
Three years running

She watched him from across the room, sipping at a glass of red wine that stained her pretty lips maroon. She was envious of him, the way he could carry on like nothing was wrong even though he had that desperate look in his eyes. The kind of look that said if a drop of alcohol were to get too close, he’d turn into a rabid dog and lap it down without a thought.
But he was strong willed, enough to ignore his gut instincts and stay clear headed throughout the fancy party, choosing instead to sip at his water bottle. It was going to be three years starting that night, and he was damn sure he could easily make it three more.

“Happy New Year,” her drunken friend hiccupped, his own glass of wine dangling between his fat fingers, “How about a kiss?”
Wrinkling her nose up in distaste she brought the glass back to her lips and took a long sip, staring him down over the bridge of her freckle nose. “No”
“Awe, wh-why you gotta be like –“ he paused midsentence, to her relief and turned away suddenly as someone tapped his shoulder. “Craig!”
“Hey Sheldon, are you done harassing the pretty lady?”
Sheldon hiccupped a few more times, a sluggish smile playing out across his lips before he shuffled away for another beer.

“Are you alright?” he asked quietly, staring down at the glass in her hand that was nearly void of anymore red liquid.
“What are you doing here, Craig?” She ignored his question, talking down to him as if he were a little child.
“It’s my friend’s new year’s party, why wouldn’t I be here?” he teased.
Her lips pursed and she downed the last of her glass, setting it into his waiting palm as if he were suddenly announced a waiter. “Grow a backbone Craig

She didn’t wait to see his reaction, nor did she wait for a reply as she coasted herself away from his presence. Moving with precise steps to the kitchen for another refill on her wine, she was not tipsy enough to deal with the awful music playing from the speakers or to handle the occupants inside the house.
Grabbing the full bottle of wine she turned on her heel and snuck into the hallway that hid beside the refrigerator, tip-toeing into the bathroom for peace and quiet. However the quiet didn’t last long when the door was swung open and a panting Craig Mabbitt fell inside, jerking the door handle closed.
She stared at him quietly, tipping the open bottle against her mouth for a full gulp of the alcoholic beverage. He was bent over his knees, breathing heavy and completely oblivious to the person he shared the room with.

“Told you to get a backbone” She spoke up after swallowing.
His head jerked up making his eyes wince at the crack in his neck. “What’s got you so bitchy Miss Marilyn? I know you hate when I’m around, but you’d think a little liquor would lighten you up”
Flipping her hair behind her shoulder Marilyn took another swig of the bottle, waiting for the effects to take over before she answered him. He watched her with unimpressed eyes, straightening up to lean against the bathroom door. The space was little in the four walled room, Marilyn having to backup against the toilet seat to avoid touching him.
“There’s not enough liquor in this house to lighten me up for you”

Craig rolled his eyes before they landed once more on the wine bottle. Marilyn knew better than to offer it to him, yet she couldn’t resist the temptation. Holding the bottle out she waited till his fingertips brushed against the label, teasing it. He jerked back almost instantly when he realised exactly what she was handing to him, and turned a sour look her way.
“You’ve had half the people in this house offer you a drink, a quarter of them spilling theirs on you and yet you’ve avoided temptation. I get it Craig, I do, but I don’t understand why the hell your here”
With a sigh Craig reached out for the bottle, grasping it in his sweating palm to pour it down the drain. Marilyn made little attempt to stop him, only watched the red liquid circle the metal stopper and slip underneath its cracks.
“They are my friends; I’d do anything for them”
It was a cliché response but she took it for what it was, shrugging limply. “So what are you doing hiding in here?”
“I’m spending time with a pretty lady”
Snorting Marilyn reached forward to twist his dark brown bangs around her fingers, stepping into his personal space to rub her nose against his. “There are prettier ladies out there. Excuse me
With a jerk she pulled the bathroom door open and exited the narrow room, heading towards the lit kitchen with sure steps. Craig’s hand quickly caught her wrist before she made it out of the hallway, tugging her to a pause that had his hands curled up inside her hair and mouth on her lips.
Marilyn remained still against his chapped lips, letting the maroon liquid that stained her lips touch the tip of his tongue. Pulling back Craig let her walk away once more, standing still as the light taste of alcohol flooded his mouth. So much for three years.
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The way I've written this, makes it easy to add a second chapter... Hm. :]