Status: Finished and now collecting dust. xD

See the Sky, See the Stars, All of This Could Be Ours

Chapter 7

The mattress felt so nice under my back. I smiled and closed my eyes. Over the last 2 days the entire band has been helping me pack all my stuff. Well actually mainly Max and Craig.

After we talked for hours that day they came to see me, they went back home for the night and then the next day Max and Craig came back with a trailer to put my junk on. Monte checked out his garage and remembered that Robert has some junk in there, so as Max and Craig came back to my place they spent the time cleaning out the garage.

So for the hell of it Max and Craig decided to stay at my place last night, so because the flat has only got one bedroom and one bed. I dragged out the mattress from my bed and the spare one I had and put them in the lounge room for all of us. We spent the night watching movies and having fun. I got to know Craig more and I already consider him as a good friend.

And also Craig got to see first hand what me and Max were like together at times. How random we could be at times and also how often we finished each others sentences. That actually creped Craig out after a while, me and Max laughed so hard we were almost crying. It was just like the old days.

Max and Craig left a few hours ago to drop my stuff off at Monte’s. They lived in the city that was just up the road from this town. The city was about an hours drive away but they all lived on the far side of the city so it took a couple of hours to get to their house.

It was already late afternoon and I had spent since 7am packing and cleaning to leave tomorrow. I only had a small amount of stuff left to take, like the mattress and blankets in the lounge room, some clothing, towels and some other little bits and pieces, but everything was clean and now I’m exhausted.

I yawned and turned onto my side. Until Max and Craig came back I had nothing to do, so I might as well relax. I snuggled into the soft mattress.


The feeling of something being placed on me and quiet whispers woke me up. I blinked my eyes slowly open to see the lounge room all dark and the kitchen light on. I rolled onto my back and looked around. I must have fallen asleep.

“Fuck, sorry I didn’t mean to wake you.” I heard Max say.

I looked over to my side to see him crouching on the side of the mattress. I smiled lightly at him and he smiled back.

“You looked like you were cold.” He shrugged.
“Thank you.” I whispered smiling.

He nods his head.

“Go back to sleep, it’s late.” He said. “And you don’t mind if me and Craig crash here again?”
“Go ahead.” I said.

He smiled.

“That’s good Craig about to fall asleep by the looks of him.” He laughed quietly.

I looked up towards the kitchen to see Craig leaning against the bench, head in his hands eyes closed. I chuckled and looked back at Max.

“You better drag him to the other mattress before he falls sleep there.” I said.
“I’m not asleep...Yet.” Craig said.

I looked back at him and smiled. He opened his eyes and stood up straight, he walked around the bench and to the spare mattress. He flopped down on it and pulled the blanket over him before yawning. Max was right he is very tired.

“Night.” He said.
“Night.” Me and Max said at the same time.

He smiled at us then turned over so his back was facing us. I then heard Max yawn. I laughed quietly.

“You better go to bed too.” I said to him. “What’s the time anyway?” I asked.

He pulled his phone out his pocket.

“Nearly 2am.”

I nod my head and pulled the blanket up over me more. Max placed his phone on the little table next to the wall.

“Ok move over, I want some room too.”

I moved over for him on the large mattress as I was lying in the middle of it. He grabbed the other blanket and lied down on one side on the mattress as I was on the other.

“Good night, Max.” I said.
“Night, Taryn.” He smiled.

I smiled and closed my eyes.


I woke up again with the feeling of being cold, very cold. Well all apart from my back. My back was warm. Why would my back be warm if the rest of me is cold?

I looked over my shoulder without moving too much. Right behind me, right up against my back was Max. I blinked a little surprised. He was lying right next to my back with his face buried in the back of my shoulder and his blanket wrapped around him really tightly. By what I could tell he was still asleep.

I looked away from him and blushed a little. I looked over at Craig. He was all spread out on his back over the mattress he was lying on. The blanket that he had was all over the place in a mess and he breathed loudly. Not quiet snoring. Yet.

The room was bright now with sunlight. Not bright enough to wake a person up but bright enough to see everything. I looked away from Craig and over to the clock on the wall. 7:05 am. I sighed. Well I better get up and pack the rest of the stuff.

I moved away gently from Max and he kinda curled himself up in a ball as I did. I stood quietly to my feet and picked up the blanket I had. I placed it over Max and smiled. I would let the guys sleep longer.

I turned and walked towards the bathroom.


I packed up everything apart from the lounge room as the guys were still slept. All the other rooms were all empty and everything was sitting by the front door ready to go. I sat up on the open kitchen bench and crossed my legs in front of me.

It was still so hard the think I am leaving the place. It had been my home for quiet a while. Now it was bare and soon going to be completely empty. As odd and weird as it sounds; I’m going to miss this place. It reminds me about leaving home back in Australia...

A loud yawn stopped my thoughts and I looked up to see Max waking up. He sat up in bed and looked around almost like he was confused at first. He then looked behind himself and saw me. He smiled brightly. I smiled and waved.

“How long have you been up?” He asked.

I looked at the clock. It was almost 9:30.

“Since about 7am.” I said shrugging.

He looked at me surprised.

“So you have been sitting there waiting for us to wake up?”
“No, I finished packing in the other rooms.” I said.
“You could have woke me up, I would have helped.” Max said standing up.
“You need sleep and I didn’t have to do much.” I said.

Max looked away from me and to Craig. He picked up a pillow and threw it at Craig’s head. Craig snapped his eyes open and sat up shocked. Me and Max laughed.

“Wake up sunshine!” Max yelled.

I laughed more.

“You don’t have to fucking yell.” Craig mumbled. “What’s the time?”
“9:30.” I said.

He looked at me a little shocked. Either he was surprised that he was up early or up late. He got to his feet.

“We better get the rest of the stuff packed.” He said.
“All that’s left to do is this room and put everything in the trailer.” I said. “I did the other rooms while your two were snoring your heads off.” I laughed.
“Hey! I don’t snore!” They both yelled.

I laughed again and jumped off the bench, ready to finish everything.
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hope you enjoyed ^^