Status: I have writers block!

Living Underground

Unexpected turn of events

Acelynn POV

We were running into the forest, somehow, my friends, myself and my bodyguards have gotten separated, the only person I saw near me was Caine, we were both running in the direction of the city, which wasn’t that far away, but we could both see the lights of the cops who were running after me, when we reached the city we both ran into an alley, where I discarded any clothing articles that could point to me being in a fight, luckily I wasn’t bruised, so I could get away with it. Caine was doing the same, I had to give him credit he really is smart, even though I hate the crap out of him. I remembered we were in a part of town where only whores are, the pants I wore was already short, I didn’t have heels, but if I fold mu shirt in at my bust, I’d look like one, so I did.

“Humph, like that would fool the cops, I bet most of them have been in this part of town.” Caine said to me, when he saw what I did with my shirt.

“Oh, how would you know, do you satisfy your lust for me by banging whores whilst thinking I am them?” I said with a smirk. He didn’t have a comeback for that one . . . or so I thought.
“Ha-ha, like that would be true!! I’d rather bang an old woman than bang a whore thinking you were her.”

“Oh, and I’m sure . . .” Next thing I knew, I was pinned against the wall, with his hand over my mouth, I glared at him until I heard the cops.

“I’m in pursuit of two suspects, one male one female.” Said the cop into his Walky-Talky, or whatever you call those things on their shoulders.

“Hey, Russell, down here.” Said the other cop, the flashlight illuminated us for a split second, Cain removed his hand from my mouth, immediately replacing it with his, I was about to protest, but then I saw the cops moving towards us, I kissed back, I had to make the cops think I was a whore.

“Excuse me!” Russell said, both Cain and I stopped kissing, looking directly at the cops.
“Hey, I’m trying to earn my pay here! Go away!” I said to the cop, in a nasal accent

“And I’m trying to enjoy myself here!” Caine said, following my lead, speaking like one of those gangsters on a movie.

“Sorry, to interrupt, but have you by any chance seen to people, they are most probably bruised, because of fighting, one’s male and one’s female.”

“No, but I’m betting they’re having fun tonight, eh?” Caine said in his gangster voice, followed by laughter, I smiled, a fake one, but a smile none-the-less.

“Thank you for your co-operation.” The cops said and moved away. Caine let go of me, staring at the backs of the cops with hatred, but quickly pinned me again, when one turned around. “Hey, whore, do you have a number, I’d like to pick you up sometime, you’re very pretty.”

“Sorry, no number, but you can search for me on Casper’s Corner sometime.” I said in my nasal voice. Casper’s Corner is whore central, even if I was there he wouldn’t find me, there were hundreds of whores on that corner, it’s where most guys go to get some.

“Will do, honey.” He said to me, then he turned again, and when they finally left the alley I looked at Caine. He stared back at me, I didn’t know what he was thinking, his expression was unreadable, He probably thought the same about me, I don’t know how long we stood there; we just stared at each other. Caine finally broke the silence.

“Even though we are mortal enemies, I have to say you’re a great kisser.” He stood in his place, still staring.

“You are not so bad yourself.” I said, we both still had neutral expressions, we just stood there again. “We never mention this to anyone.” I said to him.

“Agreed, if I ever find you did, I’ll deny it.”

“Same here.” I grabbed my stuff, where I discarded it and Caine grabbed his, just as we were about to leave the alley Caine pinned me to the wall again, kissing me, then he just walked off, leaving me there. I can’t believe what he just did, he kissed me again, and there wasn’t a legitimate reason for it. It bothered me until I got home.

“Acelynn, dear, how’d the fight go?” My dad asked.

“Dad, it didn’t, the cops came before we fought.” That said, I walked to my room. I went to shower; the fact that Caine Stark kissed me the last time was still bothering me. I’ve been showering for a while now; the hot water had run out, when I finally got out. Then I just lied on my bed, still wondering why Caine of all people kissed me, and that’s how I fell asleep, I dreamed of what happened tonight, ever since the cops came, until Caine kissed me that last time, over and over again, it was really bothering me. I finally woke up, not being able to deal with it anymore.

'Oh, you know you enjoyed it Ace!' My conscience shouted at me, which is the part of me I hate the most; I have a lot of run-ins with it.

'What makes you think that?' I reply to it.

'The fact that it bothers you this much.'

'It bothers me, because he’s my mortal enemy, I did not enjoy it!'

'Oh, whatever you say.'

'I’m serious!'

'Yeah, sure and I’m a unicorn on a rainbow!'

'You better get plastic surgery and powers then!'

'Oh whatever!' Then my conscience left, I was relived it did, because I was starting to believe it, but how could two mortal enemies love each other, seriously, we were brought up hating each other, how could we not hate each other, it’s a natural trait for us. Then I realized we never had a choice in the matter, we never had a choice to get to know each other, we never had a choice to become friends, we just never had a choice, it’s our fathers’ hatred that they forced on us, I never really bothered to break down that wall, but now I realized what the truth behind the first question is.

'I did enjoy the kiss . . .'
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I really like this Chapter, and I'm sorry for taking so long to post.