Status: active

I Almost Told You That I Loved You


"I can't wait to get home" I said, skipping around Nate as we walked. "Yeah, we've missed you" he said. "Shut up. It's not my fault that America's gone down the drain" I said. He rolled his eyes. "Nothing is good enough for you, is it?" he said. You are I said to myself. God dang it Olivia, you don't love him anymore. Quit saying things like that. I kept telling myself that, but even I knew that I couldn't fool myself. Why was it so easy to fall for him? Why? Did you ever think that it was meant to be Olivia? I made a quick reply to my thoughts. No. Will you just shut it up there? I asked in my mind. No way Jose. This is just too fun. You've ignored me for the past six years. My turn to speak. Whatever. "Olivia?" Nate asked. I shook my head. "Sorry, what?" I asked. "I said that the plane's leaving soon. Grab your shit and put it on the belt" he said. I grabbed my carry on and put the rest of my stuff on belt. I already had everything set up: Jess would watch my pets, and I was still going to get paid by my boss. Everything was good. Except , Trent...
*two days ago*
Nate, Trent, and I were hanging out at my house. Trent had his arms around my protectively, but as much as I enjoyed it, something about it didn't feel right. It had felt right before, but now that I see two other eyes that I hadn't seen in years piercing me and Trent, it felt different. He and Nate were discussing Nate's life. I was just waiting for the moment that I was going to be brought up. "So, how do you know my girl?" Trent asked. "Well, she and I dated on and off for four years" Nate said. Why didn't he just say we were best friends? Goddamn. "Ah, I see" Trent said suspiciously, "Where are you staying at?" Trent asked. "With Olivia" he said. I glared at Nate. Trent didn't know that Nate had been staying with me for the past 5 days. "What?" Trent asked. "What?" I asked. "You have your fucking ex boyfriend staying in your house with you?" Trent asked. "Yeah, whats it to you?" I asked. "I'm your boyfriend, not him" said Trent. He was known to be too controlling at times, and I hated it. "Trent, calm down. It's not like we're sleeping together or anything" I said. "Yeah, right. I bet you've let him have his little way with you" Trent muttered. "What?" I asked. "You heard me" he said. "Get out. We're through" I said. I through his arms off of me and Nate came to my side. "See you later, whore" he said. He slammed the front door shut and I was almost in tears. So much for the last 6 months of my life.
*end flashback*

Oh well, his loss. We boarded and sat down in our seats. "Did you bring a portable DVD player or something?" Nate asked. "Duh. What kind of person do you think I am?" I asked. The kind of person that I'm totally in love with he thought in his mind. "Sorry" he said. "Don't apologize for something that I'm not mad at you for. All right?" I said. "Yeah. Give me a blanket, will you?" he asked. I got one out of my carry-on bag and pulled it over both of us. "I'm going to go back to sleep, all right?" I asked. "Fine with me" he said. I rested my head on the head rest and found it was horribly uncomfortable. "Did you bring a pillow?" I asked. Mine were in my suitcase. "No, sorry" he said. I rested my head on his shoulder. "Goodnight" I said. He chuckled. "Night" he said.
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Sorry! i've pretty pretty dang busy and its so hard to update. But i promise the updates will be close together now! :) smiles
