Status: New story, hopefully updating a lot.



The warm evening sand under my bare feet felt good. The beach had always been an escape for me. My headphones buzzed in my ears with The Appleseed Cast. All of the boys had taken their fake Id's and headed to the nearest club to score some hot girls. At this point I honestly didn't care what Oli did out of my sight, as long as I didn't have to witness it.

I traced flowered patterns into the sand around me. Home started to flow into my thoughts. I hadn't spoken to Coral since school. We barely ever spoke anymore. She was too good for me now. I sighed to myself. I was seriously considering I would never be good enough for anyone. I rested my head back in the sand. I watched the stars closely hoping they would move. No luck.

After about a half an hour of laying by myself I started to feel the earth move ever so slightly next to me. Oliver had sat down in the sand next to me. I looked up at him. He was wearing his dark gray DC zip up hoodie and light blue cut-offs with black canvas slip-ons. I ignored him and rolled over on my side, watching the crashing waves at the end of the beach. I guess he didn't take the hint and curled up into a ball next to me.

"Hey Missy." He said into the fabric on my back.
"Hey Oli." I replied.
"What's your real name?"
"Excuse me?" I asked slightly shocked.
"No one in there right mind would name there actual kid 'Missy', so what's your real name?" He asked a-matter-of-factly.
"It's Melissa, but I'd really rather you not call me that." I huffed playing with the sand next to my face.
I heard Oli chuckle behind me. "That's a rather ugly name."
I turned to face him and furrowed my eyebrows, "Hence the name Missy."
"That's true." He mumbled putting his hands behind his head and staring up towards the night sky.
"Why are you here?" I asked.
"I'm too impatient to give you a science lesson dear."
"No not like that idiot, why are you here on the beach with me?" I asked quietly.
"Would you rather me being groped by slutty chicks right now?" He questioned turning to me.

Once he had said it, I did wind up feeling quite sick. I wasn't fond of the image of my Oli being touched by other girls who wanted to do horrendous things to him behind closed doors. Woah, back up Missy. The words 'my Oli' just ran through your head. How creepy?

"No, not at all." I answered truthfully.
"Well then you should understand why I am here on the beach with you." Oli grinned at me pulling me into his arms.
I breathed deeply burrowing my head up into his neck. "Why must I actually like you?" I asked.
"I'm irresistible to the female gender?" He chuckled.
I laughed too. As cocky as he was, he was correct.
"That's true, but there's something else Oliver.." I stated, loosening up to him being beside me.
"Is it that I actually care about you?"

I thought about what he asked for a minute. He didn't push for answer either. Oliver didn't ever care about much except for partying and vaginas. I couldn't believe that he was okay with admitting that I was now on that list. And hopefully vaginas was dropped.

"Good, at least I'm not in this alone. You care about me? Don't you Missy?" He asked quietly into my ear now.

That shook me up a little. I cared about everything. I cared about school, what I wore in the morning, my health, smiling, trying to keep a sane grip on life and now I was definitely positive that I did care about Oliver as well.

I nodded my head looking up into his chocolaty eyes. He understood how I felt. Words couldn't explain much anymore.


Oliver had fallen asleep with me last night once we had gotten back to the house and into his room. When he had asked me to lay with him I was initially worried. I knew his tricks and I knew seventy five percent of his brain was sex driven. It was sweet though when I actually pressed my head against his chest. His heart thumped lightly and he placed kisses in my hair. Oliver fell asleep without a word spoken in that room.

Now I'm staring at his ceiling. His arms still tightly secure around my waist. I was never a big romance person, actually, that was a lie. I had never HAD anyone to experience any form of romance with. Aside from the uncomfortable way I slept and his large arms almost choking me, I found it almost romantic. Falling asleep in someones arm is never as comfortable as it looks.

I looked up at Oliver's face. His lips twitched in his sleep and his arm probably had pins and needles from being under my body the whole twelve hours we slept but other than that he looked peaceful. I pressed a kiss on his nose and pulled back before he swatted at his face. Oli's eyes blinked open and groaned.

"You don't take signs of affection very well." I stated as he was now rubbing his nose.
"What time is it?" he asked ignoring me.
"Go back to sleep!" He growled jamming his eyes shut.

I smiled and a wave of confidence came over me. From what I understood Oli was my boyfriend and I could do what I wanted with him. I gently rolled out of his arms and straddled his waist. The beating hot sun was now hitting my shoulders and back from the big window behind us. Olive still kept his eyes closed but they were now covered by his hands.

I ran my palms up and down his shirtless torso. This was a whole new feeling for me, a mans chest. Oli's felt hard and warm, but his skin was extra soft all at the same time. My body leaned over and I placed a kiss under his collarbone. I couldn't really reach his neck at the moment. My arms pulled his down away from his face and I kept planting kisses on his chest.

I laid on top of him and whispered next to his ear. "Oli please wake up for me?"
"Stoppppp." He groaned.
"Why?" I asked running my hands through his hair.
"Cause you're getting me off and I'm seconds away from pulling your clothes off and having my way with you." He said emotionless, eyes still shut.

I rolled off of him at that point. Pushing my head into his side. I wasn't ready to have sex with him. I was only a kid and I was totally clueless to the workings of the dirty deed. I was just not okay with that.

"Yeah, that's what I thought." He said sheepishly grinning and then moments later drifting back to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's been a long time. I really hate school a lot and i've been switching classes a bit.
Thanks to everyone who's been subscribing, I love you guys!
Please give me some comments though, I need them desperately!