Status: active

I Almost Told You That I Loved You


~~One week later~~

"WAKE UP!" I heard Nate yell. I jumped up and looked at the clock. It was only 10 o'clock. "Goddamn it Nate! I could have slept another hour and a half" I said. I rubbed my eyes and looked at him. I had forgotten how beautiful his eyes were. They were a mix between cold gray and ocean blue. "Sorry" he said. It took me about two minutes to say something again. "It's all right. Let's just go grab breakfast" I said. I grabbed his hand and we walked out of the house. "Uh, you're still wearing your pajamas" he said. "So?" I retorted. I skipped along the sidewalk and he stumbled behind. "Skip with me!" I said joyfully. "No can do" said Nate. I scoffed, "You're no fun". "Am too" he said. I shrugged and we walked into the Happy Chef. "Hey Olivia" said Jess, my best friend that I worked with at Hot Topic. "Hey Jess. This is my friend Nate" I said. "I see. I'm Jess" she said sweetly. Nate smiled at her and then she led us to our table. "Do you ever come here in regular clothes?" Jess asked me. I grinned and shook my head no. "Whatever, twerp. What would you like to drink?" she asked Nate. "Orange Juice" he said. "How about you?" she looked at me and my Spongebob Squarepants pajama shorts. "Usual" I said. "Should have figured" she grinned and walked away.
"She's very sweet" said Nate. "You want in her pants" I said. "Do not" he said. "Whatever" I replied flatly. I sat back and he looked over at me. "What?" I asked. "You've changed so much" he said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "You have blond and black hair... Your piercings...your tattoos. Your frame...." He said. "Yeah. That doesn't mean that I still don't get disgusted with myself, though" I stated. "Yeah, like always" he said. I smacked him upside the head and he made and "O" with his mouth. "Are you trying to say something Mr. VanSlyke? Spit it out" I said. "I guess what I'm trying to say is that you look good" he said with a smirk. "Oh, I see. Forget Jess's pants, you want in mine" I told him. When I finished my sentence he fell back on his chair and hit the floor. Hard. Jess came running up to our table to help Nate up. "Are you okay?" she asked. He gave a look of defeat and I started laughing. He sighed. "I'm all right" he said. "All right" she said. She helped Nate up back into his chair and he looked at me. "I do not" he said. "Oh, that's right. You're still a virgin" I said smugly. He looked at me weirdly. "You're not?" he asked. "No" I said. He didn't say anything for a minute.
"What?" I asked. "Well, I just thought that you were...waiting for me" he said. "Well, I didn't think you'd ever want anything to do with me after graduation, when you dumped me and never tried to get in touch whatsoever after wards" I said. "That's not true. I tried calling your old cellphone number numerous times after you moved, and no answer. Then I ran into Laura, and she said that you had gotten a new number. She gave it to me, and I wanted to call you so many times... but I couldn't" he said. "So you haven't had a girlfriend in six years?" I asked. "Yes, I have. It didn't work out. Dumb slut" he said. "Oh. I'm sorry sweets" I said. Jess had now come back to the table and was looking at us. "Ready to order?" she asked. "Yeah, I'll take what I usually have" I said. "I figured. What about you?" she asked. "Eggs, bacon, toast" he asked. "So, what she wants?" she asked, pointing towards me. "Yeah" he said. I giggled and he pinched my upper leg from under the table. I squealed loudly, and everyone in the diner looked up at me, staring weirdly. I blushed. Nate sat there, laughing, and I did the same thing to him. Jess rolled her eyes and left the table. Nate and I continued to torture each other from under the table. "Jeez, we've been doing this since freshman year" I said. "I know, and it never gets old" he said. He pinched my thigh and I laughed. I grabbed his hand from getting me again and he blushed, badly. "Does someone miss me?" I asked. His head went low and he slowly shook his head yes. "Awe" I said. I felt bad. Wait a cotton-picking minute. Do I still love him?
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Sorry for the late update! I've been über busy.
Love to my subscribers! Comments are always welcomed :D