Status: active

I Almost Told You That I Loved You


~Olivia's Point of View~

Okay, so I made a huge mistake. I was regretting telling Nate I loved him, so as soon as he fell asleep I panicked, threw up a couple of times, brushed my teeth, and then went to go talk to Nate's roommate, Drake. I thought that maybe it would help me think better if I heard an opinion from someone hadn't known my entire life. I knocked on the door hurriedly and Drake answered. "Hey babe, what can I do for you?" he asked. "Um, hi Drake. I wanted to talk to you about Nate" I said. He then knew who I was. "Oh, okay fine" he said. As I walked through the doorway I swore I felt his gaze on my ass. I turned around and he sat down on the couch. "Where are the other guys?" I asked. "The bar" he said casually. Nate and his band mates lived in a condominium on the hills in Cedar Rapids. I had never been in it before, but it was nice. I looked at Drake and he smirked. He was more attractive than I had remembered. Probably because I hadn't paid attention until now. I explained to him how I felt and everything, and he listened. He ACTUALLY listened.

~flashback to the night before~
"Thanks for listening Drake" I said. He looked in my eyes. "Yeah, uh, no problem" he said. He stood up and we looked at each other for a very long time. Then he did something totally unsuspected - he kissed me. I kissed back out of sheer attraction to him. He placed his big hands on my ass and lifted me up, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. Pushing me up against a wall, he just ran his hands all over me, and at this point, I didn't care. This guy knew what he was doing.

~back to present time~
I rolled over and there was Drake, sleeping with an arm around my waist. I shook him awake. "Hey Hun." he said. "Drake, I've got to go" I said. "Oh, okay. I'll get up" he said. He pulled me on top of him and kissed me. "You are a keeper" he said. I laughed and kissed him again. "Uh, what's Nate going to think about this?" I asked. I had forgotten all about him. "He doesn't have to know" he said. He did have a point... "Right" I said. I got up and started pulling on my shirt and jeans that had been thrown in various places across the bedroom. "Alright" he said. He grabbed my phone, entered his number in it and then handed it back. "Call me when you have a chance" he said sweetly. He kissed me once more. Putting my arms around him, I squeezed and sighed deeply. His muscular, warm body embraced me as if I was meant to fit right there; in his arms. "Bye" he whispered in my ear. "Bye," I said. I turned around and walked out the door. I took a taxi back to Liz's apartment. I bolted up the stairs and into the apartment, where Nate was on the couch. When I got through the door, he sprung up. "Hey, where have you been?" he asked. "Sorry I didn't call. I went out and spent some time with….Andrea" I lied. "Oh, alright" he said. He sat back down and I started up something to eat. "I'm going to take a shower" I said. He nodded. "Okay" he said. I felt a pang of guilt every time I looked at him. I hopped into the shower and after 20 minutes I got back out and wrapped up in a towel. I walked back out into the living room to see him half asleep on the couch. I bet he had waited up most of the night for me.
"Hey" said Nate, trying his best to keep his eyes open. "Hey" I said. "You have a new voice mail. Your phone was on silent" he said. I opened it up, and, sure enough, it was from Drake. I shut it, making a mental note that I would just call him later, and then looked back down to see Nate checking me out. "Hey!" I said. "Sorry" he said innocently. "Whatever" I said jokingly. He came over and kissed my cheek. "Is everything okay? You look totally tense. Maybe you need a massage" he said. "Um..." I trailed off, remembering the last time he'd given me a massage. "Go get dressed, except for a top, and then come back in here" he said. I did as asked and then came back in the living room with my hands over my boobs to cover them. He pointed to the couch. "Lay down on your stomach" he said. I laid down and then moved my hands, and he began to work his hands into my shoulders. "How do you survive with all of this tension?" he asked. I shrugged. He continued to massage my back and shoulders for the next half an hour, and we just sat there and talked about basically everything. Then I finally got up and put on my bra, which was in the floor, where I had put it before Nate had started in. I turned around to face him and he kissed me. I nibbled on his bottom lip a little bit to make it out like I hadn't been up to anything and then I pulled away. I knew it now; I was paranoid, and I was guilty. "Nate, what would you ever do if I slept with one of your band mates?" I said, trying as hard as I could not to give anything away. He paused. "Well, considering the fact that we made out and told each other that we loved them yesterday, I'd be pretty damn upset" he said. I felt the pang of guilt again. "Nate" I said again. "What?" he asked.

I couldn't do it.
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more updates tomorrow!