

I didn't know what to do. I didn't think I could do anything. Each day I would get home from work and expect two more videos on my doorstep. Three days passed since I watched the last one and the state I was in wasn't any better. I shouldn't have been like this; if it was a movie or TV show, I would have been fine. But it wasn't, and that's what scared me. The fact that this was a real girl and, whether she was telling the truth or not, these videos were definately not scripted.

But me, out of everyone, she chose me. I couldn't guess why. But, now that I think about it, she was very lucky. Those tapes could have gone on anybody's doorstep; a police officer, a phsyciatrist...

But at least they could have helped her. I went looking around the streets, walking around and around untill it got dark, hoping to see her. I was edgy, and mumbling to myself. Often I would think I saw her at a window, or behind a tree, and become terrified. I was embarrassed at how much of a coward I was. I shouldn't be scared, if anyone should be it should be her. But she was. She was so terrified.

But one afternoon, as I was walking around, I found myself at an old church. It looked like it hadn't been used for a while. I walked it, and sneezed about five times from the dust falling in my face. There was a figure, small and frail, sitting down on a wooden pew, shivering. I walked up to her, not bothering to be silent. My sneezing had made me known already.

"Hello?" I asked, and she shook her head. She turned to face me, and I knew who it was. I knew so well. I just stared. She was mumbling, scratching her arm like she had in the video. I noticed a camera near the steps, and a pile of probably unused tapes. I put my hand on her shoulder, and she grimaced, shrinking away and screaming. I took a few steps back.

"Don't." She shuddered. "It hurts."

I took a step closer, and she screamed. "Go away!" Her voice rose to a shriek.

"Okay, okay. Shh. I'm not going to touch you, okay?" I put my hands behind my back, and she looked like she was trying to trust me. "It's alright. Just come out and I can take you someplace nicer than this. Someplace warm?" She nodded, biting her lip. "Do you have," I sneezed, the dust getting into my nose again. "Do you have family?" She shook her head wildly. As we began to walk, she came a bit closer. "Do you know who I am?" I asked. She looked at me for a few seconds, then shook her head. "No, okay. I'm the person you sent those tapes to. I want to help you, yeah?" I spoke slowly and carefully. She grimaced. "What's your name?" She shrugged. "You don't know." I stated.

"I don't know which name is mine." Her voice was small, almost impossible to hear.

"Who is she?" I asked cautiously, stopping at the doors of the church. She shrugged. "Is she... Your friend?" She looked at me with wide eyes, filled with so much hate and so much hopelessness. That was enough for me. "Where is she? Do you know?" She pointed to herself. I frowned.

When I had watched those videos, I thought it was an older person hurting her. I don't think I wanted to believe what was most likely the truth.

"I still hear her scream." She mumbled. "Every time I breathe, every time I move. She comes and goes but now she says she's here forever." I didn't know what to do. I felt like running away and hiding in a corner, never having to look at those... Forsaken eyes ever again. But I wanted to do something. I put my hand on her shoulder, forgetting about earlier. She stumbled back, her face torn. "Go away!" She screamed. "Don't touch me! I hate you! I hate you I hate you!" I tried to calm her down, but she just kept screaming. "She is jealous! She says she wants to live again. She says it's all my fault because I wont let her live. But I wont. I wont I wont. I'll never let her live because she doesn't deserve-"

I grabbed her shoulders, and shook her lightly, and immediately she stopped shouting. She slapped my chest ahd pushed me away, running back to her seat, pulling her knees up to her chest and hugging them. She was crying. I was so confused and scared. I was a coward.

I ran.
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