Status: New story, hopefully updating a lot.


Whatever This Is

When I woke the next morning it almost totally slipped my mind what day it was. Saturday. One weekend at the end of the year I always took all the guys to the beach. I mean we didn't spend the time together but the beach made all of us happy. We could all be out of the house for a couple of days and out of each others hair.

I heard the boys downstairs gathering their things and rambling on about 'hot bitches' and 'catching some sick waves.' Boys were such morons, I'm sure I've said it before but I'm just clarifying. They were retarded. Thinking about the time I decided I should get packing if we were leaving for the shore house in just an hour.

I tossed things into my duffle bag, It was a two night stay. We had Monday off of school so I thought this weekend would be perfect. I packed a few books, shirts, shorts, bikinis, money, and make-up. Unexpectedly my door flung open as I was changing from my shirt to a tank top.

"Fucking balls, put some clothes on Missy. You can't just be traipsing around in your undergarments!" Quinn screeched and shielded his eyes from nothing too scary.
"Quinn it's MY room?" I questioned not bothering to cover.
"Good lord," He grimaced, "Just tell me were you left me swim trunks!" Quinn shouted clenching his eyelids shut.

I thought it was funny, we had left Sheffield close to five years ago and Quinn still had a bit of and accent. Mine was pretty much gone and his was too, but it still manged to slip up a few times.

"They're in the washroom." I stated rolling my eyes.
"Thanks mate." He said and exited.

I laughed. It was still possible for us to be a little cordial I guess. We were just very different people. I smiled into my mirror as I grabbed my things and trotted down the stairs.

"C'mon we're leaving!" I shouted through the house, grabbing my car keys off of the hook in the front hall and opening the door. The boys filed out one by one into the car. Oli tried to get front seat but Quinn tugged him out in a brotherly manner and mumbled "I get control of the music in this car." Once Mike had put every ones bags in the trunk and Tom was finished fastening the surfboards to the top of my car we were off.

The car ride was funny, all the boys sang to the Beatles like drunken idiots. They weren't drunk, it was far too early for that but they were still pretty goofy. We pulled up to the beach about an hour later. I parked in front of our pretty maroon colored beach front home. One very special thing me and Quinn were lucky enough to inherit. We visited here a lot. It made him act like a human. God only knows why though.

Quinn and Mike couldn't have tugged there boards off of the car any faster. About a minute after stepping out of the car they were already in a dead sprint towards the water. Tom, Oli, and I grabbed the bags a coolers that remained and shuffled into the big open house. I tossed Quinn and Mike's things into there rooms upstairs. I hadn't heard Oli follow me up the stairs. Neither of us heard Tom a few minutes later.

Oli had me pressed against the wall next to my bedroom door. He was pressing light kisses on my forehead as I scowled quietly.

"Ahem." We heard Tom near the top of the staircase.
Oli flew away from me quickly, "I- uh- er.."
"As weird as I think what was just going on is, It doesn't matter. I don't suggest you hiding whatever this is from Quinn though. He'll be pissed if he finds out on his own." Tom said waving his hands at us as he said the word this.
"This is nothing Tom, you need not worry." I muttered tossing my bag through my open door and walking quickly to the stairs.
"Yeah, yeah whatevs Missy, I don't want to see it, but you two can have your fun behind closed doors.

I frowned. There was nothing sexual between Oli and I. Definitely NOTHING that would have to be kept behind closed doors. I turned back to see Oli frowning. He can't be that hurt by me walking away from me, for god's sake he was acting like he hadn't tortured me emotionally for years before this little phase of his started yesterday.


Tom ran out of the house about an hour later to catch some waves. He winked at me laughing as he closed the door. I sighed. Tom knew something was up between me and Oli. I didn't want there to be anything but I felt so right next to him. It drove me insane. Literally out of my mind.

I started to cook some pasta for dinner. I knew that in about two hours Quinn, Mike, and Tom would be tuckered out from the beach and starving. They always expected a meal ready too or they would be some unhappy campers. I pulled my favorite white and red checkered apron over my nice shirt as I started to chop and fry up vegetables for the food. As if on cue Oli walked downstairs in just his red basketball shorts, his boxer briefs hanging out a little too much. His toned chest sparkled from the shower he had just taken and is arms looked stronger then ever.

I ignored the longing to walk up to him and kiss him until the world stopped rotating and turned back to my food. Oli's arms were wrapped around my waist in a few seconds.

"Y'know you look sexy in that little apron Missy." He whispered into my ear. "I could picture ya being a good housewife."
I scowled at him. "I'm not like your other girls Sykes."
"I know." He lied. He really didn't know.
"I'm a virgin Oli." I said quietly, turning to face him.
As soon as those words left my mouth his body was as rigid as an iceberg. "That's fine Missy." I could tell he was obviously lying again.
"It won't be fine in a few days when you're terribly horny and I'm not ready." I stated turning from him and mixing the dinner in the huge pot.
"I'll wait until you're ready. I'm not going to make you do anything you don't want to." Lie, and lie again. He was on a roll tonight.
I heard the boys coming up the deck, "Get off of me."

Once Oliver had released me the boys walked in sopping wet. Tom raised and eyebrow at me once I began plating there dinners. I just shook my head. At least he would soon understand what was plaguing me.

Dinner was legitimately uncomfortable but it wasn't until after dinner that the real awkwardness started.
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I like this update, I'd appreciate some comments though. So many subscribers but barely an comments. poo!