Status: active

I Almost Told You That I Loved You


*Switching to Amy's Point of View*

Ugh. Another terrible day at work. I threw off my work shoes and went into my room to change into some casual clothes. I am so sick of working in that tiny cubicle, while I'm waiting for something better to come along. But, no, I HAD to marry Kyle as soon as I got out of High School - totally ruining my future college plans. I shouldn't be saying this: I mean, Kyle's a great guy. I just wonder sometimes if it was REALLY meant to be for us. Sometimes I still think of the guy I was dating the beginning of senior year: Lucas Sperfslage. I wonder where my best friend, Olivia, went. Heck, sometimes I even wonder about Nate. I miss my friends. I want to move back to Iowa sometimes, but...not with my job. "Hey" I heard Kyle say from the doorway. "Hey, I'm in the bedroom" I said. He came in and sat down on the bed. "Honey, I'd like to talk to you about something" he said. "Yes?" I asked. "Well, you know how I've been working overtime lately?" he said, uneasily. Hm, something was up. "Yeah?" I said hastily. "Well...I haven't been working exactly" he said. "So what have you been doing?" I asked. "I've...been...h.having a.f.f.f.ffair" he said.
I could feel my jaw go limp and drop. "I've spent the past six years of my life, doing everything I can just to please you, and THIS is what I get?" I asked. He nodded. I could tell he was ashamed. But wait, could this be my chance to get out? "I'm done Kyle. Go screw her for all I care" I said. I started packing up all of my possessions and things (the ones I had brought with me to Chicago). 10 minutes later, I was all done. "Baby, you can't do this" he said. "If my boss calls, tell her to mail all of my stuff to 4427 Rath Rd, Central City Iowa, 52214" I said. I wheeled my stuff out onto the sidewalk and slammed the door behind me. Was I really doing this? I couldn't believe it. Hm
*fast forward to the next morning*

After 3 straight hours of driving and a night in a run-down hotel, I was finally in Iowa City. Boy, I needed some coffee. I'm sure glad I don't have those darn sugar rushes anymore. It's nice to just be calm all the time. With the exception of last night, of course. But still, coffee... Ah, a Starbucks. I pulled into the drive-thru and ordered a vanilla mocha. I paid, chugged the whole thing in the parking lot, and then drove to Cedar Rapids. I wave of relief swept over me - I was here. I started looking around at all of the things I hadn't seen in so long - the airport, the stores, the road signs... It was all so overwhelming. A single tear ran down my eye. I laughed a little bit and drove down highway 100 to hwy 13, where I drove until I reached my house. When I got there, at about 9:30, I went up and unlocked the door. My parents nor Nora were home. Looking around at everything made me want to cry again, but I didn't. I just collapsed on the couch and I was out like a lamp.
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I know, it's kind of dead right now, but it'll be pickin' up again soon!