Status: Short Storyy



I’m jealous of my best friend, she got the perfect guy. I mean like THE guy. The prince charming for Cinderella. I just have not found mine, maybe never will. Well yeah, she’s very pretty. Who doesn’t like her? They must be retarded or something. Besides that, look at me, I’m not that pretty, and some boys seems so not suitable for me. Trust me, I dated a lot of guys, but they seem to care about themselves. Boys like Ethan ( My best friend, Carly ‘s boyfriend ) are like a rare species of boys. They understand and like the way you are. Carly is lucky to have a guy like him.Ethan, doesn’t care if Carly hang out with me a lot. But on Fridays, it’s their day. Gah! Why can’t I just find that guy!!
“ Hey, what are you thinking about?” Carly asked.
“ Nothing, just some chores I forgot to do.” I lied. Of course, I lied. I wouldn't tell her, ‘Oh I’m so jealous of you having a guy like that.’ No way.
“ Hey, Ethan asked me to bring you to this coffee shop . It so cool.” Carly said.
“ Nah, I don’t want to be the third wheel.” Even though Ethan is cool with me being around, I just don’t feel comfortable.
“ Haylee Margaret Taylor. For a ga-zillion time, WE DON’T CARE! “ Carly assured me. “ I think he’s bringing he’s childhood friend from Ohio, I think, coming with us.”
“ But still-“ she cuts me off.
“ No buts. YOU GOING . THAT’S FINAL.” Oh great, she’s acting like mom.
“ Yes, mommy.” I said sarcastically

“ Can I have a hot chocolate, please.” I ordered from the cashier.
“Coming right up.” He said with a smile.
As soon as got my hot choc, I went to sit across Ethan and Carly.
“ Hey! I did’nt know they serve Hot Choc!” Carly look into my hot chocolate, and her eyes went wide open went she saw the marshmallows. “ AND MARSHMALLOWS !”
“ Dude, chill. You could just order one.” I said to her.
Then, a blond guy with piercing green eyes, not to mention a hot body, coming towards us. I could see myself drool at him.
When Ethan saw him and start waving at him to come and sit with us. I guess, he’s the childhood friend.
“ Hey!” the guy said. He’s pretty cool.
“ Adrian, I guess you know my wonderful girlfriend, Carly. And this is Haylee, her bestfriend.” Ethan introduced us.
The Adrian guy smile at both of us, “ Nice to meet you guys. Heard so much about you.” And with that he sat beside me.
I could feel my heart skipped a beat. OHMYGOSHHH, a hot guy sitting beside me.
“ So, Haylee.” Omg, he remembered my name! “ What do you like?”
YOU. “ Err, music?”
“ Yeah.” He said.
“ Erm, I love All Time Low, Boys Like Girls, Paramore , TAA, Blink 182, Muse and all that.” He look at me with a shocked face on his face. “ You think I’m a punk, huh?”
“ No. Just surprised that you like Muse and Blink. You don’t seem to be a kind a girl who likes that kind of band.” He said.
“ Haha, you expect me to like Miley Cyrus and all? They’re okay.” I replied. “ How about you??”
“ WOW.” He said. “ I mean, yeah. I like Blink 182. All Time Low is kinda awesome.”
“ Hey guys!” Carly interrupting our conversation. “ Ethan and I are going and get some Frozen Yogurt . kay? Wanna follow?”
“No thanks.” Adrian said. A big smile appeared on my face.
“ Whatever you say…” she walk out hand in hand with Ethan.
As soon as they were out of sight, we continued our conversation.
“ So… you like Blink right?” he asked me.
“ Yeahh,” I agreed.
“ I got a an extra tickets to see them. Want to come?” he offered.
“Are you asking me out?” I asked.
“Yeah.” I saw a shade of red appeared on his cheeks, make him look so much cuter.
“ Sure.” I agreed.
“ Haha, you seem pretty cool you know. Not like most girls I used to date. “ He kind of spat at the last sentence.
“ I’ll take it as a compliment.” I smiled.
We continued our conversation until it was dark outside.
“ Hey, can I have your number?” I took his phone and save my number inside, and missed call my number to get his.“ Thanks.”
“ No problem.” Without thinking, I kissed his cheek.
“ You know, even I just know you for like a day, I feel like I known you for years.” He said. “ Would you be my girlfriend?”
“ You know, I feel like it to.” With that I kissed him.
WOW. You says, I can’t find my guy. I already found him, and feel like his my prince charming. Now I felt what Carly did. I felt like the luckiest girl in the world.
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