Status: Finished and now collecting dust. xD

See the Sky, See the Stars, All of This Could Be Ours

Chapter 6

Cars zoomed passed us as me and the band walked down the street towards my flat. We were taking the long way as when we first came out the cafe some person in a car recognised the band and kept driving around and around the block yelling out all random things.

Craig, Monte and Robert were walking in front of me and Max as they talked. I was pretty quiet and off into my own world. I was thinking about how in four days I wouldn’t have a home. I remember what Tammy said to me on the phone about asking the band to go on tour with them for a while...But I don’t that I can ask them. All I would be was someone that followed them around all the time and be in the way, and also where am I going to put all my stuff from the house?

I frowned and bit my lip. I could probably still go back home, but then I need more money and I don’t want to ask people for money at all. But then if I go home to Australia I pretty much have to start my whole life from scratch. New job, no money, living with Mum, ugh...

I bit down on my lip harder.

“What’s wrong?” Max asked.

I stopped biting my lip and looked up at him. He gave be a confused type of look.

“Just thinking.” I shrugged.

And then hit my head on a brick wall because of how much this is giving me a headache...

“About...?” He asked.
“What stuff?”

I rolled my eyes and sighed.

“You not going to give up until you know, aren’t you?” I asked.
“Nope.” He smiled.

I smiled back and shook my head. That’s Max for you.

“Well Maxi,” I started.

Geez I haven’t used that name for him in ages.

“I am thinking about what I’m going to do in four days.” I said quietly.

He gave me a really confused look then. I looked down at the ground.

“What’s in four days?” He asked.
“That’s when I have to get out the apartment.” I sighed.
“Well you have a place to go right?” He asked.

I stayed quiet for a moment and shook my head.

“What?!” He exclaimed.

I flinched at the sudden loudness of his voice. I should have known he would do that. He loved being loud. I then noticed that Craig, Monte and Robert stopped walking and looked at us. Me and Max stopped walking as well.

“So Tara your saying that you have to move out of the apartment and you have no where to go?” Max asked.

The others looked at me shocked and confused.

“Exactly what I’m saying.” I said quietly.

I walked in between Craig and Monte and kept walking up the path. To tell the truth I don’t know how exactly I feel about all of this...Sad, angry, surprised, confused, scared...I sighed and shoved my hands in my jumper pockets. I bit my lip again but kept walking. I knew the guys were following me; I could hear their footsteps and their quiet babbling. And felt there eyes on my back.

I went off in my own world again and automatically just walked down the path and into the apartment block. I hardly noticed the men working on the elevator as I passed and opened the door for the stairs. I walked through the door and started up the stairs. Just as I got up the first lot of stairs I heard the floor door opening. I looked down and saw the band starting up the stairs, still talking.

I walked up the stairs in a normal pace and ignored that it was getting tired. I could rest when I get home. Home that wont be home for much longer...

I finally after about 10 minutes or more got to my floor and opened the door. I stood in the door way and caught my breath until I saw Fate on the last flight of stairs. I turned and walked over to my door. I pulled the keys out my pocket and slowly opened the door. I walked in and dumped my keys on the kitchen bench. I left open the door for the guys.

I picked up my American mobile and looked to see if I had any messages. None, like normal. I shrugged, placed the phone back on the bench and walked through the kitchen and to the lounge room. I picked up the blanket from the couch that I had this morning just as the guys walk in.

I walked passed where they were standing in the kitchen and into the small passage way to my bedroom. I walked in and grabbed the corners of the blanket and lift it up into the air so it fell down neatly on the bed. I fixed up the pillows since I was there and then walked over to my desk and grabbed my Australian mobile.

I walked out my bedroom and to the kitchen again. They guys were in the lounge room now. I turned my mobile on and waited to see if I had any messages on that. None again. I placed that on the bench next to the other phone and started picking up the dishes and stacked them up ready to wash later.

I walked into the lounge room and did the same, almost as if I was acting like the band wasn’t there apart from the fact that I smiled lightly at them. I turned to walk back to the kitchen but someone caught my wrist. I turned to see Monte.

“What are you doing?” He asked raising an eyebrow.
“Moving stuff out the way.” I said. “Someone has to do it.” I smiled lightly.

He let go of my wrist and I walking into the kitchen. I started stacking up those dishes too.

“Ok then. Who’s going to tell her?” I heard Robert say.

I stopped and looked towards the lounge room. Tell her what?

“Well it was Max’s idea. I say he does it.” Craig said.
“Same here.” Monte agreed.

What are they going on about? I turned around to face the door. Just then Max walks in smiling. I tilted my head to the side.

“I have come up with an idea.” He started smiling brightly.
“Did it hurt?” I asked chuckling a bit.

His smile flattened a little.

“Sorry, I had to say that.” I laughed. “Go on.”
“Well no it didn’t hurt,” He said sticking his tongue out. “But after you told me that you had no where to go I thought of something because I can’t have my best friend homeless.”

I nod my head for him to continue. He smiled really brightly.

“I talked to the guys about it and they agree with me on it.”
“Yes, yes. Tell me the idea.”

He laughed.

“We want you to come on tour with is!” He exclaimed.

I looked at him shocked. They really wanted me to go on tour with them again?!

“Really?!” I asked.
“Of course!”

I leaped at him and wrapped my arms around him. He laughed and wrapped his arms around me too before spinning me in a circle. He put me back on the ground and I kissed his cheek.

“Thank you so much! It’s means a lot!”
“No problem, anytime.” He smiled and kissed my cheek as well.

I blushed a little and smiled.

“And where are our hugs?”

I looked over Max’s shoulder to see the rest of the guys standing by the door way. I pulled away from Max and walked over to Monte. He held his arms open and I jumped into his arms. We both laughed.

“Thank you!” I said again.

I let go of Monte and hugged Robert. I pulled away from him and saw Craig looking around the room.

“And no your not getting out of a hug.” I said.

He looked at me and laughed. We gave each other a light hug. We pulled away and I walked back over to Max. Then I remembered a thought I had before.

“What about my stuff?” I asked. “All of this junk.” I gestured all around me.
“Well that’s where Monte’s empty garage comes in.” Rob said.

I smiled at Monte.

“Yeah, I have nothing in it. You can fit all your stuff in it.” He said.

I smiled brightly at all they guys. A huge weight of worry lifted off my shoulders.
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