Status: Finished and now collecting dust. xD

See the Sky, See the Stars, All of This Could Be Ours

Chapter 8

My eyes scanned over my old apartment looking for anything I could have forgotten, though I know I have everything. I shut and locked the door behind me for the last time. I sighed turning around. I walked over to the newly fixed elevator. They had just fixed it last night. After we moved all the big things out the flat. Typical.

The elevator slowly moved down and finally I got to the ground and the doors opened. I walked out and to the main doors of the apartment block. I placed the key in the owner’s main box by the door. He said put it in there when I leave, so I did.

Max and Craig were waiting for me in the car while I locked up the flat. I walked slowly out the building, seeing the car on the curb with my mattresses on the trailer. I smiled lightly and opened the back passenger door, getting in.

Max turned around from the front passenger seat and smiled at me. I smiled back and clicked in my seat belt.

“Ready?” Craig asked now looking at me too.
“Yeah.” I said nodding my head.

Craig started the car and we started down the road. I look one last look at my old home and then looked at the street ahead.


Al Time Low played through the car loudly as we entered the city on the freeway. I had no idea that Max and Craig like them, but apparently they did. This was good because they are an awesome band. I smiled to myself and looked out the window.

Building apon building went passed. It had been a while since I’ve been here. At least a couple of months or more. I sang along with the song in my head. I’m sure the guys wouldn’t want me to sing out loud, I don’t have that good of a voice, in my option.

“How about we stop for icecream or something.” Craig randomly suggested shrugging.
“Pick me!”Max exclaimed.

I laughed.

“Count me in.” I said.

Craig kept driving down the freeway for a while and then got off of it. He drove down some random streets. Then I spotted the icecream shop he must have been thinking about. It was hard not to miss. Really who wouldn’t see the giant icecream cone on the top of the shop?

“Fuck.” Craig moaned. “There are no parking spots!”

The roads were fully packed. Because we have a trailer on we need two parking spots, there weren’t even one. I then though of an idea.

“Hey Craig. How about you drop me and Max here and you drive around the block and pick up us when we get the icecreams.” I suggested.
“Yeah sure, good idea.” He said.

I smiled and Craig slowed almost to a stop. I ripped off my seatbelt and me and Max got out the car quickly. We both ran over to the foot path. I watched as Craig drove off down the road.

“So my girl is smart aye?”

Looked at Max and he smirked. I smiled at him.

“Of course I am.” I laughed. “And who said I was your girl?” I asked smirking.
“I did.” He smiled.

I laughed shaking my head and started walking towards the icecream shop. Max took my hand walking beside me. I could fell my face heat up. I’ve always blushed when Max took my hand for some reason, even when I was with the band on tour before.

We both walked into the shop and up to the counter where they had all the icecreams on show. Geez they had every type in here I’m sure...

“Ok what do you want Tara?” Max asked.

I looked at him confused.

“I’ll pay for you.” He smiled. “So what do you want?”
“Chocolate sundae.” I said. “You really don’t have to pay.” I added.
“To bad I am.” He smirked.

Then a lady walked up to us for the other side of the counter. She looked at Max a little surprised.

“H-hello, may I help you?” She asked.
“We’ll have one caramel sundae and two chocolate sundaes” He said.

She nods her head and turned around to get our icecreams. Max looked at me and smiled squeezing his hand around mine a little. I did it back and smiled brightly at him.

“Here are your icecreams.”

We both looked back at the lady behind the counter. I took my icecream and Max let go of my hand to pay for them. He got back his change and picked up the two icecreams. These icecream are huge!

“Uh, y-you wouldn’t happen to be Max Green from Escape the Fate, would you?” She asked shyly.

Max looked at her surprised and I held back a laugh.

“Sorry, I’m not. I get that a lot. Apparently I look like him...It would be cool to be him though.” Max said smiling at her.

I tried not to laugh again.

“Oh ok, sorry.” She said blushing.

We both smiled at her and walked out the shop. I then let myself laugh as she couldn’t hear me now. Max chuckled a little.

“Why didn’t you say it was you?” I asked quietly.
“Because the other people sitting down were looking at me too. I do want to eat my icecream today.”

I laughed and nod my head.

“True, true.”

Then I saw Craig slowly drive up the street again. He stopped quickly for us. Me and Max ran to the car and I opened the door for Max as he had his hands full. He got in and I got in the back again.

“That was quick; I only had to drive around the block twice.” Craig said as he started driving again smiling.

Max placed an icecream in the drink holders in the front for Craig. I started eating mine. I haven’t had one of these icecreams in so long!

“Hey Max.” I said.

He turned around at looked at me. I bit of chocolate topping on the corner of his mouth. I laughed and reached forward and wiped it away with my finger. He smiled.

“Thanks for the icecream.”
“No problem.”

We smiled each other and he turned back in the seat. I took another mouthful of my icecream. Then Max looked at me again.

“Hold this.” He said holding out his icecream.

I took it and he undone his seat belt. Craig gave him a quick confused look. So did I. Max turned around on the seat so he was on his knees and then climbed into the back were I was.

He sat down and clicks the seatbelt in and held his hands out for his icecream. I gave it to him.

“You could have warned me that you were going to do that, before you tried to kick me in the head.” Craig said looking in the rear view mirror at us.
“Sorry.” Max laughed.

Craig smiled rolling his eyes and looked back at the road. We were on the freeway again. Then suddenly I felt something cold on my cheek, I jumped a little.

“You messy eater, you have icecream on your cheek.” Max laughed.

I chuckled and went to wipe it off with my hand but he took my hand, stopping me. He then leaned forward and kissed my cheek, then licked it getting all the icecream off. I blushed madly and laughed. Why am I blushing?

“Dude, that was gross.” Craig said.

Me and Max laughed before going back to eating out icecreams.
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hope you liked it!
please comment and tell me what you thought of it? It's really makes my day :D