White Room


The rough and quadrate shaped hands of Dr. Tibberman picked up a few loose papers from his desk and tapped them on the wooden surface to meticulously even them out before opening David's file and carefully placing them inside.

The three occupants remained silent in the musky smelling room with walls generously ornamented with hung degrees and certificates all wearing the name of Dr. Charles J. Tibberman.

The doctor's rigid eyes scanned back and forth over something written in David's chart. His severe lips were squeezed together as he nodded to himself as another piece was added to the puzzle. Though the picture would never be pretty, and the edges would always be jagged, Dr. Tibberman now understood where David's religious obsession had stemmed from.

Information had been gathered from David's mother when he had been admitted into the Asylum about his childhood and details about her son's life that may have influenced him to take the insolent actions he had. She had told of David's father callously leaving when he was three, after not having much contact or interaction with his son even in those three years. Bethany had met Alex two years later, and they began dating shortly after that.

Bethany and her son had begun attending church with Alex every Sunday, as he was a practicing Catholic and felt as though Bethany and her son could use the direction after her first husband had left. A year later, Alex and Bethany had gotten married, and David and his mother moved in with this new man. David was timid and unsure about his new step-father at first, his mother had told, but he soon grew to like him and had attached himself to the only male influence he had ever known.

Ms. Hanson, David's mother, who had resorted back to her maiden name, also mentioned how when David was about nine years old, he had started talking of how God had spoken to him and that he now knew his purpose. She said her son would frequently ask Alex questions about his religion, and had asked her if he could be baptized so that he would be able to pursue his life's purpose. Bethany had thought it had been at the urging of her husband, questioning how David could be so involved in Catholicism at such a young age, but she had allowed her son his wish.

Dr. Tibberman shook his head in such a manner that warned Libby of the adamant statement that was on its way. "I will inform you, Mr. Havendale, that you will not finish work of that kind ever again."

David abruptly lifted his head to stare precariously at the doctor with questions in his eyes.

"Due to your actions, you have put yourself and everyone in this facility at extreme risk. Your actions could cost a young woman her life, and that, Mr. Havendale, is simply not acceptable. Therefore, you will be placed in solitary confinement for five hours. I suggest that you think about your actions and the effects they have had on others and the position you have placed yourself in.

"Your medications will be accessed at a later time and other possible methods of managing your symptoms will be strongly considered. I am withdrawing you from Group Therapy and you will be placed back in intensive psychotherapy that will be supervised by a security guard at all times. You will be required to be restrained by means of handcuffs each session. It will be deliberated if art therapy will be continued or not. Am I clear?" The doctor gave a sigh after he had finished the required explanation of the situation and following events.

David continued to stare impassively, his face gradually contorting into an anxious, panicked expression. "I can't. You can't."

Dr. Tibberman wasn't sure how much of what he had said that David had comprehended, but something must have registered, given the patient's distressed reaction.

David rapidly turned his head toward Libby as he started stuttering uncontrollably. "L-libby, yo-ou have to c-call my m-mom. My mom. M-mom. Can't d-do this." David shook his head erratically in disagreement as he crawled inside of himself. It seemed like David was in a constant state of regression, and Libby watched regretfully as David began rocking himself back and forth while a listless expression possessed his features.

"As I'm sure you are aware, David, your mother surrendered custody of you when you were thirteen years old. You are under the care of this facility and your mother is unable to veto any action we choose for you."

David continued his awkward rocking and gave no acknowledgment to the doctor or his favored nurse, Libby.

"You may come in now," Dr Tibberman called to Patrick, the security guard, outside of his office door. Clothed in a navy blue uniform that had Chamberson Mental Asylum sown on the front, the man let himself in the office and stood quiet, awaiting the next order from the doctor.

"Mr. Havendale, you will now be escorted down the hall and prepared for your time in solitary confinement. I highly advise you to not struggle or you will be given a sedative. Do not attempt to escape once you are placed in the jacket; you will only harm yourself. There will be two guards outside of the door at all times for your safety.

"This is how cause and effect works, Mr. Havendale. I hope that one day you will grasp the concept of both. It is your actions that have led to this. This is for your own well-being, along with the staff and other patients that reside in this asylum."

The impervious doctor gave a firm nod. "Take him down the hall," were the last words that were heard from the seemingly uncompassionate, austere man.

David was now motionless and still unresponsive. The security guard had to prod him down the hall, periodically stopping due to the patient's comatose state. It took them three times the time it would have taken if they were moving at a normal pace.

When they finally arrived at the correct door, Patrick knocked and waited for it to be opened. A man in his forties was revealed from behind the door. He stepped aside and soundlessly gestured for the security guard and David to enter.

Libby stayed back as she had been told to do so by Dr. Tibberman. Her dedicated and gentle hands clasped around each other and her softly arched brows knotted as she watched as the thick door was closed and locked. She could hear the beating of her heart in her ears.

The male employee, accustomed to working in this particular area of the asylum with patients with similar conditions as David, assisted Patrick in getting David seated in a chair. There was a computer in the small room, which lead to a larger one that had a doorway to the room where David would be kept in solitary confinement.

A middle aged female nurse entered information into the computer in front of her, as Patrick stood stead-fast next to David, who was still handcuffed despite his current mental state. The door to the next room was opened by yet another staff member, another male, and a nod of acknowledgment was passed between the two male nurses.

"Okay, you're all set, Mr. Havendale." The woman at the computer announced and stood up to lend a hand to her co-worker.

Only then had the security guard cautiously inserted the key into the handcuffs and removed them from David's wrists.

"Karen, don't worry, I've got him," the male nurse responded casually. "He's not much trouble at all."

The man, named Jeff, told the security guard that Karen would let him out so that the shift change could take place, before effectively nudging David into the next room.

"Okay, let's get you set up," Jeff said to David before his male co-worker handed him the straightjacket David would be wearing. In vague awareness, David's eyes began shooting around the room, soaking up the various foreign and frightening sights that were present.

At the feel of someone touching his arm to insert it into the jacket, David gave a sudden jerk and let out a wail before unmercifully plowing his head into the abdomen of Jeff.

At the unforeseen display of hostility, the other male nurse hastily reached for the syringe containing the sedative on the tray a foot away and injected it quickly into the unsuspecting patient, keeping hold of David's one arm while Jeff restrained the other.

After a few moments, David calmed down and his body became slightly limp. The two nurses then fastened the straightjacket to David's body; the both of them lifting him up so that one of them could fasten the area around his pelvis.

The two employees both drew deep breaths once they completed their task, and then each took hold of David's arms the best they could through the jacket, ushering his heavy body to his destination.

The three of them stood before a door, that when opened, was a world of white. No God, no angels, nothing that could help in creating an alternate reality for anyone. Jeff wrapped both of his hand around the metal bar that was used to open the door and have a heave. The other nurse walked David into the blank, liberally padded room and released him in the middle before turning around and exiting the area. Jeff allowed the door to close, and it did quickly, carrying the weight of the many metal locks that were encased inside of it. A lever was pulled and the sound could be heard of the official sealing of the door that had no window.

Inside, David's hazel eyes adjusted to the brightness of the room and he stood stagnant where the nurse had placed him. His mind was still a bit hazy from the sedative he had been given, but his thoughts still swam unrestricted in his head.

After he talked himself through it in his head a few times, he managed to make himself shuffle his feet enough to spin himself in a diminutive circle.

He paused for a moment and then wondered if he was in Heaven. There was so much white, just like he had heard. He remembered being told that you see a white light when you die before you go to Heaven. David spent his time in solitary confinement waiting for God to come so that he could explain that no one ever let him finish.

Libby stood in the hallway for a while, staring at the door where David had first disappeared from her view, and thinking of the white room where he was now hidden in, on the inside not looking out.
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White Room is now complete! This is the last chapter. :) If you have any feedback, it would be greatly appreciated. I hope you enjoyed!