‹ Prequel: Booze, Boys, and Buses
Status: Active

Mommy, Maid, and Mrs. Sanders

Chapter One

My eyes fluttered open and I was staring up at the deep red canopy above my head. I felt some shifting next to me, causing me to smile. I looked to my left to see my husband sleeping next to me. His arm was rested over my waist while he lay on his stomach.

“Morning.” I whispered, kissing his forehead.

I heard a loud shriek followed by, “Max! I’m telling on you!”

I sighed as loud thumps made their way up the stairs. I didn’t want to wake up Matt after he’d had such a long night down at the studio so I jumped up quickly but quietly and ran to the door before my two sons got to it first. The door flew open in my face but I jumped out through the door and shut it before the two devil’s ransacked my room.

“What is going on? Your father is sleeping!” I whispered harshly.

“I’m sorry but mom, Max ate the last cereal bar! I wanted it!” My youngest one, Travis cried to me.

I sighed loudly and placed a hand on both of their backs. “Let’s discuss this downstairs so we don’t wake Dad.”

The three of us made our way down the stairs and into the kitchen. Max sat down on one of the stools around the island table. Travis sat across from him.

“Ok, Max, did Travis tell you that he wanted it?” I asked, sitting next to Travis at the table.

“No.” Max explained.

“Ok then Travis, how was he supposed to know that you wanted it if you didn’t tell him?” This was common between my ten year old and twelve year old. They were constantly arguing. I suppose it was just a children’s thing.

“I don’t know!” Travis whined, pouting.

I hated it when he gave me that look. It was damn near impossible to be angry with him when he looked at me like that.

“Next time if you want something you should let him know ahead of time okay?” I asked, raising my eyebrows to ensure an understanding.

“Okay mom.” Travis stormed off.

He was not happy with me in the slightest bit, although he never was. “Go get ready for school.”

Max removed himself from the kitchen and headed upstairs. Having two children, even though one was adopted, really took a toll on my stress level. With Matt working most of the day, I was stuck at home cleaning and taking care of the kids. I guess I was like your average fifties house wife minus the abuse from my spouse. I decided to make Travis something for breakfast; I couldn’t bring myself to let him go with nothing. I went to the bread box and pulled out some white bread. I tossed it in the toaster and walked into the living room. The California sun was beginning its climb into the sky during the early morning. Travis came downstairs and lay his head into my left side.

“I love you mom.” Proxy-Connection: keep-alive
Cache-Control: max-age=0

e looked up at me and smiled with those beautiful hazel eyes he had inherited from his father.

“I love you too sweetheart.” I kissed the top of his head and then ran my hands through his hair.

The toaster popped so I walked into the kitchen. Travis preferred peanut butter over butter so that’s what he got. I heard some giggling in the living room so I peered in. Travis and Max were bouncing around on the couch.

“Travis and Max Sanders! You two had better cut that out right now! You two know the rules about jumping on the furniture! Now behave! Travis get your butt out here I made you some toast.” I scolded, tossing the toast onto the table.

Travis skulked into the kitchen and sat down at the table to begin eating. I heard the television click on and I sighed.

“Max did you brush your teeth? You weren’t up there long enough to have done that!” I called into the living room.

He growled and the television clicked off. I rolled my eyes and went into the dining room. The high ceiling and dark, romantic red calmed me. I shut the door and took a moment to breathe. Matt was lucky to get to sleep in. He wouldn’t survive one day in my shoes. After Travis finished his toast and Max brushed his teeth I sent them outside to the bus. It was time to start my daily chores. In an hour and a half the dishes were washed, the laundry was switched and folded, and the boys’ beds were made.

“Hi honey.” Matt said as I sat down with my bowl of cereal.

“Hi, what are you doing today?” I asked, looking at him.

“I’m heading to the studio with the guys. Brian has to stay home though, Keagan was sick today.” He sighed and ran his hands through his hair.

“You need a hair cut.” I laughed and turned my attention back to my lucky charms.

“Yes I know. I need one really bad. Do you think you can give me one tonight?” He asked, kissing my head.

“Don’t I always?” I asked, laughing.

“Yes you do, and that’s why I love you so much!” He kissed my head again.

“Yeah, you know, don’t love me for my personality or anything.” I chuckled. “Love me because I cut your hair.”

He sighed loudly and pressed his lips to my neck. His tongue graced the skin sending tingles through my whole body. I let out a small moan and sighed.

“Baby you know what that does to me.” I whined, turning to face him.

“Yeah I know, and I love it.”

“Well I don’t, especially not at ten in the morning.”

He laughed and walked away from me. I pouted, now having an uncontrollable urge to take Matt in. He was such an ass when it came to that stuff sometimes.

“We’ll finish this later!” I shouted, returning to my cereal.

* *

After my long day of cleaning and cooking for the guys that were in our studio downstairs, I got graced with the dishes after dinner. It was difficult not having ever had a job. I was a stay at home mom with practically five husbands and way too much shit to do. Michelle, Kacie, Lacey, and Leana all had jobs so they got out all the time. They only time I went out was to go to the grocery store. I didn’t have time for anything else, having two children and a husband ruined me doing any of that.

“Max! Travis! It’s time to get settled into your jammies!” I yelled toward the stairs.

Matt walked into the kitchen and gave me a kiss on the cheek. “I love you.”

“I love you too, can you please make sure that they’re doing as I ask?”

“Yes dear.” He sighed loudly and walked toward the stairs.

“I know Matt because I ask so much of you all the time!” I called after him.

He said nothing and just continued up the stairs. He really drove me nuts sometimes. Well he’d be really pissed when I told him what I’d decided to do after the long day. After the dishes were done I went upstairs. The boys were in their separate rooms playing video games I assumed. I walked into my bedroom and sat down on the bed. Matt was sitting at the end of it. He sighed and then hugged me.

“Look I’m sorry okay?” He asked, tightening his grip around me.

I removed myself from his grip and stood up. “Matt, I’m getting a job.”

“What?” He asked in shock.

“You heard me. I’m getting a job.” I repeated.

“You can’t get a job! I have things to do in the studio! I need you here to take care of the kids and house stuff! How am I supposed to work too?” He asked, dumbfounded.

“I don’t know Matt, but it wouldn’t kill you to clean the house a little bit and take care of the kids once in a while. You’re perfectly capable of getting them ready for school in the morning.” I pointed out, walking over to the dresser.

“Yes I realize that but baby you’re so good at it. They wouldn’t want me to do it.” He said in retaliation.

“Oh yes Matt I know, because it would kill you to wake up when I do and take care of our sons like I do. Being a parent is tough.” I rolled my eyes.

“Cassie listen to yourself. You know I’m a good parent! I put a roof over their heads, I put food on the table, I pay for the vehicles we use to drive them around. I contribute so much. The least you can do for me is take care of them.”

“You listen to yourself Matt! We are married, we are a team now. I don’t like always having to wake up early in the morning to put the kids on the bus. I hate doing the dishes. Your dinner and snacks for the band don’t cook themselves, and on top of it all, how long would it take for you to switch over the laundry and fold it really quick hm?” I ripped open one of the drawers and pulled out my pajamas.

“Things would just suck if you got a job.” He gave me a pathetic face.

“Why, because house work would become a team effort? I’m not discussing it anymore Matt. I want a job like you wouldn’t even know. I feel like I’m useless. We’re not in the fifties anymore.” I threw on my pajamas and then left the room.

Matt didn’t understand, he just didn’t. I had lived thirty three years of my life without a job, I was tired of it. It was only when Matt had decided to pick up this big project with a new band. I don’t even recall what they said their name was. He was trying to put together a new big tour, like Taste of Chaos, Get a Life, and Warped Tour. Most of out marriage he had helped me out here and there, but for the past couple years he had been so busy doing other things that I was the one stuck doing everything around the house. I turned on the television and sighed happily. This was going to be a turn for the better.
♠ ♠ ♠
So yes, I have been gone for a loooooong time. I know! But I'm coming back now and I'm hoping that I don't ever leave again! I've started a relationship and have been in it for five months now which is what was distracting me from my writing, but I won't let it happen again! I truly enjoy doing it.