to laugh.

They finally got over to me.

“If yous are trying to hide it isn’t working much.” I chuckled.
“Damnit.” Monte sighed.

He looked up at me from the ground so did Robert.

“Well next time you go out in public and you want to hide it’s best if you do these things.” I stated. “Robert; tie your hair up. Monte and Craig were a hat or something. And Max...Die your hair pink.”

Max looked at me and gasped a little. I laughed and so did the others.

“Pink hair over my dead body!” He spat.

I laughed more. I went to say something to him but I got cut off.

“Hello, thanks for waiting, can I help you?” The lady that was behind the counter asked smiling.

I smiled back at her.

“I would like a large chips and a milkshake.” I said then looked at the guys.

They all ordered what they wanted and the lady wrote it all down. The guys just paid theirs all together. I got my wallet out from my pocket and went to grab out some money. But then I noticed that someone reached out around me and handed the lady some money. I looked behind me surprised.

Max smiled at me.

“I owe you for like heaps of stuff, so I’m paying for you.” He stated.

I went to say something.

“No. I’m paying. The end.”

How did he know that I was going to complain? I rolled my eyes and said nothing. He smiled again and took my hand and led me over to a large table at the far side of the cafe. The others followed. We all sat down and I was sitting in between Max and Craig.

“So hows has the tour been so far?” I asked starting a conversation.
“It’s been great.” Robert said.
“It’s so awesome to see all the fans again. I got a black teddy bear this time.” Monte laughed.
“Awesome!” I exclaimed. “I bet seeing all the crazy fans again would be cool.”

Like with every band, you get the cool awesome fans then you get the crazy ones. And I mean really crazy.

“So Tara,” Max started and I looked at him. “So hows your work been?” He asked.

I blinked and scratched the back of my head.

“Uh, fine, I guess...”

I sighed. Maybe I should tell them that I lost my job...It would sound great to them aye? I lost my job and I’m being kicked out my flat, ugh. Thinking about it makes me have a headache.

“You guess?” Robert asked.
“Yeah well...” I trailed off.
“Well?” Monte probed.

I sighed. I better tell them and get it over with.

“I lost my job, a couple of weeks ago...”

Everyone went quiet. I looked up at all of them. Then I noticed Max about to say something.


He got cut off my Robert clamping his hand over Max’s mouth before he could yell.

“Shh, were trying to hide today remember?” He asked.

Max rolled his eyes and mumbled something. It sounded like he said ‘fine’. Then Robert ripped his hand away.

“Yuck he licked me! Gross Max!” Robert companied.

We all laughed at him; well I did until I looked at Max who was looking at me.

“You lost your job?” He asked.

I sighed and nod my head. Max has always been looking after me like I’m his little sister. He and the others were always my big brothers that I never had. And Tammy was the sister I never had. So as you can guess I’m a single child.

“Yeah I did.”
“Why?” Craig asked, finally talking.

I looked at him and smiled sadly.

“The record company didn’t want me anymore.” I stated.
“Were you a singer?” He asked.
“No.” I shook my head. “I was a lyric composer.” I said.
“Really? That’s awesome.”

I smiled at him and nodded.

“Yeah, well they just didn’t want me anymore, so they fired me.” I said looking down at my lap. “And now I’m about to become homeless.” I mumbled really quietly.

No one said anything so I don’t think they heard that last bit, which in a way is good.

“Here are your orders.”

I looked up to see a guy with a huge tray of food. He placed the tray on the table and then another person walked up to us with our drinks; he placed then down on the table and walked off.

I reached forward and grabbed my milkshake and chips and placed them in front of me. Everyone else did the same with their food before eating.
♠ ♠ ♠
Merry Christmas Everyone! =]
i hope you liked this chapter D:
tell me what you thought of it?