Status: active

I Almost Told You That I Loved You


... and before we knew it I was straddling him with my shirt over in the corner and his in the opposing corner. "I'll take that as a yes" he said. He had the dirtiest smirk on his face. I smiled at him and kissed him again. "Yeah, you're right" I said. "Okay, so now that's settled, will you go back out with me?" he asked. "Nate, I live 14 hours away from you. How would we ever see each other?" I asked. The smile left his face. "I had never thought about that..." he trailed off. "The only way it could ever work is if I moved back here, which I am not doing. Or if you moved in with me, but that wouldn't work because of your band..." I said. He cupped my face in his hands. "I love you. I hope that's good enough" he said. We heard someone coming up the stairs. "Shit" I muttered. I got off of Nate and went over ot the corner and put my shirt back on. "Get your shirt on" I said. He nodded and squirmed back into his shirt. I heard the door open and we went out into the living room. It wasn't Liz standing there.
Oh my God.
"Shannon?" I asked. "Uh, hey Olivia. I didn't know you were in -" I slapped him across the face. "Why did you do that to her?" I asked. "For your information, I was here to tell Liz that I'm returning her credit card. But I can't afford to pay the money back yet" he said. "You're full of it Shannon" I said angrily. "Ummm" Nate said. "Nate, can you go into the other room?" I asked. He nodded and left. "Just hand me the card" I said. "No, I'm here to see Liz" he said. "I don't give a flying fuck, get out. If you really loved her you'd know better to come here to try and get back with her" I said. His expression read "Damn, you're good". "Fine, I'll leave. Just tell her I'm sorry, alright?" he said. I didn't say a thing. I just glared at him. He turned around and left. I stood there in my puddle of "pissed off" in complete silence. "Can I come back out now?" I heard Nate say from a distance about a minute later. "Yes" I said. He came back out and threw his arms around my waist, pulling me back to him. "Where were we?" he asked. "In the guest room" I said, trying to be a smart alec. He smirked at me. "You are something else" he said. "Yeah, I know. Don't pretend that you don't like it though" I said. "I wasn't, was I?" he asked. "No, but still" I said. We were about to kiss again when my phone went off; Crazy Bitch. I danced as I flipped open the phone and looked at the message:

Hey its me srry but Em in hospital having the baby I'll be back tomorrow around noon xxx

"Looking like we're stuck in this apartment alone" I said. "Hmmm" he said. "Keep your dirty thoughts to yourself Mr. VanSlyke" I said. "How about I just show them to you?" he said. "How about not?" I asked. "Fine" he said. "Haha I win" I said. "Shut up" he said. He sat down on the couch and I sat down next to him. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "I missed this" he said. He just sat there, looking at me. After about 5 minutes of us just sitting there and him not taking his eyes off of me, I decided to say something. "Are you going to turn on the TV, or are you just going to sit there and look at me?" I asked. He shook his head. "Sorry" he said. He turned on the the TV and Baywatch was on. "Alright" he said. I knocked the remote out of his hands and changed it to Spongebob. "Meh!" I said. "You're so immature" he said. I scoffed. "And you aren't?" "I never said that" he said, laughing. He poked my leg again and I started laughing - but then stopped. We both knew what was coming next - a full-fledged poke fight. We started rolling around on the carpet - pinching and poking each other. Finally after tiring each other out, we stopped and laid on the floor, looking at each other. "I love you" he finally said. "I love you too" I said slowly. There, I said it. He smiled and took me in his arms. "Who was right for once? Oh wait, I'm always right. Never mind" said my mind. I said back to my conscience, "Remind me, I've told you to fuck off today, haven't I?"