Status: active

I Almost Told You That I Loved You


*2 hours later*
"Wake up" he said softly into my ear. I slowly rose my eyelids to see Nate staring at me weirdly. "I'm up" I said. He grinned and pulled me up out of my chair. I packed my blanket and other stuff up and we walked off of the plane. "When was the last time you acutally saw Liz?" he asked. "Since the day I left" I said. "Oh, that must have been hard" he said. "Yes, but we've talked a lot, so that's better than nothing" I said. We walked through the airport and when we got through getting our stuff and other, I saw a girl with red hair and black clothes with a sign that said "Do-Her-Ty" on it. OMG Liz I thought.
I walked over to her and she gave me a weird look. "Who are you?" she asked. "Jeez, six years and you've already forgotten what I look like" I said. She flung her arms around me. "Oami" she said. "Lizzle" I said back. We couldn't control it anymore and we both started sqealing and jumping around. "It's been torture!" she said. "I know. I've missed you so much" I said. We were both in tears. Thank goodness for water proof makeup. Nate then walked over with his stuff and stood there. "Gee, your boyfriend looks a heck of a lot like Nate" she said. "That IS Nate blondie" I said. "Rachael is the blondie, not me, okay?" she asked. I simply nodded and she looked back over to Nate. "Fairyfield" she said simply. I laughed and he scowled at Liz. "I've never stopped hating you" he said. "Eh, same here. Ready to go?" she asked. We both nodded and she led us out to her, as I expected, black and gold costumed 2007 Shelby GT Mustang. "You finally got it" I said. "Yep" she said. She smiled and we all got in, throwing our stuff in the trunk beforehand.
"So, off to my house we go?" she asked. I nodded. She ripped out of the parking lot and out onto the highway, doing about 80. "Did you get driving tips from Joe Stalnaker or something?" I asked. "No, I just like to go fast, you know, like Ricky Bobby" she said, smiling over at me. I rolled my eyes and looked out the window. I saw the different signs as we drove, and we pulled into the exit that said, "Marion." Boy, did I ever miss that town. It was where I, in essence, was raised. I was there a lot. The the past six years hadn't let me come back here, mostly because of Liz's and my busy work schedules. However, that's over now. We pulled onto Fifth Ave and I looked at all the places: my dad's old auto repair shop, that now had a sign on the gate that said, "Clink's lawn mowing Repair." We passed all the alleyways and streets that Liz and I had walked down to get to various places, and Walgreene's. I missed that store. We got to Liz's mom's apartment building and I stopped. "Liz, why are we stopping here?" I asked.
"Stopping? Dude, this is where I've been living the past 3 months, ever since Shannon stole my credit card and left. My mom moved to a trailer court outside of Marion and this is what I got" she said. I smacked a hand to my forehead. "I told you he was no good" I said. "Yeah, well, you know me. I'm stupid" she said. I patted her shoulder and she looked up at me. "I have a huge debt to pay off" she said. "I can help, if you want" I said. She shrugged. "Let's go inside you guys. I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to head to the bank for a little while. I'm trusting you guys alone. Please don't do anything you'll regret" she said. We hauled our stuff inside and she drove off again. "Poor Liz" I said. I walked straight up to apartment 5 and took out the key that went to it. "You have your own key?" Nate asked. "Yes. Also, Liz has a key to my house" I said. "Wow, your guy's trust level is unbelievable" he said. I nodded and unlocked the door. We placed our stuff on the couch, and I looked around; the place looked a lot roomier. Probably because the building was completely redone and now the whole top floor was one apartment. "Great place" he said. "Yeah, for a small one" I said. I plopped down on the couch and he picked me right back up and threw me over his shoulder. "Uh, what are you doing?" I asked. "I don't know" he said innocently.
I started beating on his back with my fists and kicking and he sat me down on the guest room bed. "What the hell Nate?" I asked. "I was thinking" he said. "Oh my God. You actually do that? I thought I was the only one..." I said. He pinched my leg again, which was now covered by some dark denim jeans. "I love you, all right? No denying that. But the question is, do you feel the same?" he asked. I pushed him off of me with my legs. Ohhhh Olivia, watch out. Nate's going to find out your dirty little secret. You know, denial isn't a river in Egypt said my conscience. Fuck off I retorted back to my mind. He was now on top of me again. "Nate, I'm not going to make a sex tape with you. Erase that thought from your mind" I said. "Just shut up and kiss me" he said. He took ahold of my hair, bent my head back, leaned in and kissed me...
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Oh snap :O cliffhanger!