Status: New story, hopefully updating a lot.


Time & Space

Quinn was awake and grumpy as usual when we got home. He groaned and stumbled around in his boxers, the tattoos covering his body made him look like a criminal. He actually was but, well, he was my brother.

Tom and Mike were on the couch in the living room playing Halo while me and Oli started emptying the groceries. Quinn gave us weird looks as we chatted and laughed with each other.

"I'm sorry, but did I miss something? Are we on another planet?" He asked harshly.
I grew silent and looked at him. Oli cut in before I could say anything. "Nah."
That was all he said. Quinn raised an eyebrow and shook his head. A minute after that he exited the room.

Oli looked at me and smiled. He unpacked everything and put them in the cabinets and refrigerator. We smiled, friends? How odd. I liked it.


One week later...

I sat on my bed. Sketchbook in hand. I had been drawing a familiar face for a few days, considering he had gone back to his usual self. He confused me, I drew things I was confused by.

On Monday it was like Sunday had never happened, Oliver was the same old ass fuck again. It had all come as such a surprise to me. It hurt too.

He knocked my books down in the hall as usual, pushed me into lockers, made fun of me, etc. At first a stinging in the back of my throat came over me, when he had first gotten into my face.

"Weirdo." He said shoving me into my locker.

I wanted to cry, I thought I was going to have a friend at home finally. I thought he was changing for the better. But he wasn't. He still screwed random girls in the upstairs hallway and I avoided alone time with him at all costs. It couldn't be held back for long though. I was shading in the shadows in his hair gently when he unexpectedly burst through my unlocked door. I tossed my sketchpad behind my bed, he could NEVER see that.

He looked scared as he kept his back to my door. Eyes closed. I suddenly felt weird. I was in a baggy t-shirt and soft shorts. He has always wanted to see me like this, I remembered how he said it in the car. I stood up against my wall as far away from him as humanly possible. He had never been inside my room before.

"Get out." I said quickly and seriously.
"No." His eyes were still closed.
At that moment I heard Quinn's car doors slam and his jeep pull out of the driveway. Oliver's eyes blinked open quickly.
"You look lovely." He smiled, sprawling out on my bed and picking up one of the books off of my dressing table.
"Leave." I sighed.
"Sit with me?" He said scanning through the book now sat upright against my headboard, legs almost stretching to the end of my bed.
"Why should I?" I growled. He was so two faced it killed me.
"Please?" He said, his big brown eyes looking up at me, he placed the book back where he had found it.

I sat next to him, a good four to five inches between us. We were both quiet, staring at the wall on the other side of my room. I stole quick glances at his face, his eyes were closed. His thumbs flicked at each other silently. He opened his mouth to start to talk once, but nothing came out. Instead he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me down to lay with him. My face was now resting softly on the corner of his chest, almost his shoulder but not exactly. I sighed deeply, never feeling more comfortable in my life.

"What are you doing Oliver?" I asked quietly, my lips moving against his soft shirt as I spoke. It smelt like the lilac detergent I always used on there clothes.
"I hate that you feel so right next to me."
The words cut through me, it was obvious we weren't made for each other. It was more like we were forced together by time and space. My throat was dry, I wanted to cry but his presence made me feel like tears couldn't exist in my body.
"Why are you doing this then?" I said pushing my forehead into his shoulder and the looking up at him, before closing my eyes again. "We tried to be friends, you know you can't stand me."
"I don't want to stand you, a week ago.. you barely existed to me." His eyes were frustrated but he only held my slender body tighter.
"Then leave." I said quietly, our eyes fell on each others. Begging for someone to get up but then again never move again.
"If I could I would. You're a person to me now, I can't let get my mind off you either. I thought about killing you and dumping your body in the lake down the street to get rid of this feeling, but I don't really think want to lose it just yet." He whispered in all seriousness. Oliver's lips pressed down on my forehead.
"Don't touch me." I said wrapping my arms around his neck finally and closing my eyes. "I hate you so much."

I felt what Oliver was feeling. Half of my body despised him and knew that this was never EVER supposed to happen. This wasn't Gods plan, but somewhere in the mix of space we got thrown together unwillingly. Two halves that didn't fit together were blending just fine. It was wrong, but it was happening and I'm sure it happened to more people then just us. Most girls would have been crying or hitting him by now, but I couldn't. The harsh things we were saying to each other, bounced off our brains like foam hitting stainless steel.

Our hearts and minds were impenetrable, only working with one anothers.

"Oliver?" I questioned.
"Oli dear, but yes?" He said resting his head in my hair.
"Leave me alone, forever please?" I asked not really meaning the words.
"As much as I want to, I cannot." His hands ran up to my face,
"Let me kiss you." He whispered.
"I'll kill you in your sleep Oli, do not put those lips on me."

He didn't oblige, in seconds he was leaning in for the kill. It was slow and awkward, our foreheads resting against each others. No one wanted to do the deed but we had to anyway. Our lips hovered less then a few centimeters away from each others. I wanted to push him away and run out, but surprisingly enough., I was the one who sealed the deal. My face moved up and our lips crashed together like waves hitting the beach. His hands gripped my cheeks and groaned and pulled away.

"We're terrible for each other." I sighed.
"I'm sorry." He started. "I can't leave you alone."