Lean on Me

“Lean on Me When You’re Not Strong”

This is a story about four people trying to find love, even in places they never thought to look. This is about friendships and leaning on though that you can call a friend. This story is about growing up and figuring out what you want in life.

Cay – The bartender that listens to the story of the depressed. The one craving for love, but finding something she would never imagine. Is she able to keep it a secret or will she be able to be open about it?

Erin – A naïve woman that only wants to see the good in people. She is stick in a frame of mind that could make her lose everything. Yet who is this knight in shining armor that is there to save her? Or is it just another heartache?

Matt – A boy with a big dream. All he ever wanted to do is perform and entertain through his lyrics. Yet he never thought a girl would be part of his big dreams. But could this girl have a secret that would ultimately break his own heart?

Hayley- An outspoken singer that has a message to the world. She is here to live life to the fullest and fall in love with the one person she could spend the rest of her days with. But once she sees what she wants most in live, she goes for it head first, even if she there is a wall holding her back.